======================================================================== NOW RELEASED TO SHAREWARE.... JV Enterprises, the maker of TOWERS, have released some games that were made prior to TOWERS for shareware. This is one of several games being released. If you like this game please send $5: JV Enterprises PO Box 97455 Las Vegas, NV 89193 Please feel free to share this program with others. However, please keep all files on the disk unchanged when you do. ======================================================================== TOWERS... A 3D, one or two player, dungeon game for the Atari line of computers. Available on-line or with your favorite PD house. Towers Registration fee is $15, if you determine to keep the game. LOOK out for it..... ======================================================================== Coming Soon... A game for your Falcon 030 computer. If you thought you liked TOWERS, wait till you see this! :) ======================================================================== Disclaimer: This product is released on an AS IS basis without any kind of warranty. This inlcludes product quality, condition, perfomance or merchantabilty. JV Enterprises, the author, and its distributors shall not be held liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity for any liability, loss damage or disappointment directly or indirectly involving this product. (c)1992 by JV Enterprises E S C A P E ----------- This program works on all Atari computers with at least one meg of RAM, a color monitor, and a DS/DD disk drive. The File selector box display messes up on a Falcon, but the game runs perfectly other than that. To load Escape, simply double click 'ESCAPE.PRG' from your disk or hard dirve. Escape needs to be played in low resolution. When the game is finished loading, push the mouse button to begin the game. Game Commands More- While this box is highlighted, push the mouse button to continue viewing additional text. None of the other commands will work until all the text has been displayed. Load - This icon, allows you to load a previously saved game. Save - by pushing this button, you can save your game in progress to puck up at a later time. New - This icon allows you to restart the game or Exit the porgram. Inv - To display your current inventory push on Inv. You can only carry a maximum of 8 items at any time. N S W E - these direction icons dictate the direction you can travel in the game. If the direction is highlighted, you may move that direction by clicking on the desired icon. Score - This will show your current score out of 100. Hint - This will give you a hint to a particular area. Only use this icon if it is absolutely necessary. Try to fight any temptation. The following commands require additional input. After you activate one, it will display an unfinished sentence. You must then complete the sentence by typing the word in the space provided. (eg. Look at ______). Pressing the ESC key while inputing will abort the command. Look - Push this to look at an item or area. If you want a general discription of the area, type the name of the area you are at (eg. Look at bedroom---). The name or the area is located reight above your typing line. To look at any other item, type in the name of the item to look at. Open - Use this icon to open an object in your area, such as a door. Close - Use this to close an object in your area, such as a door. Yell - If you have a need for loudness, you can use the yell icon to let it out. Read - The read icon is used for reading what is written on an object. Get - This button will get an object and put it in your inventory, to be used at any time. Drop - you can drop any item from your inventory with this icon. Throw - If dropping is not expressive enough, you can hurl any object from the inventory using this icon. Eat - This is a multi-function icon. You can eat or drink with it. (eg. Eat sandwich__) Use - this is also a multi-function icon. If you cannot do something with any of the previous commands, then use this icon to accomplish your task. Using some objects may request a second input. Pressing ESC from the second input, does not abort the command, but does discontinue that input. Only endter additional infromation if the computer requests it.