Date: Tue, 13 Apr 93 05:28:20 From: Space Digest maintainer Reply-To: Subject: Space Digest V16 #455 To: Space Digest Readers Precedence: bulk Space Digest Tue, 13 Apr 93 Volume 16 : Issue 455 Today's Topics: Astronomy Program Civilian use of Russian missiles Lunar Settlement, first in symposia series in Houston Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #3 of 6) Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #4 of 6) Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #5 of 6) Welcome to the Space Digest!! Please send your messages to "", and (un)subscription requests of the form "Subscribe Space " to one of these addresses: listserv@uga (BITNET), rice::boyle (SPAN/NSInet), utadnx::utspan::rice::boyle (THENET), or (Internet). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 13 Apr 1993 05:46:27 GMT From: The Logistician Subject: Astronomy Program Newsgroups: Please post as well because I would be interested. Thanx. -- ------------------------THE LOGISTICIAN REIGNS SUPREME!!!---------------------- | | | GO BLUE!!! GO TIGERS!!! GO PISTONS!!! GO LIONS!!! GO RED WINGS!!! | ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 06:31:57 GMT From: nsmca@ACAD3.ALASKA.EDU Subject: Civilian use of Russian missiles Newsgroups: In article , (Henry Spencer) writes: > In article <> (Mark Prado) writes: >>The idea is that instead of destroying many of these missiles, as >>we are currently planning to do, we could instead launch things >>into orbit... > > The main reason those treaties tend to exclude space launches as an > acceptable way of "destroying" the missiles is the desire to see those > missiles *gone* within a specific and fairly short period of time. It > is very difficult to establish that a missile sitting in a warehouse > waiting for a satellite to launch is *not* capable of being re-armed > and stuffed back down a silo on a few hours' notice. > >>...perhaps in some great cooperative venture which would >>make some money (stimulate both economies and cooperation). > > Bear in mind that this will have to be carefully designed if it is not > to harm some sectors of both economies (the ones that are trying to > sell commercial space launches). It will have to be something that > was *not* already scheduled for launch. > -- > All work is one man's work. | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology > - Kipling | utzoo!henry I think the main stumble blocks to using russian missles as launch vehicles are like said, the stigmatism of them being russian ICBM and to put the past behind, also the fact they can be easily used as ICBMs again.. Also liek the old thing about converting Tanks (MBTs) to Tractors that it just does not work. Easier just scrap them and recycle them into what is need and that is cheaper.. Also the problems of economic growth.. Maybe convert the factory that made the missles in to a launch vehicle plant or maybe a conversion plant (that is if the missle are not to mission specific), use the making of new launch vehicles as a way to get people working.. Of course selling the ex-ICBMs to a foreign governemtn (friendly one at that) might work to make capital (money).. Of course sellign the ex-ICBM's to the US as launch vehicles might work to, very ironic in a way.. == Michael Adams, -- I'm not high, just jacked ------------------------------ Date: 13 Apr 1993 01:27 CDT From: University Space Society Subject: Lunar Settlement, first in symposia series in Houston Newsgroups: The following is a press release from Houston Space Society, P.O.Box 266151, Houston, TX 77207-6151. The University Space Society (a section of HSS and the University of Houston chapter of SEDS) is a co-sponsor of this series. I will post the list of the entire series later. Alvin Carley, President University Space Society (This is MY account, Wingo just uses it sometimes.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 7, 1993 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: Richard Braastad, (713)520-6924 Scientist, engineer to discuss Moon Settlement at space society symposium Space solutions to many of Earth's environmental and economic problems will be among the topics discussed at the first of the Houston Space Society's 1993 Space Settlement Symposia. Entitled "Settling the Moon", the first symposium will feature speeches by Dr. Wendell Mendell of NASA's Johnson Space Center, and Aerospace engineer Nelson Thompson, followed by a question and answer period. The two space industry professionals will discuss both the reasons for, and means of establishing permanent settlements on the Moon. The presentation will be held at 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 16 in the Transco Tower's Third Floor Auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public. Thompson, a senior engineer at McDonnell Douglas Corporation in Houston, has helped develop an economic model for a self-sustaining lunar/Earth economic system. In contrast to conventional government space projects (such as Apollo) where taxpayers foot the bill, Thompson's proposed economic system would entail profitable lunar-based industries that would provide economically competitive goods and services to Earth. Profits from the lunar settlements would be used to purchase supplies from Earth. Thompson, a holder of degrees in physics and computer science, has worked in the space industry since 1980. He has worked as a software designer for space shuttle simulators at the Johnson Space Center, and has developed computer programs for Space Station Freedom. Dr. Wendell Mendell, a scientist at the Johnson Space Center, is an expert on lunar base activities. He chaired a recent conference concerning lunar bases in the 21st century, has written research papers on the subject, has served as Chief Scientist for Lunar Base Studies at the Solar System Exploration Division of NASA, and has served as an instructor at the International Space University. The Houston Space Society's Space Settlement Symposia, co-sponsored by the University Space Society at the University of Houston Central Campus, will be held on a monthly basis through October at the Transco Tower. Future symposia topics include: International Space Activities; Settling Mars; and Media, Politics, the Law, and Space. For more information call the Houston Space Society at (713) 482-7132. -30- [Note: The Transco Tower is located just west of Houston's West Loop (Interstate 610), near the Westheimer exit. Transco is one of the tallest buildings in the U.S. that is located outside of a city's center, and is easily distinguished by its bright rotating beacon, visible from all over the Houston metropolitian area. Anyone that knows Houston knows where this is.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 00:30:02 -0500 From: Mark Prado Subject: Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #3 of 6) Newsgroups: NTM -- Compositions and Processing Requirements There are three space resources of interest in the present discussion - Near-Earth Asteroids, the Moon, and the asteroidal moonlets of Mars (Phobos and Deimos). Of these, the Moon is the closest and the most well understood, the Near-Earth Asteroids are the most energetically accessible and the most easily processible, while the moons of Mars combine some of the good and bad features of both of the other resources. Unlike the Earth's crust or the Moon, many asteroids are rich in free nickel-iron metal granules, unlike a planetary crust. Unlike the lunar surface, some asteroids are rich in volatile elements such as hydrogen and carbon. The average composition of the most common category of meteorite, "chondrites", is given in Figure 4, and compared to Earth's crust. The free metal content varies from about 12% in LL types to over 25% in E types. Note that Earth's free metal is not in its crust but sank to the core and mantle. Many non-chondrite meteorites are 100% nickel-iron-cobalt free metal. Additional metal is bound as metal oxide silicates, labelled as "silicates" in Figure 4. The free nickel-iron metal can easily be separated magnetically from the mined asteroidal material, probably after some sort of centrifugal grinding. The volatiles may best be extracted using a simple solar or nuclear heat source. The gaseous extract could be cooled and frozen into blocks of ice in a cold space shadow, for easy and inexpensive transport in space. Asteroids are known to be composed of several classes. One of the most common classes is a type of chondrite called carbonaceous chrondrites. Carbonaceous chondrites are fine grained friable objects similar in consistency to dried mud. They typically contain 10-20% free metal, 5-10% organic matter, 2-5% water of hydration in minerals, and the rest metal oxide silicate and silica minerals. Material of this composition could easily be processed to yield metal plate, oxygen and hydrogen propellants, hydrocarbons, ceramics, glasses, fiberglass, and certain hydrocarbon-derived products. Appropriate processing techniques must be examined. Some literature discusses processes similar to those currently used in industry which can be used to determine space-based manufacturing plant mass and cost. There is also a large body of literature which proposes space-based processing techniques of incredible efficiency and trivial cost which have no terrestrial precedent. One proven chemical processing scheme for producing nickel and iron alloys from asteroidal free metal is that used at the Sudbury Astrobleme in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 60% of the Free World's post-World War II nickel has come from the Sudbury Astrobleme, as well as the greatest portion of Platinum group metals besides South Africa and the Soviet Union. The Sudbury Astrobleme is a prehistoric asteroid impact site. The chemical processing scheme to separate Platinum group metals, cobalt, nickel and iron is very simple and inexpensive, and readily adaptable to space. Indeed, the two reactants, carbon monoxide and sulfur, are ubiquitous in asteroids, and the heat required could come from a solar or a nuclear power plant. The actual resources available to us will determine the costs and properties of our basic products. The asteroids have significantly more desirable minerals available than the Moon, but many argue that this may be compensated for by more rapid and frequent accessibility of the Moon coupled with our greater current knowledge of some sites on the Moon. The composition of the Moon is given in Table 2. Note that it is a typical oxygen-enriched planetary crust without free metal. (Actually, traces of free metal exist in lunar material, which is left over from asteroid impacts whereby the free metal did not rust in the lunar environment.) Data and theory to date strongly indicate that in addition to offering free metal and volatiles, asteroids offer a wider range of silicate and sulfide minerals than the lunar crust. The composition of asteroids is deduced from four sources of data, ordered from most sophisticated to least sophisticated: 1. meteorite compositions (thousands upon thousands) 2. telescopic spectroscopy (optical) 3. radar reflectivity (metal content) 4. albedo (brightness) Meteorites and asteroids display a great diversity in composition. Origins include: 1. parent bodies which were gravitationally differentiated into core, mantle, and crust but which later catastrophically fractionated upon impact instead of accreting further; 2. undifferentiated primordial solar system material; and 3. comets captured by the inner solar system. Estimates are that about 200,000 "Near-Earth" asteroids of size greater than 100 meters (2 million metric tons) exist but are uncatalogued. As the size gets smaller, the numbers get larger. (The millions of Main Belt and other asteroids are deemed economically unattractive.) The orbital elements of about 100 "near-Earth" asteroids have been determined and catalogued. Most of these are large asteroids, measured as several to tens of kilometers wide (trillions of tons per asteroid). Asteroids are detectable by photographic plates using large telescopes and time exposure films. For example, a 7 degree by 7 degree view of the sky along the plane of the ecliptic will turn up at least several hundred asteroid streaks, upon close microscopic inspection of the films, some of which may be near-Earth asteroids. The orbital elements of the asteroids can be determined by timely follow-up viewings of the right part of the sky and subsequent microscopic examination and track correlation. There is currently no major source of support for detecting asteroids, determining their orbital parameters by multiple follow-up viewings, and cataloguing them. Near-Earth asteroids are grouped into three categories: "Apollo" asteroids cross Earth's orbit, "Amor" asteroids stay farther from the Sun than Earth but are close to Earth's orbit during at least Figure 4: Fundamental Comparison of Asteroidal and Planetary Crust Material Available for Utilization Table 2: Composition of Lunar Material part of their orbit, and "Aten" asteroids have orbits that keep them closer to the Sun than Earth at all times. Near Earth asteroids have orbital periods similar to Earth's, but not exactly the same. Due to this fact, they are close to Earth for only short periods of time. An asteroid whose orbital period is 385 days, versus Earth's 365, would pass by Earth only once every 18 years (approaching by 20 days of arc per year). An analogy is race cars going around a track at different speeds, whereby one passes the other on every 18th lap. The low delta-v's given in Table 1 for asteroids near Earth are valid only at certain times, called "launch windows". For example, a given asteroid payload may need a delta-v of less than 0.3 km/sec for only a couple of months every 10 years. A number of different scenarios have been put forth in the literature for bringing asteroidal materials to Earth orbit. However, no one scenario has been agreed upon, and no standardized analysis technique to compare candidate mission profiles has been developed to date. Dr. Cutler is attempting to develop such a computer model at present. Some of the fundamental parameters of a computer model which are not mentioned above but are necessary to perform tradeoff analyses, include: o Is it feasible to have an entirely teleoperated/automated spacecraft return asteroidal materials to Earth orbit for processing? How much simple on-site processing could be performed? o How much equipment would be needed for adequate in-situ propellant production? o Is there a need for "man in space" for this project? If a teleoperated/automated spacecraft cannot do the job, then how many humans must we send? How much can costs be held down by sending humans separate from and later than the equipment? If people are needed, how long would they need to be far away from the Earth-Moon system? * Origin: a politically correct native Arkansan :-) (1:109/349.2) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 00:30:03 -0500 From: Mark Prado Subject: Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #4 of 6) Newsgroups: 4. Technical Objectives and Work Plan I) Identify potential products valuable to a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) which could feasibly be produced from Near-Earth Asteroidal or lunar material. This is expected to take 80 hours of Mr. Prado's time. (2 weeks, 2 man-weeks) II) Identify specific materials available from designated space resources (volatiles, free metal, minerals for processing into ceramics, glasses, and metals) which would be valuable in constructing and operating a BMD. This is expected to take 120 hours of Mr. Prado's time, 24 hours of Dr. Cutler's time, and 24 hours of Dr. Lewis' time. (3 weeks, 4.2 man-weeks) III) Identify processing and manufacturing techniques which have terrestrial precedent and are suitable for use in the space environment, and feasible processing and manufacturing techniques which have little or no terrestrial precedent, to make the desired products out of the available resources. This is expected to take 160 hours of Mr. Prado's time, 80 hours of Dr. Cutler's time, and 8 hours of Dr. Lewis' time. (4 weeks, 6.2 man-weeks) IV) Determine the space based systems (vehicles, platforms, power plants, processing and manufacturing equipment, etc.) and their masses required to retrieve the designated materials and produce the designated BMD products. This is expected to take 120 hours of Mr. Prado's time and 40 hours of Dr. Cutler's time. (3 weeks, 4 man-weeks) V) Produce a strawman scenario, from buildup of materials retrieval rate to production of SDI components. Estimate costs and perform tradeoff analyses to produce an optimal scenario. This is expected to take 120 hours of Mr. Prado's time, 8 hours of Dr. Cutler's time, and 8 hours of Mr. Simon's time. (3 weeks, 3.4 man-weeks) VI) Identify non-DoD products and processes which may have commercial potential as either spinoffs of, or a joint effort with, a BMD program utilizing asteroidal and /or lunar materials. This is expected to take 40 hours of Mr. Prado's time. (1 week, 1 man-week) VII) Determine the need for further research and identify specific items which are critical technologies in making space resources available for SDI use. This is expected to take 64 hours of Mr. Prado's time, 16 hours of Dr. Cutler's time and 8 hours of Dr. Lewis' time. (1 week, 1.4 man-weeks) VIII) Generate a detailed report and executive summary spelling out the prospective utility of space resources in enhancing or enabling space based strategic defenses as well as laying out an R&D program which could make space resources available for SDI use and point out appropriate make or break milestones for such a program. This is expected to take 80 hours of Mr. Prado's time. (2 week, 2 man-weeks) Total time: 19.6 weeks (4.5 months) Total labor: 25 man-weeks (0.48 man-years), 78.4% by the Principal Investigator and 21.6% by Consultants 4. Key Personnel, Facility Resources, and Consultants The Principal Investigator of this study, the President of the company, and three carefully chosen consultants who have affirmed their interest and availability for consulting on this project are briefly described below, followed by resumes. Mr. Mark Evan Prado, the Principal Investigator, is a physicist with experience as an SDI systems analyst with ANSER Corporation in Crystal City in direct support of SDIO/T/KE and SDIO/T/SLKT from 1985 to 1987. Mr. Prado has worked in the field of lunar and Near-Earth Asteroidal materials utilization as a consultant and as an independent researcher over the last three years. Beginning recently, under sponsorship by Western Space Enterprises, Mr. Prado has at his disposal Western Space Enterprises' comprehensive library and database services on lunar and Near-Earth Asteroidal materials utilization, which is reputed to be the best in the U.S. on the topic. Mr. Prado is also writing a book outlining the opportunity of NTM utilization and work to date. In this proposal, Mr. Prado would define BMD products which could be made from asteroidal and lunar materials, define the space systems for retrieving asteroidal and lunar material needed for a BMD (e.g., vehicles, space platforms, etc.), assess candidate materials processing systems (with the help of Dr. Cutler and Dr. Lewis), perform cost analyses (with critiques from Mr. Simon and Dr. Cutler), and generate the Final Report (including recommendations for Phase II SBIR research). Ms. Mani Shankaran-Prado is Founder, President, and Financial Officer of Western Space Enterprises, Ltd. Ms. Shankaran-Prado, who holds an M.S. in Business Administration and operates Western Space Enterprises, Ltd., has sponsored work in the field of nonterrestrial materials utilization. Ms. Shankaran-Prado would handle the financial and administrative matters of this proposal. Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler, the proposed main consultant on chemical processing issues (16.8% of contract time), is a chemist and works principally as a consultant in an aerospace materials science and engineering capacity for space-based (non-launch vehicle) systems. Dr. Cutler has written numerous papers on chemical processing of lunar and asteroidal materials, has been a leading participant in recent workshops on the issue, has performed general economic analyses on lunar and asteroidal materials retrieval, and is generally regarded as one of the foremost experts and most credible analysts in the field. The Principal Investigator would consult with Dr. Cutler on assessing candidate materials processing schemes and estimating the mass of chemical processing plants and their throughputs. Dr. Cutler would also retrieve unpublished economic analysis data for possible inclusion in the Principal Investigator's cost analysis. Dr. John S. Lewis, a Geochemist and proposed consultant for this contract (4% of contract time), is a Professor of Planetary Sciences at the University of Arizona, "the asteroid capital of the world", and previously was Professor of Geochemistry and Chemistry at MIT. Dr. Lewis has recently published articles on using near-Earth asteroidal material for defense and commercial uses, including technical work on chemical processing using proven techniques currently in use at mines. Dr. Lewis has also been successful in raising support for a telescope with a state- of-the-art sensor and computer to search for asteroids autonomously. The Principal Investigator intends to consult with Dr. Lewis for quickly obtaining appropriate data on asteroid minerology from the vast asteroid library at Tucson, and to help determine physical processing needs for asteroid materials. Mr. Michael Simon, a proposed minor consultant (0.8% of contract time), is experienced as an economist in the space development arena, primarily as an economist with the General Dynamics/Convair Space Systems Division. Mr. Simon recently completed a small economic analysis of lunar oxygen supply to Earth orbit for fuel propellant, under a $12,000 contract to the NASA Johnson Space Center. The Principal Investigator intends to retrieve some of the unpublished work of Mr. Simon on economic issues of NTM retrieval, and Mr. Simon will critique the economic analysis of the Principal Investigator before the Final Report. Mark Evan Prado 11425 South Lakes Dr. (703) 715-8473 Reston, VA 22091 Mr. Prado worked with ANSER, a "direct support" contractor to SDIO/T/KE and SDIO/T/SLKT officers, from 1985 to 1987. Major responsibilities are listed below. In addition, Mr. Prado has investigated the possible use of nonterrestrial materials for defense and commercial uses. Recently, he has created computer databases on all the work to date on nonterrestrial materials utilization and the most qualified researchers in the field, and has helped in assembling the largest library on the topic (which is located in the Washington, D.C. area) for Western Space Enterprises, Ltd. He is currently writing a book on the opportunity of space development using Near-Earth Asteroids and lunar material for economic benefits and Free World security. Previous DoD clearance: Top Secret (1986-87) Selected work experience: o Wrote part of a Congressionally mandated study on a nearterm ballistic missile defense. I wrote most of the chapter assessing the impacts on deterrence and crisis stability. o Compared DSAT (i.e., satellite defense) vs. BMD (i.e., ICBM defense) interceptor systems and capability requirements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, for testing of interceptors within the ABM Treaty. Established the statistical distribution of relative velocities between the interceptor and boost-phase ICBM, in order to determine ABM Treaty compliance of DSAT testing on the basis of "capability". The latter part of the analysis was applied to the case for Treaty Compliance of the Delta 180 intercept in orbit in 1986. Basically, it established that it's much easier to intercept something coming towards you than to intercept something far away headed for a third party. o Summarized more than 50 Space Test Program (STP) hardware candidates which could be ready for flight before 1990, and determined their experimental utility for SDI concepts o Investigated telemetry and range requirements for space experiments o Provided assistance to the Delta 180 and Delta 181 experiment programs (which ANSER played a major role in managing) o Provided top level analysis of ERIS and HEDI programs o Catalogued 64 SDI computer models and simulations which incorporate kinetic energy weapons, and operated some of them. o Discrimination (between RVs and decoys) - studied, assessed, and compared candidate systems, with emphasis on interactive discrimination o Developed a concept for using particle clouds for interactive discrimination, including computation of a nominal orbit based constellation, rough design of an interceptor system, and overall constellation weight o Provided in-depth analysis of candidate space-based electric power systems o Provided in-depth analysis of electromagnetic launchers PERTINENT EXPERIENCE (in chronological order): 8-87 Western Space Enterprises, Ltd. to Space Systems Physicist date 12-85 Analytical Services (ANSER), Strategic Defense to Kinetic Energy Division and Strategic Defense 8-87 Technology Division (Arlington, VA) Space Systems Physicist ANSER is a 100% government contractor, providing high level direct support of officials and programs for SDIO (the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization) and the Air Force. I performed both quick analysis and detailed research, provided top-down comparative assessments of private contractor work, prepared short reports and vu-graph briefing materials, and assisted in implementation of major projects. 3-85 U.S. Patent Office (Arlington, VA) to Patent Examiner 12-85 Studied applications for patent, searched for prior art, judged the merits of claims, drafted prima facie legal actions, and corresponded with applicants and their lawyers 1985 Space Studies Institute (SSI) (Princeton, NJ) Consultant Analyzed pulse power supply systems for a lunar based electromagnetic launcher (launching lunar minerals) 1-84 University of Arkansas to Independent Researcher 4-84 Analyzed meteorites (and implicitly asteroidal material) using an electron microscope; used various spectroscopic and imaging techniques EDUCATION (FORMAL): B.Sc., Physics, University of Arkansas, 1983 (top of graduating physics class) Minors : Political Science, Mathematics Other : Mechanical Engineering, to senior level ACTIVITIES: Lunar Development Council, Communications Director, 1987 President of the University of Arkansas Political Science Honors Society, a chapter of pi sigma alpha, 1984-85 Member of collegiate honorary societies for physics (sigma pi sigma) and engineering (tau beta pi) PERTINENT PUBLICATIONS: "Electromagnetic Launcher Pulsed Power Input: Homopolar Generators or Compulsators vs. The Capacitor Banks", Space Manufacturing 1985 (Proceedings of the 1985 Princeton/AIAA/SSI Conference on Space Development), published in December 1985 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics "Remote, Lunar Based Mass Driver Power Conditioning", in the Proceedings of the 1986 Mag-Lev Lunar Base Symposium, to be published in late 1987 * Origin: another Friend Of Bill (1:109/349.2) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 00:31:04 -0500 From: Mark Prado Subject: Why is SDIO doing "Clementine"? (part #5 of 6) Newsgroups: P.E.R.M.A.N.E.N.T. -- Program to Employ Resources of the Moon and Asteroids Near Earth in the Near Term, a book manuscript in preparation. Andrew Hall Cutler 3030 Suncrest #214 Home: (619) 284-2779 San Diego, California 92116 Work: (619) 455-4689 Employment Principal Scientist, Energy Science Laboratories, 6/86 to present Duties: Experimentally assess thermal cycling fatigue and creep in beryllium alloys for high temperature space solar power applications. Explore the use of graphite and surface treated graphite as a high temperature materials for dynamic space power generation. Study various aspects of advanced hydrocarbon fuelled rockets. Assist in developing materials for advanced launch vehicles. Develop advanced fuels for supersonic and hypersonic propulsion. Aid in research on variable emittance semiconductor coatings for space applications. Study advanced tether applications for space station. Help define experiments to study aspects of ultrafine particle production in microgravity under terrestrial conditions. Pursue patentable aspects of semiconductor processing in space and metal alloy actuator fabrication. Select testing and purification techniques and ranking criteria for low temperature phase change materials for use in composite heat sinks for space applications. Theoreti- cally and experimentally examine selection of electric thruster propellants for efficient ionization. Obtain funding from various sources to pursue research of interest to the company. Postgraduate Research Chemist, California Space Institute (Univ. of California at San Diego), 6/83 to 5/86. Duties: Invent processes to make useful products from lunar materials. Define research programs to study electrolysis of molten lunar minerals and metal oxide solubility in molten alkali hydroxides. Design and install a high temperature experimental facility. Study the economic and technical feasibility of using lunar and asteroidal resources in low Earth orbit. Participate in the NASA/ASEE summer study Technological Springboard to the 21st Century. Examine the technical feasibility of propulsion systems based on conducting tether interactions with the Earth's magnetosphere, tether mediated momentum transfer, combustion of external tank derived aluminum, and thermolysis of ammonia. Write technical papers and proposals in these areas. Consultant to Energy Science Laboratories, Earth Space Operations, the California Space Institute, the Space Studies Institute and the Large Scale Projects Institute, 5/84 to present Duties: Provide expert technical advice on design and operation of an expendable tether flight test article. Investigate methods of heat introduction for ultrafine particle production in microgravity. Explore market prospects for ultrafine particles produced in space. Investigate fabrication and stability of composite phase change material heat sinks intended for space use. Determine the impact of various oxygen and hydrogen production technologies for predicting the costs and benefits of prospective lunar base programs. Develop a computer based modeling system on space resource utilization economics. Research Associate, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, 2/82 to 6/83 Duties: Construct renewable resources laboratory. Perform research on gas phase pyrolysis of model compounds related to levoglucosan, and relate the results to engineering processes for biomass conversion. Determine regimes in which biomass could be pyrolyzed to give economically attractive products. Research Assistant, Princeton Chemistry Department, 3/81 to 1/82 Duties: Study Laminar flow pyrolysis reactors. Define and perform experiments to verify that reactor gives accurate and reproducible results for gas phase pyrolysis kinetics. Library Assistant, Princeton Chemistry Library, 10/78 to 12/81 Duties: Assist Patrons in the use and interpretation of library materials, reference works and abstracts. Maintain the card catalog. Train staff members in the use of reference materials and maintenance of the catalog. Teaching Assistant, Princeton Chemistry Department, 9/80 to 1/81 and 9/78 to 6/79. Duties: Supervise laboratory and discussion sections. Hold office hours. Grade homework, exams and lab reports. Research Assistant, Princeton Chemistry Department, 7/79 to 8/80 Duties: Perform research to relate quantum mechanical molecular wavefunctions to the concept of atomic charge used in descriptive chemistry. Implement the Hirshfeld Charge definition. Compare results from it to results from other definitions of atomic charge and to intuitive expectations. Mainframe Computer Operator and Programming Consultant, Princeton University, 6/81 to 9/81 Laboratory Assistant, University of California at Riverside Physics Department, 4/76 to 6/78 Duties: Scan and measure data (film) from bubble chamber and streamer chamber experiments. Modify scanning equipment to improve performance. Perform numerical simulations of experi- ments to be run at CERN's intersecting storage ring facility to determine optimum detector placement. Confirm optimum detector placement by analyzing preliminary experimental data. Tutor, Educational Opportunity Program, University of California at Riverside, 10/75 to 3/76 Duties: Tutor students at all levels in mathematics, physics and chemstry by appointment and on a walk in basis. Machine Operator, Norco Injection Molding, 6/78 to 9/78 Duties: Operate injection molding machines, recycle scrap plastic. Education Ph.D., Chemistry, Princeton University, January 1985. In Absentia at the University of Hawaii at Manoa January 1982 to June 1983. Hugh Stott Taylor fellow, 1978 - 1979. Dissertation title: Hirshfeld Charge Analysis and Model Compound Studies of Biomass Pyrolysis. B.S., Physics, University of California at Riverside, June 1978. Dean's Honor list, 1974 - 1975. Participated in undergraduate research on particle physics, semiconductor mediated hydrogen production and the chemistry of vision. Earned 75% of my college expenses and support. Editorships Review editor, Princeton Space Manufacturing Conference, 1987 + Editor in chief, Space Power and Development (formerly Space Solar Power Review ), 1988 + Publications of Andrew Hall Cutler "Review of the Extraterrestrial Materials Processing Literature," Andrew H. Cutler, manuscript in preparation. "Metallurgical Properties of Lunar and Asteroidal Steels," Andrew H. Cutler, in Space Manufacturing 5, Engineering with Lunar and Asteroidal Materials, page 160, published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 1985. "Plasma Anode Electrolysis of Molten Lunar Silicates," Andrew H. Cutler, Tryggve Baak, Terry S. Chern and James R. Arnold, minipaper presented at the Cal Space Investigator's Conference, May 3 - 4 1984, La Jolla, CA. "Slag-Metal Equilibrium in Lunar Smelting and Arc Electrowinning," Andrew H. Cutler, paper presented at the SpaceTech conference, September 23 - 25 1985, Anaheim, CA; Available from Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI. "A Carbothermal Scheme for Lunar Oxygen Production," Andrew H. Cutler, Paper presented at the Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century symposium, Washington, DC, October 29 - 31, 1984, and published in Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century, W. W. Mendel, ed. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX. "An Alkali Hydroxide Based Scheme for Lunar Oxygen Production," Andrew H. Cutler, abstract presented at the Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century symposium, Washington, DC, October 29 - 31, 1984. "Transportation Economics of Lunar Oxygen Utilization in LEO," Andrew H. Cutler, abstract presented at the Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century symposium, Washington, DC, October 29 - 31, 1984. "Transportation Economics of Lunar Oxygen Utilization," Andrew H. Cutler, minipaper presented at the Cal Space Investigator's Conference, May 3 - 4 1984, La Jolla, CA. "Transportation Economics of Extraterrestrial Resource Utilization," Andrew H. Cutler and Mari L. Hughes, in Space Manufacturing 5, Engineering with Lunar and Asteroidal Materials, page 233, published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 1985. "Use of Lunar Silane Fuel for Economical Space Transportation," Andrew H. Cutler and Andrew R. Wolff, Manuscript in Preparation. "H2 / O2 / Al Engines and Their Application to OTV's," Andrew H. Cutler, paper IAF-84-314 presented at the 35th Internatioal Astronautical Federation Congress in Lausanne, Switzerland, October 5 - 12, 1984. "Aluminum Fueled Space Engines for Economical Lunar Transportation," Andrew H. Cutler, abstract presented at the Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century symposium, Washington, DC, October 29 - 31, 1984. "Aluminum Fuelled Space Engines to Enhance Space Transportation Systems Effectiveness," Andrew H. Cutler, proceedings of the NASA/ASEE summer study Technological Springboard to the 21st Century, held June - August 1984, La Jolla, CA, to appear. "Use of External Tank Aluminum Fuel for Economical Space Transportation," Andrew H. Cutler and Andrew R. Wolff, Manuscript in Preparation. "Potential Role for Tethers in Space Transportation," Joseph A. Carroll and Andrew H. Cutler, paper 84-1448 presented at the AIAA/ASME/SAE 20th Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinatti, June 11 - 13 1984. "Industrial Use of Space Resources," Andrew H. Cutler, paper presented at the joint AAS/JRS meeting, Honolulu, 16 - 19 December 1985, Available in the conference proceedings published by Univelt, San Diego. "Accessibility of Near Earth Asteroids for Resource Exploitation," Andrew H. Cutler, in Space Manufacturing 6, American Istitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, to be published in 1987. "Space Manufacturing," Andrew H. Cutler, invited article in the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Academic Press, New York, 1987. "An Evaluation of Atmospheric Pressure Laminar Flow Reactors for the Study of High Temperature Pyrolysis Kinetics," Andrew H. Cutler, Michael J. Antal and Maitland Jones, submitted to Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals. "Hirshfeld Atomic Charges," Charles C. Cook, Andrew H. Cutler and Leland C. Allen, Manuscript in Preparation. "Kinetics and Mechanism of 1,3 Dioxolane Pyrolysis in Steam," Andrew H. Cutler, Michael J. Antal and Maitland Jones, to appear in Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. "Cracked Ammonia as a Storable Solar or Nuclear Thermal Propellant," Andrew H. Cutler, paper presented at the SpaceTech conference, September 23 - 25 1985, Anaheim, CA; Available from Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI. Mediocre Behavior and Finite Resources, Andrew H. Cutler and Andrew R. Wolff, submitted to Science. * Origin: Just send it to (1:109/349.2) ------------------------------ End of Space Digest Volume 16 : Issue 455 ------------------------------