Icon editor - FALCON 030 Version 1.00. (Carbonsoft UK) This is a very!!! brief doc explaining the use of this program and how to register for the full version. Icon editor, as the name suggests is an editor for icons!!! Wow, you say. Well, the editor will allow the editing of the atari desktop icons. Using the program is pretty straight forward but I'll cover a few of the points. The formatter ************* Something I put in all my programs. This one has 1 major difference It formats high density to around 1.6Mb and is pretty reliable. It will also now do fast formatting and put a virus guard on the disk. The rest ******** Every dialog within the program has keyboard shortcuts. Note: I say dialog, this does not refer to alert boxes. The keys are generally ALT and the first character in the exit buttons. eg. for cancel, you'd use ALT-C. Also, in the modify icon selection box, cursor up and down can be used to scroll through the icons. When editing the icon, F10 can be used to close the window. It performs the same action as clicking on the close box. As for the rest of the keys, they conform to Atari's new standards of only using the CONTROL key for the shortcuts and uses the keys specified in 'Modern Atari System Software' by Hisoft. What doesn't work.... ********************* At the moment you can only edit existing icons in a file. You cannot create them. Rotating an icon doesn't work as yet, it'll just tell you to register.! You also can't scroll the icon around to position it. This will be in the final version (probably using the cursor keys) Erasing using the right mouse button. Keyboard shortcuts for the icon panel. Co-ordinates for editing the icon and mask. Mouse cursor changing when entering the edit area. Changing the position of the single character (drive letter) Up to 199 icons. All of the above will hopefully be in the final version. Registering *********** Due to exams at univeristy I am unable to say when the final version will be complete. It is most likely to be the end of june.! So, if you want to register, you might have to wait a bit for a reply. The registration fee is œ10 (+œ1 Europe, +œ2 overseas) UK Funds. send all registrations to: B Dines Carbonsoft UK 27 Corndavon Terrace Aberdeen Scotland AB2 5PJ In return you will recieve a full version of the program + many other useful (or useless!) utilities I have written. Any queries can be made to the above address or to the following email addresses: ucs3008@emps.abdn.ac.uk (valid until about end august 94) bgd@condor.csd.abdn.ac.uk MONOCHROME - fishy DISCLAIMER ********** I claim no responsibility for any damage caused from direct use or otherwise from this program. I also make no claims that this program work properly. (however, It should.)