Utilities for Premium Mah Jongg II 1. HIGHKONV.PRG Premium Mah Jongg II has a new highscore table, called HIGHSCR2.DAT. This table has now 100 entries instead of 50. The program HIGHKONV.PRG converts the old 50 entry table HIGHSCR.DAT in the new 100 entry table HIGHSCR2.DAT. Program description : Copy the old file HIGHSCR.DAT on an other disc and insert this disc in floppy drive A. Start the program HIGHKONV.PRG for the conversion. After the conversion copy the new file HIGHSCR2.DAT into the folder MAHJONGG.II. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. HAPSCORE.PRG This is a program for a happening 'emergency'. At the end of a happening displays a PMJ II the highscore. Normally, the game host writes down and controls these displayed values. HAPSCORE.PRG save overkeen players, which will play the 'game no.9' of a happening. These players had ignored the end message with their results and PMJ II had terminated the happening mode. HAPSCORE.PRG displays the results of an old happening. Please, leave PMJ II and start HAPSCORE.PRG. Now, insert the game disc of the player and let display the highscore-/game values. !!! Attention !!! This is a hypothetical situation. If a player causes several of these wrong happening ends, he must be suspended from all future happenings. There two types of such a player : cheat player or numskull