TAC-CAT Librarian TAC-CAT Orderer Programmer: Sanford (Sam) M. Furrow How to contact him: Call GEnie and leave mail to S.FURROW Librarian Current Version: 2.22 Orderer Current Version: 1.25 Status of Programs: Public Domain. I'd be honored if you used them for your users' group disk library. Notes: These programs may not be sold. Give 'em away. I'll keep working on them if there is interest in it. So far only two people have asked for bug fixes and changes (which I did). Instructions: Instructions can be found by running the programs and pressing the HELP key or selecting the Help option when it is available. Proper Program Set Up: In the same directory that the TAC_LIB.PRG is located, you should place the HELP folder with the help files. Otherwise, it's pretty much explained by the help files. Bug Fix Notes (02/14/92): Primary updates to these programs have been in the form of bug fixes. TAC-CAT Orderer now seems to work properly. A couple of small bugs in the Librarian have been delt with as well.