SL_PREP W.D.Parks 11 November 91 This utility allows you to resize the buffer used by ScanLite for it's scanned images when ScanLite is used as an accessory. Needless to say, this offers flexibility and easy adaptations across the whole Atari line of ST/TT systems regardless of available memory. A scanbuffer of 0 length will force ScanLite to allocate memory only when it scans and to then release it before it exits. This way lends itself to use from the desktop or from within applications that do not use all available memory. For applications that *do* use all available memory, it is best to configure ScanLite to use it's own buffer. This way, there will always be memory for scanning, no matter which application you may use. Simply enter the number of kilobytes you wish to use as an internal buffer for SCANLITE.ACC. 64k is the minimum size. Any value below this will be ignored (except for zero, of course). ScanLite can run as either a PRG or as an ACC. When run as a program (PRG) there is no need for this internal buffer, in fact it is best to set this to zero since ScanLite will then use all available memory and not limit itself by this unused buffer. Although you can rename ScanLite between PRG and ACC, it is better if you use this utility to do so, since SL_PREP will automatically zero out the internal buffer for you with a single button click AND rename it as well. SL_PREP will ask where ScanLite is located, by providing the file selector. You may select it in either form. DO NOT keep sister copies of ScanLite.ACC and ScanLite.PRG in the same folder since SL_PREP will rename the selected file to the proper file extension. If such a file already exists in the folder then SL_PREP cannot rename it and you'll enter into that oft-visited place we call 'confusion-land' . It is recommended to keep your original ScanLite Diskette in a safe place. Do NOT modify the original. Doing so will only speed the processing of your passport to 'you-know-where'. -------------------------------------------------------------- Since we are altering the memory consumption of the disk file, SCANLITE.ACC, these changes will not take place in the ACC that is already in the accessory list. You must re-boot your system for it to install the modified ScanLite.ACC.