April 6, 1993 This file contains two pictures. The first one, Altar.PI1, is the low resolution Degas picture of the original cad 3d image. The second one, Altar.TGA, is a 24 bit color 320 x200 picture rendered with POV Raytrace. The original .3d2 file was converted to POV format with the 3d2topov utility. I then edited the .pov file to change the textures and add a "sky" and "floor". It took over 11 hours to trace the picture on a 386sx-16 w/out a math coprocessor. I recommend using Pchrome3 to view the .tga file on standard ST's. This is a good example of the fantastic results you can get using cad 3d or cyber sculpt as a front end for POV raytrace. If you have any comments, ideas, suggestions, etc. leave email to S.BURTON2.