********************************************************************** * short discription for EDITOR.PRG * * * * v1.1 vom 24.06.1987 * * (c) 1987 by u.romahn, 7500 Karlsruhe 1, West Germany * ********************************************************************** [cursorkeys]: move cursor. [shift+cursorkeys]: page-up, page-down, begin/end of line [insert]: switching insert-overwrite mode. [clr home]: begin of text. [shift+clr home]: end of text. [backspace]: deletes character left of the cursor. [delete]: deletes character at curent cursor position. [control+delete]: deletes line/block. [tab]: moves cursor to column 7. [esc]: exit program. [f1]: goto marked line. [shift+f1]: goto line. [control+clrhome]: mark line. [f2]: repeat find string. [shift+f2]: find string. [f3]: find and replace. [shift+f3]: 'shift' - distance. [f6]: begin of block. [shift+f6]: end of block. [f7]: copy block to buffer. [shift+f7]: cut block. [f8]: read block. [shift+f8]: write block. [f9]: read new file. [shift+f9]: delete textbuffer. [f10]: save text + quit. [shift+f10]: save text. [undo]: insert copybuffer. [control+1] / [control+2]: switching to textbuffer1/textbuffer2. [control+p]: print block. [control+ ->]: move block right. [control+ <-]: move block left.