Bandwurm by Rainer Prestele Brief English Instructions by D.A. Brumleve Bandwurm is a mono-only game in which a worm is moved about the screen in order to "eat" little black squares. The worm will move forward without any nudge from you, but your mouse can control his direction; clicking the left mouse button will cause him to turn left, the right makes him turn right. In my experience, transferring the orientation of the worm from the screen to my fingers is the most challenging aspect of the program; I have lots of trouble deciding which button to push! To get started, place all the files in the same folder or directory and run BANDWURM.PRG. You'll have to type in your name and press before the game can begin. Once the playing screen appears, press the mouse button or the and you'll see the worm inching his way down from the top of the screen. Each time the worm eats another square, he grows, so you are dealing with a worm whose length is ever increasing. You must take care that he does not attempt to eat himself or run into a wall or run into the barrier in the middle of the screen, or the game will be over. If you sustain the worm long enough, an opening will appear at the middle of the top edge of the gamearea, and you can move the worm through it and on to the next level of play. During play, you can press

to pause the game. While the game is paused, you can also press to save the game, make the worm move faster by pressing <+>, or make the worm move more slowly by pressing <->. To resume play, press a mouse button or the . Upon successful completion of all levels, you'll be given an opportunity to play again or quit. For more complete instructions, please refer to BANDWURM.DOC, a German text file provided by the author.