71767 3-MAR 07:34 Desktop Publishing 1.09x to Calamus SL From: DMCPUBLISH To: ALL ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ March 1, 1995 For further information, contact: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nathan Potechin - President DMC Publishing ~~ UPGRADE 1.09x to Calamus SL ~~ Tel: (905) 479-1880 ~ for US $150.00, $210.00 Cdn. ~ Fax: (905) 479-1882 Compuserve: 76004,2246 Calamus SL, the premier desktop Delphi: DMCPUBLISH publishing program on the Atari GEnie: DMCPUBLISH computer now retails for US $200.00, Internet: DMCPUBLISH@GENIE.GEIS.COM $280.00 Cdn. This includes a 600+ page manual and 4 disks containing approximately 1,000 features. For those of you that have been waiting for the opportunity to upgrade your existing Calamus 1.09x, save a further $50.00. The price is right and the time is now. Place your UPGRADE order today. Your cost to upgrade from your existing Calamus 1.09x to the latest version of Calamus SL is US $150.00, $210.00 Cdn.