Battle Set #1 Gridbug's collection August 22, 7:03 AM A multi-pronged attack unleashed on the British radar installtions which included JU-87's, BF110C-4B,s, and BF110C-4's for escort. This was one of the first attacks not on ships in the channel, and the Germans still knew the radar installions as RDF (Radio Direction Finding), far underestimating their inportance. 5 missions SPITLDR.FLT Yesterday, Moore, the man to the right in your vic, complained about the controls sticking, and you were forced down at Detling naval station. Imagine that, you 3 Eagles in amoungest the squids! Moore had only been up once, with no kills to his credit. Something about his oxygen not working his first flight, and he had headed home. Nothing had been wrong, he was just scared. Hopefully, you think, next mission he'll stick it out. At 6:30 you were awakened by some squids (your ground crew was at Lympne, where you were supposed to be. Luckily Detling was also a fighter base, although not heavily used yet, and the mechanics here had fixed Moore's bird. And a good thing, the squids claimed Germans were headed toward the coast near Lympne and your vic was supposed to bust it there. You look at Moore and Wilson, your two wingman, and give them the thumbs up. "Let's get them this time," you say, for Wilson only had one kill, a He-111 and he'd brought swiss cheese home for a plane. Green they were, but they were your buddies, and you prayed for their return as you hurriedly put on your flight suit then rushed to your plane, with Moore and WIlson lined up behind you, ready for take off. Head towards the Dover radar installion and stop the attack! InstuctionsL: assign yourself as Coleton, and Wilson and Moore as your wingmen. SPITWGMN.FLT Coleton, you're flight leader, had said, bust it there, that meant full throttle in the red. Still a little foggy, you watched as the ground crewman rolled the trolley-acc from your Spit, as the blue smoke rolled from its exhuast as the air-screw began to cut the air. After a short time, the engined warm on the smake dissappeared. You look ahead, check once more that the Sutton harness is tight, and wait for Coleton to give the signal. Last time, you'd turned chicken, but this time you had something to prove! Instructions: Assign your self as Moore, with Coleton as your flight leader, and Wilson as the remaining man in your vic. For the full experience, don't read the German instructions following until after you've flown the English side BF110BMB.FLT At 6:35 sharp you reported for briefing. Today you hit the Dover RDF tower. "Come in low, and stay below and behind the cap 110's. They should distract the English, and you go for the kill." You had faith it would work that way, and the 110 was a tough bird. Still this was your first bombing mission, before you were assigned only as a fighter, and didn't even fly in a Jabo. That had all changed a month ago, and here you were. BF110CAP.FLT The wind whistled by the cockpit causing a high pitched whine as it flew over a crack in the windscreen. You are to fly high and engage the British while the other 110 and the Stukas pound the Dover RDF station. Fumbling around against the windscreen, you look for the crack. Your gunner, behind you, laughs, saying, "You'll never find it!" "Shut up," you tease, "and turn around where you can do some good!" STUKAS.FLT Flying wingman in a formation of 4 Stukas, you look first at your gunner as he points to the last plane in the group and smirks. In the plane he pointed at was Kempf, a new man, and Kempf looked scared. He'd probably get lost, because he was way to tense at the controls. He had missed the Spanish Civil War entirely, but had managed a few missions in France, still it just didn't suit him well. You glance at the insturments before pulling out the map, and checking your course to Dover. The leader was right, a good man he is.