Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Mon, 9 Jul 1990 02:02:58 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: Precedence: junk Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Mon, 9 Jul 1990 02:02:28 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V12 #34 SPACE Digest Volume 12 : Issue 34 Today's Topics: Re: Image Restoration (was Hubble Trouble) [LONG] Administrivia: Submissions to the SPACE Digest/ should be mailed to Other mail, esp. [un]subscription notices, should be sent to, or, if urgent, to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 Jul 90 00:29:45 GMT From: uvaarpa!murdoch!fits! (Don Wells) Subject: Re: Image Restoration (was Hubble Trouble) [LONG] (Notations [xxyy], e.g. [PSB88], refer to references given at the end.) (There is also a glossary at the end.) A week ago, in article <396@cfa.HARVARD.EDU> willner@cfa.HARVARD.EDU (Steve Willner, OIR) wrote: sw> Here is some information on the HST status and some comments of mine. sw> The information came from a talk given here on 6/29. The speaker got sw> his information directly from a briefing to the Science Working Group... sw> The (Wide Field/Planetary Camera and Faint Object Camera) will be sw> the worst affected. At best, image restoration might be able to derive sw> full-resolution images from the 10% of the light still within the sw> central spot, but at least a factor of 10 (2.5 magnitudes) in sw> sensitivity will thereby be lost. Ultraviolet imaging will be possible sw> at spatial resolution comparable to ground-based telescopes in visible sw> light. The last two sentences sound to me like a reasonable projection of what will happen, with the exception that the factor of 10 loss of sensitivity estimate might prove to be unduly pessimistic, especially in the ultraviolet where night sky background may be lower (remember, the real problem is not so much the broadening of the PSF as it is the excess sky noise). There is reason to think that the full spectrum of spatial frequencies provided by the 2.4 meter aperture (the "baseline" in interferometer terminology) are present in the PSF, so that high quality (i.e., "beautiful!") restorations are likely to be possible (see discussion below). sw> ---------What follows is from me, not from the talk------------------- sw> The problem of image restoration is rather different than the radio sw> case. An optical detector measures the wave "intensity," not the sw> "amplitude." The difference is that phase information is lost. Some sw> degree of reconstruction should certainly be possible, but it is not sw> clear how much. The waves interfere to form diffraction fringes. The positions of these fringes in the image matrix carry the information about relative source positions. The orientation of the sources is not ambiguous. Therefore, I do not agree with the assertion that the phase information needed to restore the scene has been lost. The key question is whether fringes are seen. If they are (see below), then the information about the sky is encoded in the position and amplitude of these fringes, and within the range of spatial frequencies which have been sampled we are limited only by the S/N of the data. The only real difference for restoration purposes is that radio interferometers do not usually measure the zero baseline and so they have a PSF with integral of zero. Because of this fact (and also the zeroes elsewhere in the UV-plane due to unsampled baselines), linear restoration is not used in radio synthesis imaging; all radio restoration is nonlinear [NN86,PSB88]. I do not expect that this difference in the form of the PSF will prevent nonlinear techniques from restoring the HST data. sw> Since any reconstruction costs signal-to-noise, the sw> faintest objects will not be reconstructable. Nonlinear restoration does not degrade S/N (see discussions in [F72], [FW78], [W80], [NN86]). A better gross generalization would be "the MEM is maximally non-committal regarding unmeasured data and... produces images that are as featureless as possible" (i.e., as noise-free as possible while consistent with the measured data; quote is from Sect.1.2 of [NN86]). It is true that S/N is degraded with *linear* algorithms, but I do not expect that linear restoration will be used for HST data once observers see how much better the nonlinear algorithms perform. sw> However, there are lots sw> of bright objects where HST resolution will be valuable... Yes. For example, I expect than a well-exposed UV image of the jet in M87 taken with the FOC (and maybe even with the PC) will enable a fine restoration to be produced, perhaps to nearly the diffraction limit. It would be very interesting to compare such an image to the VLA image which has a PSF of slightly less than 0.1 arcsec. sw> Steve Willner Phone 617-495-7123 Bitnet: willner@cfa sw> Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Internet: =-=-=-=-= The HST PSF does show fringes! =-=-=-=-= In a followup a week ago , I said that: "I would be curious to know if the FOC sees diffraction patterns in the out-of-focus images, especially when using a narrow band filter (e.g., H-alpha). If it does, then those irregular "rings" would be carrying the *full* spatial frequency range of the 2.4meter aperture!" A day or so later a friend who reads sci.astro and who had heard a technical presentation by a member of one of the IDTs told me via E-mail that: "Lovely diffraction patterns are seen and they fit them to a simple model incorporating pure spherical aberration, obstructions due to the telescope mount and so on." Then, later in the week I mentioned this statement in the presence of another person who is associated with another IDT, and he confirmed it. He said that the fit of the diffraction fringe pattern to textbook theory [BW59, Ch.9] is so exact that computed and observed images are practically indistinguishable. So, when you hear that the wavefront is wrong by half a wave, what it probably means is that that number is the amount that makes the diffraction model fit the data. It sounds like this is a *perfect* mirror, perfectly wrong, and the magnitude of the wavefront error is now exactly known. I.e., the necessary information to design proper correcting optics for the replacement instruments is available. I have not seen any actual imagery from HST, and I have not computed any model images from theory, but I will speculate a bit anyway. Normally a perfect mirror would bring the wavefront from all parts of the aperture to about the same point, where interference fringes would be formed and add up to form the Airy disk surrounded by rings. But there is no focal point at which this can occur in the HST as built; by choosing a focal point you choose which ring of the aperture will be able to interfere. My intuitive guess is that it would be best to choose to focus a ring near the outer edge of the aperture (the "marginal focus") in order to maximize the area coming to a focus and the longest baseline (but that may be naive; better to do the calculations to confirm whether the marginal focus is the best choice). I expect that the outer ring can form a sharp core with width similar to the Airy disk (see Fig.9.4(a) on p.476 of [BW59]). Apparently about 10% of the flux is in this core and nearby rings. Note that all baselines from zero up to the diameter of the HST are making fringes in this core region because of all the chord baselines connecting elements around the circumference of the ring aperture. Therefore, probably this will be a fine PSF for restoration work, and I expect to see pretty (and scientifically useful) images from any sources for which sufficient photons can be accumulated, either because they are bright or because sufficient exposure time can be obtained. If the background noise level is low enough (e.g., in the UV) even the out_of_focus halo may be able to contribute to the restoration and thereby recover some of the lost S/N. The best, most easily restored, fringes will be seen with narrowband filters, but more photons will be available as filters are broadened. This tradeoff of S/N vs. fringe visibility as a function of optical bandwidth will probably turn out to be a very interesting question. =-=-=-=-= Exhortation =-=-=-=-= Image restoration has not yet become credible in optical astronomy, in spite of the beliefs and hopes of all the people who have worked on it over the past 20 years. This is because there has never before been a direct imaging problem in optical astronomy in which scientific results depended *critically* on restoration technology. Imaging on the (crippled) HST really does need nonlinear deconvolution. Now is the moment for the restoration specialists to exert maximum effort on this problem! =-=-=-=-= Selected references =-=-=-=-= [BW59] M.Born & E.Wolf, "Principles of Optics", Pergamon Press 1959 (1st ed), LOC=QC355.B63. See Ch.9 "The Diffraction Theory of Abberations", Sect.9.4 "The Diffraction Pattern Associated with a Single Abberation", and Sect.9.4.1 "Primary Spherical Abberation". Note Fig.9.4 "Images in the marginal focal plane... in the presence of primary spherical abberation". The examples are for filled apertures; central obscuration cases like HST follow from the Babinet principle. See also Fig.9.15 "Normalized frequency response curves for incoherent illumination, at selected focal settings of a system suffering from a small amount of primary spherical abberation...". [F72] B.R.Frieden, 1972, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 62, 511-18. This is the original paper on MEM restoration of photon-noise-limited, diffraction-limited optical signals. Frieden showed that information even beyond the Rayleigh limit is recoverable in favorable cases. His graduate student's unpublished thesis (R.Herschel, "Unified Approach to Restoring Degraded Images in the Presence of Noise", Univ. Arizona 1971, also Opt. Sciences Ctr. Tech. Rep. 72) was produced in the same period and contains a description of what was probably the first operational 2-D nonlinear image restoration algorithm. [FW78] Frieden,B.R., Wells, D.C., 1978, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 68, 93-103, "Restoring with Maximum Entropy. III. Poisson Sources and Backgrounds". Much of the discussion in this paper is relevant to the HST diffraction-limited case with its photon (Poisson) noise, but the use of a separable Gaussian kernel is not (it is the right tactic for seeing-limited imagery). This is the original reference for the concept of subtracting the background image (separate handling of high and low spatial frequencies) while accounting for the signal-dependent noise variation. [W80] Wells, D.C., 1980, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng. 264, 148-156, "Nonlinear Image Restoration: What We Have Learned". This is a review paper, with references for the first ten years of non-linear deconvolution research, especially oriented toward the optical case. Last week I went back into my files and re-read this paper, and found that I still agree with everything I said ten years ago. I was also surprised to find that I had even mentioned the Space Telescope in one of the sections! SPIE volume 264 is "Applications of Digital Image Processing to Astronomy", the proceedings of a conference held at JPL/Caltech in August 1980. [NN86] R.Narayan and R.Nityananda, "Maximum Entropy Image Restoration in Astronomy", Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1986, 24, 127-70. This is a superb, comprehensive review of the MEM field, with special attention to the successes of deconvolution in radio astronomy, and with good comparisons of MEM to other techniques like CLEAN. This ARAA chapter is *required reading* for any astronomer who is seriously interested in nonlinear deconvolution. I agree with the final sentences: "Ultimately, in our view, any image consistent with the data and free from obvious artifacts must be taken seriously. The goal of restoration techniques is to produce such images. When the results are relatively independent of the method, we gain confidence in them. However, if we obtain significantly different restorations, the places where they agree should tell us what we can really believe, and the differences should indicate what extra data are needed." Any radio astronomer in the 80's knows just what they mean! Their Fig.5 (p.145) shows restorations of test data by several variations on MEM and by CLEAN. [PSB88] "Synthesis Imaging In Radio Astronomy", ed. R.Perley, F.Schwab & A.Bridle, LOC=QB479.2.S96, ISBN=0-937707-23-6, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1988, 509 pages. This [text]book is an editted version of notes from the Third NRAO Synthesis Imaging Summer School, held at Socorro, NM, June 1988, for which the staff of NRAO prepared a series of lectures for serious students of synthesis imaging and image processing. Both the theory and the practice of synthesis imaging, including MEM and CLEAN, are covered. [GGHP90] P.Gorham, A.Ghez, C.Haniff and T.Prince, 1990, Astron. J. 100, 294, "Recovery of Diffraction-Limited Object Autocorrelations from Astronomical Speckle Interferograms using the CLEAN Algorithm". I chose this reference, in the July 1990 (current) issue of AJ, to illustrate that use of nonlinear deconvolution is not confined to radio astronomy. The authors, all from Caltech, are reducing data from the Palomar 5 meter. The abstract says: "We present a new technique for processing speckle interferometric data which uses the CLEAN algorithm, originally developed for the removal of the effects of incomplete spatial frequency coverage in aperture synthesis radio maps ... because of the immmunity of CLEAN to gaps in the spatial frequency coverage of the power spectrum, deconvolution is robust under conditions where regions of low signal-to-noise ratio in the raw speckle data effectively introduce such gaps..." Later in the paper we read "Ebstein (1987) has developed an iterative Fourier deconvolution technique which uses a series of projections onto convex sets to successively constrain an initial estimate of the object spectrum, with requirements such as positivity and symmetry in the object power spectrum and positivity of the corresponding autocorrelation function (ACF). Here we present an alternative technique which employs CLEAN algorithm to perform the deconvolution entirely in the domain of the specklegram average ACF ... the technique may be applied to recover a diffraction-limited autocorrelation of the observed astronomical object, even if the SNR of the data is of order unity or less throughout large portions of the raw object power spectrum..." Note that the specklegrams are optical *photon_noise_limited* images. The details of the speckle problem are different from those of the HST imagery, but the basic problem of inverting an integral equation is the same. The key to getting good results in all such problems is to introduce non-linear constraints (usually positivity) into the algorithms. =-=-=-=-= Glossary of Selected Terms =-=-=-=-= Restoration } Synonyms. "restoration" is used by image processing Reconstruction } people. "inversion" (of integral equations) is often Deconvolution } used by mathematicians. I myself often prefer to use Inversion } "deconvolution", but use "restoration" interchangeably with it. PSF } Synonyms. PSF = Point_Spread_Function. Radio kernel } astronomers often refer to the "beam". Mathematicians beam } often prefer "kernel". Many signal processing people impulse_response} like "impulse response". Most image processing people prefer "PSF", and so do I, but I use all four terms interchangeably. UV-plane = 2-D Fourier Transform of image plane. Coordinates are spatial frequency, e.g. cycles per arcsecond, and values in cells of matrix are complex, amplitude and phase. Radio interferometers measure "complex [fringe] visibilities"; these are "gridded" into the UV matrix and then an inverse Fourier Transform produces the image. The UV-plane is the arena in which much of the discussion of image restoration takes place. Note!! Do not confuse this use of "UV" with UV as an abbreviation for "ultraviolet". "UV-plane" is a traditional notation which happens to use the same letters for variable names. IDT = HST Instrument Definition Team (aka Guaranteed Time Observers [GTOs]). Each of the five instruments of the HST was proposed by a team who have had responsibility for its implementation over the past decade. In return team members will get guaranteed time during the first months of HST operation. There is also the Astrometry IDT, who will use the FGS [Fine Guidance Sensors] for their science. FOC = HST Faint Object Camera. The FOC has a long focal length, large image scale, in order to fully sample the diffraction pattern of the HST. PC = Planetary Camera portion of the WF/PC HST instrument. The PC has a longer focal length (f/48?) than the Wide Field camera; it is approximately critically sampled for the visible and near-IR bands. sampling = as in "critically sampled", "under-sampled", "fully sample the diffraction pattern". This refers to the famous Sampling Theorem, which says (roughly) that any bandlimited function is fully specified by samples taken at a frequency at least twice as high as the bandlimit. In the case of the HST the bandlimit is set by the main mirror diameter, 2.4 meters; any focal plane of the HST in which wavefronts from the outer ring of the aperture interfere will contain interference fringes with angular spatial frequency (in radians) of about lambda in meters divided by the diameter in meters [2.4m]. Critical sampling needs angular pixel frequency twice this interference fringe frequency limit. Failure to meet this criterion results in the aliasing of high spatial frequency information back to lower frequencies; this mixing of signals is *very* difficult to untangle once it has been allowed to occur. baseline = as used in radio interferometry, either (1) a pair of antennas, (2) the geometric line connecting such a pair, (3) the projection on the sky of the connecting line, or (4) the point in the UV-plane whose spatial frequency coordinates correspond to definition (3). NRAO's VLA, the largest radio interferometer, with 27 antennas, produces fringe visibilities (samples in the UV-plane) for 351 baselines (27*26/2). Earlier, when discussing the HST imaging, I used the term "baseline" in several places as though the HST aperture could be considered to be made up of a mosaic of antennas whose wavefronts interfere to form "baselines" in the radio sense. =-=-=-=-= Donald C. Wells, Associate Scientist | NSFnet: [] National Radio Astronomy Observatory | SPAN: NRAO::DWELLS [6654::] Edgemont Road | BITnet: DWELLS@NRAO Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA | UUCP: ...!uunet!!dwells Lat: 38:02.2N Long: 78:31.1W | Tel:+1-804-296-0277 Fax:+1-804-296-0278 ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V12 #34 *******************