NetHack 3.0 -- General information NetHack 3.0 is a new generation of the dungeon exploration game NetHack. It is a distant descendent of Hack, and a direct descendent of NetHack 2.3. It is the product of a year-long, very intensive, international team effort. Many parts of 2.3 were rewritten for NetHack 3.0, and many new features were added. Judged by size alone, with all options enabled, NetHack 3.0 is twice as big as 2.3. While aiming at retaining the general atmosphere of NetHack 2.3, we sought to open up new directions of development for the game. Alignment, both for player characters and for monsters, was introduced. Player character attributes were added and integrated into the game. Special compiled levels were added, and these open up endless future possibilities. An endgame was written, for a climactic ending. The code for monsters and objects was massively rewritten, and many new creatures and items were added. The self-polymorph code was debugged and greatly enriched. Shops, too, were enhanced. There are now doors in doorways and chests that may contain valuables, both of which may be closed or locked. New commands to open or kick doors and force locks on chests were added. You can also use kicking as an attack mode, and you can kick objects around if it pleases you. You will discover the rest for yourselves... To compensate for the massive additions, we rewrote the code around some new map fields for an increase in speed up to, if not beyond, that of 2.3. The code is now organized, and nearly lint-free. We dedicate the game to the many unknown hackers, both past and future, who contribute so much to the game. - - - - - - - - - - -