Some short notes to the game TUZZLE Don't use this game with the blitter-TOS. Unfortunately, this game works in mono only. (Did you ever asked yourself why almost every German program is written for the mono-resolution?) To get the original German version delete the file TUZZLE_0.DAT and change the name from the file TUZZLE_0.DAX into TUZZLE_0.DAT. Tell me if you ever reached the last level! Enjoy this very well written game. If you are interested in more German PD software leave me a note in my mailbox. I got a lot of amazing utilities but I don't have the time to translate all of it. So, learn German and contact me! If you like this game try the following games I uploaded to the GEnie ATARI-roundtable: PENTIMO SBREAK (my favorite, only BOLO is better) DRACHEN (a must!) SHERLOCK LANDER Translation by (forgive me!) Jochen Fass, El Paso, Texas GEnie adress: J.FASS