Wall Wars III By Daniel Gnadt This game is FreeWare Well, here is a small project that I took up in my spare time called Wall Wars III. Wall Wars I and II were done on the old 8-Bit Ataris when I was young. I had many plans for this program (read the scroller to see some of the plans for this game) but became too busy with other projects and a new job to do much with this game. When time permits I will get around to releasing an upgraded version of this one in which the one player game will have a few options of it's own and a much smarter computer player. Doing the logic for the computer player didn't turn out to be as easy as I first thought. Wall Wars III is one of several projects that I am working on for the ST that will be released under the TSO software lable. Since TSO sofware was started with the ForeSight BBS package (I'm not the author of ForeSight) many of my upcoming projects are BBS related (online games). Wall Wars III was something I decided to do on a whim after playing with my old 8-Bit version of Wall War I and II. Look for a pretty killer poker game by Slowhad (another TSO sofware programmer) in the near future. I hope to make the announcement of the release of ForeSight BBS sofware version 1.0 some time soon. Brian Hauer (author of ForeSight) is working hard to get version 1.0 out soon. Some people may know Brian Hauer for his term package UBBS Term. Brian was also an active programmer for Freeze Dried Software and helped contribute to the creation of Freeze Dried Term. At present Brian is working on getting the Freeze Dried Term code from Aaron Hopkins to update Freeze Dried Term for re-release into the Atari market. For more information call Gilligan's Island BBS (310)523-1644. Gilligan's Island BBS is run using ForeSight BBS software. Some Features of ForeSight: 999 Message Bases possible. (Only real limit is HD space). 999 File Transfer areas. (Again only real limit is HD space). Special FSN networking package Full Screen editor for VT52, Ansi, Rip, and UBT callers by Aaron Hopkins Excellent split screen chat mode by Aaron Hopkins QWK support Can run 90% of all online games for the ST. Gilligan's Island BBS runs 40+ online games. QWK support Local Ansi, VT52, and UBT emulation. Local RIP in the future. Support for Zmodem, Xmodem, Ymodem, Jekyll and many other protocols These are just a few of the many great features of ForeSight BBS sofware. If I listed all of it's features it would take forever.