New_Soft Author: Albert Baggetta New_Soft is new and original software written by me in GFA Basic. This game, utility and application software is offered to the public at very low prices. I am asking for small compensation for the time I have spent working on this material, offered exclusively for the Atari ST computers. I did not write this software with the intent of making a lot of money. I did, however, want to learn how to program in GFA Basic. In the process I have learned quite a lot and have produce some rather unusual and, I think, useful programs which I am now offering for sale. Each program is the latest version and complete -- ready to run on your machine. In most cases I include the main program files, entertaining and informative documentation, accessory files needed for the program (screens, samples, etc.), and source code. Programmers may modify the source code and borrow from it at no additional charge. Hopefully my humble efforts will help some other programmers to create useful software. (I do ask, however, that you do not flagrantly copy and distribute the programs. No copy protection on these programs. None of these programs has been available commercially. I have, however, had several other programs published in ST Log and START magazine, in case you would like to see samples of my past work. (The current issue of ST Log -- August 89 #34 -- has my latest game ST Bingo.) The programs I am offering can be entertaining and useful in themselves. But novice GFA programmers, seeking new ideas and insight, may search through the source code for subroutines which may be freely included in their own programs. In addition I have included examples in the code and documentation which will prove instructional about animation, sprites, music, sound effects, GET and PUT, SETCOLOR, COLOR and other ways to use the GFA commands. If you would like more information, please contact me on this board or at the address below. Ok, so what are the programs and what are they going to cost me, you say. The following is a detailed list of the programs and the compensation I am asking. -------------------------------------------------------------- New_Soft Program List #1 -------------------------------------------------------------- "Celebrity Pseudonym" Age Level: Adult This is a trivia game. The players must guess the real name of the celebrity from the "stage" name given -- or vice versa. There are over 200 names on file in the program. The game may be played on an easy or hard level. Interface: Mouse Driven Folder: CELEBRTY Files : CELEBRTY.PRG Program CELEBRTY.DOC Documentation (Sorry, source has been lost for this) Rez: Low (preferred) Medium ------------------------------------------------------------- "Dodger Rabbit" Age Level: Children - Adult This is an 8 level maze-type game. You must guide Dodge the rabbit in his quest to collect jelly beans. He must dodge some obstacles and enhance his power by getting others. This also includes a guessing game (count the jelly beans in the jar) as a finale. Interface: Mouse Driven Folder: DODGER Files: DODGER.PRG Program DODGER.LST Listed Source Code DODGER.DOC Documentation Rez: Low Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------ "Invitation Maker: Documentus Officialis" Age Level: Adult With this program you will be able to create and print party invitations that have a "legal" conotation. Your friends will think they are being summoned or subpoenaed to court, but in reality it is just a party. Two types of "official" documents can be created. Includes code to show the use of menu bars in GFA BASIC. Interface: Mouse Driven (Menu Bar) Epsom or other printer needed to print the final documents. Folder: INVITE Files: INVITE.PRG Program INVITE.BAS Source Code INVITE.DOC Documentation ----------------------------------------------------------- "The Mummy's Tomb" Age Level: Children - Adult This is a graphic and sound game (actually several games in one) that takes the player on a journey into the hidden tomb of Epthos, a mythical and innovative mummy. Several challenges must be met before the player can successfully inscribe his/her name in the Hall of Conquers (which is saved from game to game). Lots of animation and sound effects included. Interface: Mouse Driven Folder: MUMMY Files: MUMMY.PRG Program MUMMY.LST Listed Source Code MUMMY.DOC Documentation CONQ.FIL Record of Latest Winner Rez: Low Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------ "Atari Phone Voice" Age Level: Adult This application will allow the user to make, save, load, play, and wipe messages for use with telephone answering machines. Synthesized voice records message along with option choice of sound effects and/or musical tune. You no longer have to record messages using your own voice. Program includes sample messages. Interface: Mouse/Keyboard Driven FOLDER: PHONE Files: GFABASRO.PRG (Free from Michron) SPEECH.EXE (PD Synthesized Speech Module) PHONE.BAS Source Code (Use GFABASRO.PRG) PHONE.DOC Documentation VOICSAMP.DOC Text of Samples ENGLISH.PHN Sample Message #1 SPACE.PHN Sample Message #2 ITALIAN.PHN Sample Message #3 GORDON.PHN Sample Message #4 Rez: Low Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------ "Shadow Letters" Age Level: Adult With this program the user can create screens in 3-D shadow letters in different fonts. Letters may also be "sliced -- full and half" for further special effects. Title screens may be viewed for special displays or the program can generate code that can be used in other GFA programs. These screens may then be used as titles for programs, etc. FREE: Specially designed slide show viewer that will allow you to view your screens saved on a separate disk. They must have a.SCR extender. Interface: Mouse/Keyboard Driven Folder: SHADOW Files: SHADOW.PRG Program SHADOW.BAS Source Code SHADOW.DOC Documentation SCRENVUE.PRG Free Viewing program SCRENVUE.BAS Source Code for SCRENVUE.PRG Adtl Folders: LST_SAMP Sample generated code screens SCR_SAMP Sample screen for SCRENVUE.PRG Rez: Low Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------ "The Collector" Age Level: Teen - Adult This is a database specifically designed for coin or stamp collectors (may be modified for other collections). At present it is set to hold 1000 entries, but modification can be performed to hold more. There are two versions: Folder COLLECT.HGH is for monochrome users -- Folder COLLECT.MED is for color users. (If ordering separately, specify which version you want.) Interface: Mouse/Keyboard Folders: COLLECT.HGH COLLECT.MED Files: COLLECTH.PRG/COLLECTM.PRG Program COLLECTE.DOC Documentation COLLECTM.LST Source Listing COIN.DAT Sample Coin List STAMP.DAT Sample Stamp List Rez: Medium or High (Separate Programs) ------------------------------------------------------------ "Random Numbers" Tutorial Age Level: Teen - Adult This is a tutorial I wrote exploring the use of the RANDOM command in GFA BASIC and how it can be used in programs and subroutines to produce random circumstances. Included are many samples of how to use RANDOM with graphics, sound and applications. The article includes a simple number guessing game, modifiable decision maker, random music generator and more. The novice to intermediate GFA programmer will find this helpful. Program samples are on the disk in low, medium and high resolution. Folder: RANDOM.TUT Files: RANDOM.DOC Documentation PROGRAMS 1 - 8 in GFA BASIC .BAS FORMAT ------------------------------------------------------------ "Scrambled Eggspressions" Age Level: Child - Adult In this two player game the players compete against each other and the computer's clock to try an put together to cartoon faces that have been scrambled together. The game also has a "blindfold" level which is very difficult. FREE: The game already has 22 cartoon faces built in, but I have included another bare bones program, a cartoon face editor, which will produce cartoon faces (or anything else) that can be merged with the source code to produce a more complicated game. Interface: Mouse Driven Folder: SCRAMBLE Files: SCRAMBLE.PRG Program SCRAMBLE.BAS Source Code SCRAMBLE.DOC Documentation Folder: BONESEDT BONES.PRG Free Cartoon Face Editor BONES.DOC Documentation for Editor Rez: Medium ------------------------------------------------------------ "Word Divisions" Age Level: Child - Adult This is a word game with a new twist. You must guess a word within a word with only a first letter clue and a definition. The program uses graphics heavily in the form of 6 miniature television monitors that project the clues. Code can be modified to add more words or to tailor the words to a particular subject, etc. Interface: Mouse/Keyboard Driven Folder: WORD_DIV Files: WORD.DOC Documentation WORD.LST Source Listing WORD.PRG Program Rez: Low Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------ "Zeek 'n Zak" Age Level: Child - Adult This is a chutes and ladders type game, with a new perspective. Zeek and Zak (two animated sprites that are adopted by the players) try to outrace each other to their favorite dring, purple root beer. This is an on-screen board game for two players that uses extensive graphics, animation and sound effects. The have also has an "auto-play" feature that allows the players to watch Zeek 'n Zak's artificial intelligence carry them through the game. Interface: Mouse Driven Folder: ZEEK_ZAK Files: ZEEK_ZAK.DOC Documentation Z_Z.PRG Program Z_Z.BAS Source Code Rez: Low Resolution Atari users who order the above will receive the latest version of the programs, registration for any updates to these programs should there be any, and complete documentation on disk in a neat form that may be printed on the screen or sent to the printer. If you send a copy of this bulletin along with your order, indicating which service you got it from, I will include another article of mine which gives tips for cleaning your Atari mouse and a way I have found to get your mouse moving more smoothly: "Mouse Cleaning". ------------------------------------------------------------ New_Soft Price List ------------------------------------------------------------ All 11 programs above $16.00 + $1.00 Shipping (Double Sided Disk -- All Files Arc'd) All 11 programs above $18.00 + $1.00 Shipping (Two Single Sided Disks -- Arc'd) Each Program Separate Ordered: $3.00 each. + $1.00 Shipping 3 programs for $5.00 + $1.00 Shipping Massachusetts residents must add 5% sales tax. |----------------------------------------|-------------------| | New_Soft Order Blank | | |________________________________________|____Price__________| | | | |All 11 programs | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | | |________________________________________|___________________| | Shipping / Handling | $1.00 | |________________________________________|___________________| | Mass. Tax If Applicable 5% | | |________________________________________|___________________| | Total | | |________________________________________|___________________| | | |Check and Money Orders accepted | | | |Date_________________ | | | |Name________________________________________________________| | | |Street / PO Box_____________________________________________| | | |City/Town___________________________________________________| | | |State_________________________________ Zip Code_____________| | | |Please send order to : Mr. Albert Baggetta | | P.O. Box 351 | | Feeding Hills, MA 01030 | |____________________________________________________________|