Assassin Abilities: Weapons: Any. Armour: Leather, can use a shield. Use of poison: The assassin can use poison or a poisoned weapon. Back-Stabbing: The assassin gains +4 to hit, /l1-4 and does double damage. \ /l5-8 and does triple damage. \ /l9-12 and does quadruple damage. \ /l13- and does quintuple damage. \ Assassination: If the assassin surprises his/her victim, a roll can be made on the Assassination Table. Disguise: The assassin can disguise him/herself into any humanoid from 3 inches lower, to 5 inches taller. Chance of being discovered is 2% (+2% if posing as another class, +2% as another race, and +2% as another sex) per day. This can be increased 1% per point of combined intelligence and wisdom of observer over 30, or decreased if it's under 24. /l10- The assassin has the ability to decipher magical writings and use scrolls of magic-user, illusionist, or druidic nature. There is a 25% chance + 1% per level of spell, that the spell will be mispronounced and backfire. \