S.A.C. Shafer's Audio Compresson version 4.0 01/21/93 This archive should contain the following files: SACKIT.TTP UNSACK.TTP SACKDOC.TXT I wrote this simple lossy compression program because all of my sound samples were taking up too much disk space. In addition, it was infeasable to trade samples over the modem because they were too long. Lossy compression was used because audio samples don't lend themselves to traditional types of compression because the data does not exhibit much simularity. However, I highly reccomend standard compression (LZH) after using the Sacker, since the data will be in a more compressable format. To use the Sackit program, double-click on SACKIT40.TTP and give it the following parameters: inputfile.SPL outputfile.SAC (bits) The inputfile is the audio sample to be compressed and the output file is your resulting Sacked file. The bit parameter is sound resolution that you want retained in the sacked file. The range is from 3 to 7 bits with the default (if no bits are specified) being 4. The Unsack program is also easy to use. Its parameters are as follows: inputfile.SAC outputfile.SPL Where inputfile is the compressed audio, and outputfile is the name of your newly uncompressed sample. Like I said, this is a pretty simple program that just strips off bits in order to achieve lossy compression, but it is effective. If anyone wants the source code it is available. I invite anyone to improve the program or to write a shell for it. I can be reached on Delphi (member JOELSHAFER) for comments or requests for the 'C' source code or you can write me at Joel Shafer 3109 Gwendolyn Edmond, OK 73034 P.S. Make sure the disk that you are expanding to has plenty of room or your sample will be cut short. Remember, that a 4 bit compression expands into 8 bits (twice the size) so you will need plenty of room!