"The Generator" files: CLASSES.ARC UnArc this file and place the result *.TXT files in a folder named "CLASSES". RACES.ARC UnArc this file and place the result *.TXT files in a folder named "RACES". CHARGEN.PRG The Generator program. GEN.CFG The Generator configuration file. GEN.RSC Data for the Generator dialogs. GEN.TXT A manual explaining the use of the Generator. MORIK.CHR Example character: Dwarven hero Morik Ironskull, "Small in height, great in legend." Notes: If an alert box appears saying "Can't find class data file:...", make sure you have UnArced all the files from CLASSES.ARC into a folder named "CLASSES". Same thing for RACES.ARC. If the value of an attribute in the ROLL ATTRIBUTES dialog suddenly vanishes, click OK to record the values, and then Back-Up from the next dialog to have it appear again. A strange and elusive bug... Several rules have been added to make the Generator complete. For example, the rules do not provide aging charts for some of the newer sub-races, and these had to be improvised. Any bugs, comments, or suggestions? Please send to my address included in the program... Enjoy.