"University" is a Roman-style font that was adapted from a Publishing Partner (tm) font file created by Bernie LaGrave (UNIV_RMN.ARC). The "University" Publishing Partner (tm) font was imported into the PageStream Edit (FONTEDIT.PRG) program, saved as a PageStream (tm) font file, and then finally converted to a Calamus (tm) font file by FontVerter. I have edited the horizontal serifs on most of the characters, as well the cross-bars on "t" and "f" to be thicker. The font is usable at as small as the 12 pt size, but looks much better at larger sizes > 24 pts. -- Ric Kalford [[ Publishing Partner and PageStream are trademarks of SoftLogic. Calamus is a registered trademark of DMC/Ditek International. FontVerter is a commercial program written by Don Turnock. ]]