Here is a picture of an elephant I scanned with IMG Scan 1.71 on a color system. The raw data and configuration codes are included so you can see it from the way it entered the system to the final result. The original picture was an 8.5" x 11" color picture from a magazine, NOT a photocopy I took the raw data and converted it to AIM format using IMG_AIM2.PRG. Using AIM, I loaded the picture into A and copied it to B. I ran the Laplace function on A to A and the Equalize function on B to B. I then Added A to B. (This has worked with several pictures to give excellent results.) I then saved B and converted the picture back to IMG Scan format, loading it back into IMG Scan to fine tune the picture. Try it yourself using the files supplied and see the difference. AIM and IMG Scan together make a real POWER team. - Craig W. Daymon GEnie = C.DAYMON P.S. : The configuration file supplied may not work with your printer, mine is FX-80 compatible. The colors may be of use to give more than 8 visible ranges.