|> <| | Mean- 18 | ___ ___ After downloading around 50 Mean-18 Courses from the ST, IBM, and Amiga Roundtabels, I finally decided to create one of my own. By George is not a hard course and it isn't an easy one. Its what I call a challenge to golfers. All the elements are there, sand, water, trees, etc. The distences are true. You may have to go into the RED with no slice or hook to make some of the fairways (HINT). I've only played my course twice and 70 was by best (PB), lets see what you can do. Well I hope you enjoy it. Look for GEO2M18.ARC it should be uploaded sometime in June. F - O - R - E George Sypniewski (By George) 215 Hollywood Dr. Trenton, NJ 08609