Bug fixes for V1.2 - Program no longer aborts when setting 'against' monster for armour and swords from the item editor. Program also updates display correctly when performing the above. Fixed the 'SELECT' function to handle NEXT on lists less than 20 long (This just affected the SELECT EFFECT list from the spell editor) The IDENTIFY function of the room editor now works without deleting the item identified The SET function of the room editor no longer aborts when removing items from a chest There is now a cursor in the panel editor edit mode. When prepping game to disk using drive A: only, program now prompts for target disk before writing STATIC.DAT, DYNAMIC.DAT, and HEROES.DAT. Replace the old files DCS.PRG and DCS.SPT with the new files on this disk. Most of the above bugs were identified by : Lee W. Benjamin. Thanks, Lee. Bug fixes for V 1.3 - System now writes a usuable panels file when creating a new dungeon. Create dungeon will not work with no path specification Do not use the 'Save Work' Option. There is a subtle error in it, one that causes the loss of level 0, but as of yet I havent found it. Use the individual save options of each editor instead. Bug fixes for V 1.31 - Fixed the bombs when prepping dungeon. The 'Save Work' option should now work correctly. This will be the final update to the system. Thank you all for your patience and support. I am willing to act as a dungeon clearing house; send me the dungeons you create, and if others send me a blank disk I'll send your dungeons on to them. If I get enough of them I'll put out a little catalog to everyone. Dan Winslow