Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Sat, 16 Feb 91 02:22:46 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Precedence: junk Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Sat, 16 Feb 91 02:22:42 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V13 #160 SPACE Digest Volume 13 : Issue 160 Today's Topics: Re: Confusion regarding "Firm Fred Decisions" Re: Ulysses Update - 02/12/91 Re: Magellan Update - 02/14/91 Looking for a good job in digital tevevision R&D UOSAT 2 Re: "Magnum" Electronic Intelligence Satellite Augustine's Space Program Report Mobile Launch Complex (MLC) (was Re: List of Frequently-Seen Acronyms) NASA Tech Briefs overseas Re: ET Use (Was:) Administrivia: Submissions to the SPACE Digest/ should be mailed to Other mail, esp. [un]subscription requests, should be sent to, or, if urgent, to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 7 Feb 91 13:37:39 GMT From: rex!wuarchive!!caen!! (Ken Sheppardson) Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Subject: Re: Confusion regarding "Firm Fred Decisions" References: <> Sender: To: In article <> writes: >Any confusion resulting from the posting "Firm Fred Decisions" I will take >the blame for. It turns out that I had correct information, but not >comprehensive information. Let me just point out that the orinal list included... "o the budget is now for man-tended capability (MTC) only" "o a lab module will exist only at MTC" "o there will be no habitation module or nodes" "o no [PMC] equipment or growth planned" >Here is the skinny: > >o The SSF program is being divided into three stand-alone phases, for > budget purposes: man-tended capability (MTC), permanently-manned > capability (PMC), and EMCC, whatever that stands for. The term "stand- > alone" I think means that each phase will be funded separately, with > the results of the first being used to determine whether/for how much > the subsequent phases will be funded, etc. Hopefully this bullet will clear up any confusion resulting from the original list. There are, in fact, plans to go beyond MTC;there will, in fact, be additional lab space beyond MTC;there will be hab space and nodes;PMC is still part of the program. [ EMCC - Eight-Man Crew Capability ] >o Solar Dynamic and FTS have been stopped, as I stated before. I don't believe Solar Dynamic was part of the baseline (post-ISPDR) program to begin with, was it ? We've [almost] always used it in growth configurations beyond the baseline AC 75 kW, but since growth beyond AC hasn't been a requirement (for the last few years) was SD beyond the 'technology development' phase ? Is the $10M for solar dynamic power research set aside in the '91 budget [Source: VA/HUD/IA House-Senate Conference Report HR101-900] an increase or decrease from '90 funding ? Of course the same report lists $106.3M for FTS, so those numberse could be out-the-window by now. >o The 18.75 kW power capability at MTC I mentioned previously is a number > recommended for five years after beginning-of-life (BOL). At BOL, they > think 37.5 kW will be achieved. Is this a change from baseline ? Hasn't BOL power always been greater than the 18.75/37.5/75 kW available at MTC/PMC/AC respectively ? Do you have before/after Restructuring number to compare with? ('available' => power available at DDCU [DC/DC Conversion Unit ?] output, right ?. Actual power off the PVs is significantly greater, isn't it ? Do you happen to have the overall efficiency number ? BTW, do you happen to know how much the PVs were widened/lengthened as a result of Turbo ?) >o The truss is to be pre-integrated (PIT), saving mucho EVA during assembly. Just to avoid confusion, PIT -> Pre-Integrated Truss. Another language change: The 'Transverse Boom' shall from this date forward be refered to as the 'Transverse BEAM'. [Source: presentations given by Bensimon and Moorehead to Lenoir in late January] >o Some component and acceptance testing in the Electrical Power System (EPS) > is to be deleted. If anybody cares, I'll get back to you on that. > >o In the six-year period from fiscal 1991-96, a program cost reduction of > ~$6 billion is anticipated. > >Posted with minimal comment by RG Unsolicited comments added by: -- =============================================================================== Ken Sheppardson Email: Space Station Freedom Advanced Programs Office Phone: (804) 864-7544 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA FAX: (804) 864-1975 =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 14 Feb 91 18:33:25 GMT From: usc!!swrinde!!!linac!convex! (Dave Dodson) Organization: Convex Computer Corporation; Richardson, TX Subject: Re: Ulysses Update - 02/12/91 References: <>, <> Sender: To: In article <> gregc@dgsi.UUCP (Greg Cronau/10000) writes: >In article <> (Ron Baalke) writes: >>Following the declaration a >>suggestion was received from a JPL telecommunications expert that it may be >>necessary to apply a Doppler correction to the command sub-carrier uplink ^^^^^^^^^^^ >>frequency due to the current velocity of the spacecraft relative to the Earth > >Are you really transmitting commands to the spacecraft at that *low* of a >frequency? 16000Hz? Are you sure that isn't 16000 Mhz? Just curious. Note that the 16000Hz is the sub-carrier frequency. According to standard usage of the term sub-carrier, the radio signal is at a high frequency, and is modulated with the sub-carrier. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Dodson dodson@convex.COM Convex Computer Corporation Richardson, Texas (214) 497-4234 ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 14 Feb 91 20:37:31 GMT From:!jato!mars! (Ron Baalke) Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. Subject: Re: Magellan Update - 02/14/91 References: <>, <> Sender: To: In article <> rdm2@chaucer.UUCP (25362-roe mcburnett) writes: >In article <> > (Ron Baalke) writes: >> >> MAGELLAN STATUS REPORT February 14, 1991 >[...] >> The strategy of shortening the mapping pass by ten minutes cuts 26 >>degrees of latitude off the southern end of the delayed image swaths. Over >>the 17 to 21 days that this this strategy will be used for temperature control, >>the loss of image area will be less than 1% of the Venus surface. > >Ron, > >Will the orbiter be able to scan this area of the surface later on in >the mission?? Or are we going to be missing some of the surface forever? > In the extended mission, Magellan will go back over the planet again and pick up any areas it missed on the first go around. Venus rotates underneath the spacecraft every 243 days. ___ _____ ___ /_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | | | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab | Is it mind over matter, ___| | | | |__) |/ | | |___ M/S 301-355 | or matter over mind? /___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | Never mind. |_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ | It doesn't matter. ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 10 Feb 91 21:01:15 GMT From:!!!linus!philabs!briar! (Robert Casey) Subject: Looking for a good job in digital tevevision R&D Sender: To: Hi. Just a quick note that I am looking for a good job in the digital TV area. Find my resume in I got caught in Philips' reduction in force. Philips is in bad fincinal shape. Anyway, call me at 201-261-4066. Point any and all headhunters my way. don't try to e-mail, as my account may be deleted soon. Suprised that it still exists. Thanks ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 11 Feb 91 16:04:06 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!mucs!liv-cs!liv! (Andrew Hartridge) Organization: University of Liverpool Subject: UOSAT 2 Sender: To: Can anyone tell me the frequency that UOSAT 2 transmits on ?? Also does UOSAT 1 still exist or did that decay ages ago ?? Thanks in Advance Andrew Hartridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Dept. Electrical Eng. / UUCP: !mcvax!ukc!!eeet176 / | University of Liverpool, / LOCAL: eeet176 @ uxa / | Brownlow Hill, / JANET: eeet176 @ / | Liverpool, / andrewh @ / | ENGLAND. / INTERNET: andrewh @ / | / an808 @ / ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 5 Feb 91 16:24:19 GMT From: att!linac!!!!utzoo!henry@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Henry Spencer) Organization: U of Toronto Zoology Subject: Re: "Magnum" Electronic Intelligence Satellite References: <> Sender: To: In article <> (Dave Smith) writes: >I saw a mention in Time of a satellite named "Magnum" which is supposed to >be used for electronic eavesdropping. The blurb said that it had an >antenna "the size of a baseball field." This sounds like a really large >structure to be deploying automatically. Does anyone have any info >on this beasty? What you've just said -- it's called "Magnum", it's an eavesdropping satellite, and it probably has a big deployable antenna -- is just about the sum total of unclassified knowledge about it. -- "Maybe we should tell the truth?" | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology "Surely we aren't that desperate yet." | utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 13 Feb 91 14:45:57 GMT From:!!sei!mjg@PT.CS.CMU.EDU (Michael Gagliardi) Organization: Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA Subject: Augustine's Space Program Report Sender: To: Does anyone know how to obtain a copy of "Summary and Principal Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on the Future of the U.S. Space Program"? Thanks, Mike ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 14 Feb 91 02:11:46 GMT From: mintaka!ogicse!!caen!! (Ken Sheppardson) Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Subject: Mobile Launch Complex (MLC) (was Re: List of Frequently-Seen Acronyms) References: , <190@miccal.CAMPBELL.CA.US> Sender: To: In <190@miccal.CAMPBELL.CA.US> mfoster@nova.UUCP (Michael Foster): >In (Mark Bradford): >> >>SIRTF: Space InfraRed Telescope Facility >>SME: Solar Mesosphere Explorer > >You forgot: > >SLC: Space Launch Complex > >As you included VAFB (Vandenberg Air Force Base), I figured you wouldn't >forget the famous (infamous?) SLC-6 (pronounced Slick-Six), the west coast >Shuttle launch complex now in Mothballs. Mothballs ? I thought it was just outside Lompoc, just north of Santa Barbara. Did they just move the entire base or just the SLC ? And where exactly is Mothballs ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote of the Week: "Where are your troops and can I go count them ?" - Iraqi Reporter during Pentagon Briefing skit, SNL, 2/9/91 -- =============================================================================== Ken Sheppardson Email: Space Station Freedom Advanced Programs Office Phone: (804) 864-7544 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA FAX: (804) 864-1975 =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 7 Feb 91 03:12:25 GMT From: milton!sumax!amc-gw!thebes!polari! (Charles Radley) Organization: Seattle Online Public Unix (206) 328-4944 Subject: NASA Tech Briefs overseas Sender: To: I have received a package from NASA which says Tech Briefs is Now available for the first time outside the United States... Subscription is $ 150 US for one year ( $ 188 for 2 years ). One year rates in non-US currency are: $ 180 Australian, 18000 Austrian Schillings, 85 pounds sterling, $ 175 Canadian, 950 Danish Kroener, 800 French francs, $ 1200 Hong kong, 90 Irish punts, 22000 Japanese Yen, 275 Dutch Guilders, 250 New Zealand dollars (?), 925 Norwegian Kroener, 900 Swedish Kroener, 200 Swiss Francs, 250 German deutschemarks, 5000 Belgian francs, $ 300 Singapore. Monthly issues, includes air mail postage. Or failing that, you can pay by Visa Card, Mastercard or American Express, provide card number abd exipration date, name and signature. (you wll probably be billed in US $ at the prevaling exchange rate ). And if you do not like it you can terminate the subscription at any time and receive a refund of the unused balance. Checks payable to NASA Tech Briefs. Mail to NASA Tech Briefs, 41 East 42 nd Street - Suite 921, New York, NY 10017-5391, USA. telephone +-1-212-490-3999 , fax = +-1-212-986-7864. Remember to include your mailing address to which the magazine is to be sent ------------------------------ Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Date: 14 Feb 91 15:46:10 GMT From: usc!!ub!! (Craig L Cole) Organization: University at Buffalo Subject: Re: ET Use (Was:) References: <1991Feb8.163830.7956@dbase.A-T.COM>, <>, <> Sender: To: In article <>, (Ken Sheppardson) writes... >In <> (Charles Frank Radley): >> >> The External Tank idea is seriously oversold... > > I've heard several folks involved with shuttle explain that one > of the most serious problems associated with ET retrofitting is > a result of the basic nature of the tank: it's a large cryogenic > tank, covered with insulation. The insulation is what gives the tank > it's orange color. Normally the ET is dropped early enough that it > quickly drops out of orbit. If it were carried higher and left to > become part of a station, insulation flaking off the ET could > cause serious orbital debris problems. Just my $0.02: What do you do with a room when you can't keep the paint from cracking and peeling? You wallpaper it. Can the ET be "wallpapered" with something, to keep it from flaking? Some EVA'ing astronauts could do it after they're in orbit. Maybe some kind of foil for reflection of heat or something... No flames, just an idea. Craig Cole V071PZP4@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU V071PZP4@UBVMS.BITNET ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V13 #160 *******************