Paladin Abilities: Preferred weapons: lance, long sword, broad sword, bastard sword, short sword, horseman's mace, horseman's flail, horseman's military pick, dagger, scimitar, and javelin. Elven and half-elven paladins will also prefer a short composite bow. These must be mastered before proficiency is taken in other weapons. Forbidden weapons: Those that deal out damage at a distance, such as pole-arms, missile weapons, and the two-handed sword. Preferred armour: Plate mail, banded or splint, chain mail, scale mail, and ring mail, in order of desirability. /l1- Weapons of choice: \ /l1-6 +1 to hit with the lance, if used while mounted. \ /l7-12 +2 to hit with the lance, if used while mounted. \ /l13- +3 to hit with the lance, if used while mounted. \ /l3-8 +1 to hit with either the broad sword, long sword, scimitar. \ /l9- +2 to hit with either the broad sword, long sword, scimitar. \ /l5-10 +1 to hit with either the horseman's mace, horseman's flail, or horseman's military pick. \ /l11- +2 to hit with either the horseman's mace, horseman's flail, or horseman's military pick. \ Multiple attacks: /l1-6 Weapon of choice: 3/2 rounds. \ /l7-12 Weapon of choice: 2/1 round. Proficient weapon: 3/2 rounds. \ /l12-18 Weapon of choice: 5/2 rounds. Proficient weapon: 2/1 round. \ /l19- Weapon of choice: 3/1 round. Proficient weapon: 5/2 rounds. \ /l1- Combat with the lance: +1 damage per level, if used while mounted. +1 damage if used dismounted. Parry-ing: The paladin may parry instead of attacking. Attacker's die rolls suffer paladin's to/hit bonuses. A shield subtracts 1+its bonus from attacker's rolls. If the paladin chooses to parry, he/she can not attack. Horsemanship: A human paladin makes all attacks from horseback as if he/she were 1 level higher. 85% +1/level unlikely to be thrown from the saddle. 85% +1/level unlikely to take damage if the mount falls. \ /l3- Can vault into the saddle and be underway in a segment. \ /l4-&f A female elven paladin may ride a unicorn as a steed. \ /l5- Can urge his/her mount to greater speed than normal: 2" bonus to movement, sustained for up to 6 turns \ /l7- Can handle and ride a pegasus as a steed \ /l9- Can handle and ride a hippogriff as a steed \ /l11- Can handle and ride a griffon or similar creature \ Any steed selected by a paladin will have +2 hp/die. /l4- Can call for a warhorse, which will appear magically. \ /l1- Training: When the paladin rises a level, he/she rolls 2d10, adding this to the percentile strenght, dexterity, and constitution. If 100 is reached, the attribute rises, up to a max. of 18(00). Negative hit points: A paladin can function at negative hit points, equal to the number possessed at 1st level. If below zero, the paladin can't attack, but is conscious. \ Detection: Detects evil at up to 60 feet away. Immunities: Unaffected by fear of any kind. Radiates protection from fear in a 10-foot radius. Radiates protection from evil in a 10-foot radius. 90% resistance to any mind-affecting magic. Immune to all diseases. With a "Holy Sword", the paladin radiates dispel magic in a 10-foot radius, at his/her level. Healing: Can "lay on hands" once per day, healing 2 hit points per level. Can cure disease once per week for every 5 levels. Alignment: If the paladin ever performs an act that is chaotic in nature, he/she must seek a 7th level or higher cleric of lawful good alignment, and atone for the sin. If an evil act is ever performed, the paladin loses his/her status irrevocably and becomes a cavalier. Strictures: Must serve some lawful good noble or cause. Must seek the knightly virtues: Liberality, Honor, Good Faith, Glory, Unselfishness, Pride, Courteousy, Bravery. Must follow the code of chivalry: Honor and obedience to superiors Combat is glory Death to all who oppose the cause Death before dishonor Can never retain more than 10 magic items: 1 suit of armor, 1 shield, 4 weapons, 4 other items Must give away all excess wealth. Can befriend only lawful good characters, may associate with good characters only. May adventure with non-evil neutrals only on a single expedition basis.