------------------------------ MEGAPAINT MODULE DOCUMENTATION ½ 1991 CodeHead Software All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------ -- The Modules -- To install external modules for MegaPaint Professional, create a folder called MODUL inside the folder where you keep MEGA.PRG. Then place all the .MOD and .PRG files inside the MODUL folder. That's all there is to it; when you run MegaPaint it will automatically find the modules and put their names in the "External Modules" submenu. (NOTE: The order of the modules' titles in the MegaPaint menu has nothing to do with their numbered filenames; it depends on their physical order in the disk directory, similar to the way programs run from an AUTO folder.) There are five modules in this first collection; each module consists of two files, a .PRG file and a .MOD file. Here's what they do: MEGA_01.PRG/MOD Menu Bar Mania. This module displays a GEM screen with a menu bar, to let you get at your desk accessories. MEGA_02.PRG/MOD Load DEGAS Elite compressed pictures. (Monochrome only.) MEGA_03.PRG/MOD Load TINY compressed pictures. (Monochrome only.) MEGA_04.PRG/MOD Call CodeHead's MaxiFile III. MEGA_05.PRG/MOD Call Dr. Bobware's ScanLite to allow scanning with a Migraph, Geniscan, Golden Image, or Daatascan scanner directly into the MegaPaint picture area. For more info about ScanLite, contact: Dr. Bobware 180 N. Hazeltine Ave Campbell, OH 44405-1024 (216) 743-4712. Since the filenames of external modules are not very descriptive, I've built in a way to discover what each module does without constantly referring to this document; simply run the .PRG file, and an alert box will show you the function of the module. -- Changing Module Titles and Memory Requirements -- Along with these five modules, I've included a program called MODTWEAK.PRG, which lets you display the title and memory size of each module and edit these values if you wish. (The title and memory size of each module is contained within its respective .MOD file.) To use MODTWEAK, simply locate a .MOD file with the file selector. MODTWEAK will display the title and memory size of the selected module, and ask if you wish to edit them. If you type 'Y', MODTWEAK will prompt you to input first the title, then the memory size. You can use the existing value by hitting Return. The "memory size" is the amount of memory that MegaPaint will leave free when it runs, for use by the external modules. When MegaPaint starts up, it reads through all the .MOD files in the MODUL folder and finds the LARGEST memory amount specified, then grabs all available memory minus that amount. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun with this first batch of MegaPaint modules! - Charles F. Johnson Wednesday, December 11, 1991