Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Mon, 6 May 91 02:03:53 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: Precedence: junk Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Mon, 6 May 91 02:03:47 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V13 #491 SPACE Digest Volume 13 : Issue 491 Today's Topics: Re: Terraforming Venus SPACE Digest V13 #476 Re: Launch Advisory for 04/22/91 (Forwarded) Re: Transportation Tethers (Beanstalks) Astronaut Mary Cleave joins NASA environmental project (Forwarded) Re: Laser launchers Administrivia: Submissions to the SPACE Digest/ should be mailed to Other mail, esp. [un]subscription requests, should be sent to, or, if urgent, to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 May 91 00:35:55 GMT From: wuarchive!rex!rouge! (Fraering Philip) Subject: Re: Terraforming Venus In article <> (/dev/null) writes: >I think Venus might be a bit easier to Terraform than Mars. With >Mars, you have to find a way to add air pressure, with Venus, you have >to find a way to decrease it (never minding the fact that both are >poisonous right now ... :) ) >This could be an opportunity to try out bio-technology. Send a group of >microbes that "eat" sulphur in sulphuric acid, cleaning the air. >I know that there are lots of toxins other than H2SO4, but similar approaches >could be used. >Mars may be much more tough than Venus. [Note: I did not change the content of the above, but I used the re-fill command of emacs to put linefeeds in the right places] Anyway, from a physics point of view, terraforming Venus is much less trivial than terraforming Mars. Even the early probes to Mars showed that in the past there was an earthlike enviornment, with could possibly be duplicated today. However, "reducing the atmospheric pressure" of Venus involves reducing the atmosphere, which is a non-trivial task. So might giving the planet a day-night cycle; and the solution better be different than spinning it up. The energy required for that would also be sufficient to send a _lot_ of people on long interstellar trips on some very large ships. Anyway, this is all from a physics point of view, and therefore probably not important compared to all the experts in nanotechnology and direct mass/energy conversion (I think there's a department in all of this stuff over at Miskatonic U.) >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ >| Society of Philosophers, Luminaries, | Brent L. Irvine | >| and Other Professional Thinking People..... | Only my own ramblings | >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Were physics courses required in order to join this group? -- Phil Fraering Joke going around: "How many country music singers does it take to change a light bulb? Four. One to change the bulb, and three to sing about the old one." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 May 91 13:15:56 EDT From: (John Sahr) Subject: SPACE Digest V13 #476 Tommy Mac wrote: Subject: Laser Launchers (summary). Dave wrote: [somebody else wrote:] >> Get an ice cube (well, a big ice cube). Hit it on one end with a >> laser. The top millimeter or so undergoes a process sometimes >> called Laser Induced Detonation. It more or less explodes ... [] So in other words - We'd have a steam-powered rocket! So much for blasting the Satrun V for being 'old' technology ;-} Actually a steam-powered rocket engine is newer technology than the Saturn. Harken back, if you will, to the mid 1970's, when Evel Knievel attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon with a steam-powered "motorcycle." The rocket worked just fine; unfortunately the parachute deployed at launch, slowing the works up a bit. ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 04:49:04 GMT From: unisoft!fai!sequent!crg5!szabo@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Nick Szabo) Subject: Re: Launch Advisory for 04/22/91 (Forwarded) > The launch of Joust 1, a commercial suborbital rocket >carrying 10 materials and biotechnology experiments.... I would like to point this out and congratulate NASA and OSC for an example of good, efficient, and effective microgravity studies. Similar studies are being done in Japan and Europe; there is intense competition to gain the high ground in the potentially lucrative fields of microgravity and vacuum manufacturing. I urge NASA to continue and grow this kind of support for microgravity science and materials processing efforts. -- Nick Szabo "Living below your means allows you to live better than living above your means." -- Dave Boyd The above opinions are my own and not related to those of any organization I may be affiliated with. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Apr 91 05:43:07 GMT From: unisoft!fai!sequent!crg5!szabo@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Nick Szabo) Subject: Re: Transportation Tethers (Beanstalks) In article <1022@igor.Rational.COM> wab@rutabaga.Rational.COM (Bill Baker) writes: > seem to be saying that Kevlar has the requisite tensile >strength. Correct. Put enough of it in parallel, put a big enough asteroid on the other side to balance the mass, and we have it. Of course, the economics and technology of manufacturing such large quantities of this material from asteroids or comets are not even close to being in place. Thus, progress in space manufacturing, asteroid/comet astronomy, and/or tensile strength/mass ratios is needed to bring us to a point where beanstalks are affordable. At that point GEO tethers offer, by far and away, the cheapest way for people to leave earth's gravity well -- the potential for true migration. None of this research is "fundamental". The progress could come from all three, two, or just one of these directions and be sufficient. The progress in each field relies heavily on government financial support and academic attention being payed to these fields, instead of fields like chem rockets that government-sponsored programs have researched to death, and where research is inefficiently and unfairly competing with private R&D. Tethers are an example of the long-term type of research that truly is the responsibility of government labs, since the potential advance is very large (over four orders of magnitude) but too long-term to be contemplated by private industry at this time. >I would think that you could "bootstrap" a >space-based energy system once you had the beanstalk established. Indeed. Not only this, but the theoretical energy requirement is zero, as long as we are moving as much mass down as we are up -- either with dummy mass or by exporting space manufactured products to earth. Consider the typical office building elevator. As long as people are going up and down at the same time, it takes very little energy to run the elevator. With some fancy orbital mechanics and scheduling, this principle can also be applied to mass-anchored rotating tethers throughout the solar system. -- Nick Szabo "Living below your means allows you to live better than living above your means." -- Dave Boyd The above opinions are my own and not related to those of any organization I may be affiliated with. ------------------------------ Date: 2 May 91 19:22:22 GMT From: (Peter E. Yee) Subject: Astronaut Mary Cleave joins NASA environmental project (Forwarded) Ed Campion Headquarters, Washington, D.C. May 2, 1991 (Phone: 202/453-1134) Barbara Schwartz Johnson Space Center, Houston (Phone: 713/483-5111) RELEASE: 91-68 ASTRONAUT MARY CLEAVE JOINS NASA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT Astronaut Mary L. Cleave, Ph.D., P.E., will become Deputy Project Manager for SeaWiFS, Sea Viewing Wide Field Sensors, at the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, Md., beginning May 19, 1991. SeaWiFS is a joint NASA and commercial project to learn about the biological mass in the ocean by studying the chlorophyll content to determine how much plankton is produced. Information on whether plants in the ocean can absorb enough carbon dioxide and produce necessary oxygen to prevent global warming will be one focal point for this research. An eight-channel data collection camera will be launched using a Pegasus booster. "Earth observations experience I gained as an astronaut will be beneficial to me in this new capacity. I'm eager to have this opportunity to make a contribution to environmental research," Cleave said. "We are sorry to see Mary leave JSC (Johnson Space Center) but are happy that she will stay in the NASA family. We wish her success in her new job," Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald R. Puddy said. Cleave has flown on two Space Shuttle missions. During STS- 61B, three telecommunication satellites were deployed and two 6- hour "spacewalks" were conducted to demonstrate Space Station Freedom construction techniques. Cleave controlled the Shuttle's robot arm to assist in these activities. On STS-30, crew members successfully deployed the Magellan Venus-exploration spacecraft and performed numerous middeck experiments. ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 01:05:59 GMT From: unisoft!fai!sequent!crg5!szabo@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Nick Szabo) Subject: Re: Laser launchers In article <2753@ke4zv.UUCP> gary@ke4zv.UUCP (Gary Coffman) writes: >Well consider that for an electrically powered laser, conversion of >primary fuel to electricity is, at best, 40% efficient. This is significantly higher than the efficiency of converting that same primary fuel to rocket fuel -- which is around 5-15% for fuels that are reasonably efficient as rocket propellant. Many rocket fuels themselves require significant input of electric power. >Transmission, >control, and application of the electrical energy is, at best, 80% >efficient. And laser conversion is, at best, 10% efficient. 8% better than the extra fuel needed to lift tank and fuel in rockets, due to the fuel being on board. >That's >an overall efficiency of 3.2% right there. Which is better than chemical rockets (1-2% starting with a primary fuel like refined oil). >[more inefficiency from blooming] Eliminating blooming is a major problem that needs to be worked on by R&D. In one regime -- using lasers to power suborbital regime payloads into orbit -- blooming is not a problem at all. A paradigm shift needs to occur here for those stuck in the chem rocket paradigm -- an upper stage, especially one operating in vacuum, does not need to resemble in any way the lower stage. It is quite possible, perhaps even probable, that we will have a suborbital regime consisting of chem rocket, laser (if blooming is solved), EML, gas gun, or airplane-slung tether, and a vacuum orbital regime consisting of laser or tethers. The technologies we are discussing can be an imortant piece in a hybrid system, it is not necessary and perhaps not even desirable that they perform the entire task on their own. The desirability of eliminating blooming and increasing laser efficiency is the big reason we are talking about government R&D funding here, not funding for an operational system which is the role of industry. >> ....this tank and controlling this >> tank through flight is a major part of chem rocket launch costs >> and reliability problems. > >This is *the* advantage of the laser scheme. It is all the advantage it needs. Storing massive amounts of volatile gas with the payload has produced unreliable transportation, from dirgibles to rockets. Laser launch gets us out of that mode. >I wasn't arguing that R&D engineering problems need to be solved so >much as I was arguing that fundamental physical laws prevent the system >from being a practical, efficient, alternative to rockets. What "fundamental law" says that blooming can't be solved? The solution may require adaptive optics on the launch site, to be sure. In the end, it _may_ prove intractable. Or it may not. The whole point of doing R&D is to find out for sure. By just throwing our hands up we could throw away the best opportunity. We don't have too many good opportunities to throw away. >Railgun, coilgun, gasgun, whatever, all are technically feasible for >small payloads that don't mind thousands of Gs. With some extra civil engineering there could also be low-G versions, including suborbital versions linked with tethers or space-based lasers that avoid blooming by operating in vacuum. The other 90% of the payloads we launch into space are fairly easy to harden from the G forces, the military does this all the time for smart munitions. >Tethers need to exceed the theoretical strength of materials limits by >orders of magnitude to work. Kevlar can work today for most of the scenarios envisioned. The major problem is launch cost of the mass. This can be brought way down by (a) manufacturing the tethers in space, (b) producing better tensile materials -- a very important and woefully underfunded field of R&D, (c) bootstrapping larger tethers into orbit with smaller tethers, or (d) a combination of the above. >Again, a fundamental scientific breakthrough, >not engineering R&D, needs to occur before tethers can become reality, if >ever. Materials strength is applied, not fundamental science. The other problems are engineering. Your rhetoric is way out of whack with reality here. >Science fiction is all well and good, >but the best way we know to go >up through the atmosphere is with wings and air breathing engines. So far, you haven't come out in favor of any kind of new ideas. Keep the rocket engineers at work, keep launch costs high, don't rock the rocket. This sort of short-sightedness in the last thing needed in government R&D work, which by its very rationale is supposed to be working on promising but difficult problems that are too long term for private R&D. In the twenties you could have, and perhaps would have, used these very same arguments against chem rockets. "Goddard needs to take a refresher on elementary physics. Everybody knows rockets can't operate in a vacuum" (paraphrase of New York Times...). -- Nick Szabo "Living below your means allows you to live better than living above your means." -- Dave Boyd The above opinions are my own and not related to those of any organization I may be affiliated with. ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V13 #491 *******************