LEXICOR SOFTWARE IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE ===================================== *************************************** *** M E T A M O R P H O S I S 2 4 *** *************************************** The first 2 Dimensional Morpher for Atari ST/TT/Falcon Metmorphosis 24 can morph between two same TIFF pictures and create an intermediate morph of the two images. After having loaded your source and target frames you can not only produce single frames but tween whole keyframe animations in 24bit. Using set points to determine the morphing control points you can tell the program what points need to be morphed from the source and the target frame, the more points you add, the more detailed the morph will be. Some features are: - Easy and User Friendly Interface - Intuitive Toolbox (5 basic tools) - 4 levels of morphing depth - toggle rip on/off - Multitos/Mag'X Compatibility and Support - Complete GEM Windows Interface - TIFF Support - FPU Support - ST/TT/Falcon/Clones Support - * Suggested Retail is only 99 U$D * - ******** Special Offer is 79 U$D *********** LEXICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION - Distributors of the English Version 1726 Francisco Street Berkeley, CA 94703 U.S.A. Tel: (510) 848 7621 - Fax: (510) 848 7613 US Dealers please contact Lexicor Software Email: services@lexicor.com on Compuserve: 75300,763 or visit us in the atari area (go atariven) on DEPHI : LEXICORWORLD or visit us in go com atari on GENIE : LEXICOR or visit us in the GRAPHICS RTC (m1415) cat 22 * A short description of Morphing A Morph converts one object ito another over several frames (tweening). To morph between two images the area that you wish to morph/change needs to be outlined in the source and target frame which become your "key"-frames. Over a specified number of frames in a process known as tweening Metamorphosis 24 moves the points set in the "key"-frames and while changing, will retain a certain percentage of each of the intermittent frames. * What do I need to run this program Metamorphosis is a product that will run on any Atari ST, STe, TT (with Graphics Board), Falcon in upto 256 colors. The final results are stored as 24bit Truecolor Tiff's, even if you run the program in monochrome mode, Metamorphosis will always work in a True Color mode and save off it's files as such. Minimum requirements are a 1040 ST with 1 Megabyte but a 4 Megabyte System is recommended. Depending on your depth of calculation, it could take some time to render one frame, ultimately a TT or a Falcon would be ideal (with FPU). Metamorphosis supports the FPU, but does not require one. * What about animations? Metamorphosis can not only tween from one frame to another, but it will also tween from as many frames as the user decides (99 max). The whole process is automatic, once the user has defined the key-frames of the animation. * How do I play them back? Metamorphosis has a player that will run in 256 color modes on nearly every Graphic Board for the TT, Mega STe or Falcon. * Why would I want it? Metamorphosis is a unique product in the atari platform. People who enjoy doing graphic work will find a new and innovative tool of graphic manipulation on their atari (for painters and animators), but Metamorphosis requires no artistic skills what-so-ever to make stunning results. The final results can be used to print in Newsletters or any other DTP application, put on Video or make presentations on your Atari. This product is for anyone remotely interested in graphics work on their atari for hobby users and professionals. One of the most famous examples of this kind of Morphing was the Micheal Jackson Video "Dangerous", the end sequences featured several faces morphing into and onto each other. These kinds of effects are now possible on your Atari System using Metamorphosis 24.