Trek samples for Gemsound! These are some samples that I made from a few STNG shows. I decided with the new Gemsound program that is out there that there were many great sound effects from Trek that would be great for Gemsound. So I sampled the following. I think all are either good or excellant quality. ALERT SMP -> Red alert sound. Great for alert box. BEEP SMP -> This is the Com badge beep. Great for menu selections KEYPAD SMP -> This is the sound of a key being hit on a keypad COMPUTER SMP -> This is that sound you hear when someone says "Computer" great for alerts also. DOORBELL SMP -> This is the sound you hear when someone wants to enter someones room. DOORCLOS SMP -> This is the sound of a turbo-lift door closing. This is excellant for a window close! DOOROPEN SMP -> Likewise this is a turbo-lift opening. Again great for the window open sound. If memory's tight use either of these for both the window opening and closing. ENGAGE SMP -> This is Picard saying "Engage". What is it good for? Don't know, just like it when he says it. FOOD SMP -> This is the sound the food processor makes when creating a beverage or food. I use it for the drag_box GAME SMP -> This is a beep from a game Worfs son was playing. Nice sound. HANDPHAS SMP -> This is the sound of a hand phaser. PHASER SMP -> This is the sound of the ships phasers. Enjoy. Mike Hill