Hi-Q This is a simple implementation of the board game Hi-Q. The original is played on a plastic board with pegs placed in holes in a cross pattern as shown. The object is to remove all but one the of the pegs by jumping the pegs from one hole over another peg as in checkers. The peg jumped over is removed. A perfect score is one peg left in the center hole. This version just replicates the board and movements. It does not provide any logic or hints for the player. Use the right and left mouse buttons as explained on the game screen. The program must be name HIQ.PRG to work. It must also be run in low resolution only. It was written in GFA Basic and compiled. The board is a picture drawn with Degas Elite. I was able to combine the program and picture files into one so that the program does not need to access any external files. If anyone is interested in the trick leave me a message on either Genie or Compuserve and I will explain how to do it without Data statements. Robert Feinman Genie: RFEINMAN CIS: 71350,3607