71763 2-MAR 14:47 Desktop Publishing Calamus SL's new 3D StereoMagic Module From: DMCPUBLISH To: ALL ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ March 2, 1995 For further information, contact: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nathan Potechin - President DMC Publishing DMC announces the 3D StereoMagic Tel: (905) 479-1880 Module for Calamus SL Fax: (905) 479-1882 ********************* Compuserve: 76004,2246 Delphi/GEnie: DMCPUBLISH DMC, who brings you Calamus SL, the Internet: DMCPUBLISH@GENIE.GEIS.COM premier desktop publishing program on the Atari computer, is pleased to announce a new addition to the Calamus SL family of modules, 3D StereoMagic. The 3D StereoMagic module allows you to create Random Dot Stereograms and other 3D magical illusions. The images can be created using random dots, irregular dots, repeating textures, images, computer renderings and even photographs of yourself! The latest craze in art is now available to you from within Calamus SL. Create your own 3D stereo design with this interesting new module. Combine your favorite texture and image to create this exciting special effect. Your cost for the new 3D StereoMagic Module for Calamus SL is US $50.00, $70.00 Cdn. Note: You must have the latest version of Calamus SL (Oct. 94) to use this or any other new module.