Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Wed, 21 Mar 90 01:57:32 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 01:56:35 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V11 #164 SPACE Digest Volume 11 : Issue 164 Today's Topics: space news from Feb 12 AW&ST space news from Feb 26 AW&ST NASA Prediction Bulletins ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 19 Mar 90 01:31:56 GMT From:!samsung!!!utgpu!utzoo! (Henry Spencer) Subject: space news from Feb 12 AW&ST Voyager 1 is about to snap its solar-system-portrait pictures. JPL is studying including a very short exposure of the Sun, which involves some risk of damaging the video system (which will not be used again). Soviets fly manned maneuvering unit on Mir, doing it cautiously with a safety tether (partly because Mir does not have maneuvering capability to go after a stranded cosmonaut). Flights without a tether will come later. The Soviet MMU is significantly heavier than the US one, and has more thrusters, probably to provide redundancy with less reliance on computer control. It also has about 50% more total delta-V, and may have a very small ranging radar built in. Congressional space-station supporters warn Bush not to try to take funding for new initiatives out of existing projects. First photographs of a shuttle military payload [before launch], specifically the AFP-675 due to go up on Atlantis in 1992 (formerly late this year, until the latest revisions to the manifest). The biggest component is the CIRRIS infrared missile-tracking telescope, which flew on the fourth shuttle mission but returned no data because of an internal failure. Canada starts detailed design work on Radarsat. Radarsat goes up in 1994 to provide commercial synthetic-aperture-radar services for five years, with some possibility of a follow-on. Radarsat was approved in 1987, but political wranglings between Ottawa and the provinces over a complex cost-sharing deal have held things up. This will be the first operational (as opposed to experimental) radar remote-sensing satellite. NASA will have access to the data in return for launching Radarsat (on a Delta) and use of a US receiving station in Alaska. [Yes, that's all -- light week for space news.] -- MSDOS, abbrev: Maybe SomeDay | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology an Operating System. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 90 02:36:42 GMT From:!!utgpu!utzoo! (Henry Spencer) Subject: space news from Feb 26 AW&ST [Aviation Week & Space Technology subscription address is 1221 Ave. of the Americas, New York NY 10020 USA. Rates depend on whether you're "qualified" or not, which basically means whether you look at the ads for cruise missiles out of curiosity, or out of genuine commercial or military interest. Best write for a "qualification card" and try to get the cheap rate. US rate is $68 qualified, higher for unqualified. It's weekly, it's thicker than Time or Newsweek, and most of it has nothing to do with space, so consider whether the price is worth it to you.] Langley investigators are happy with the results from the Shuttle Infrared Leeside Temperature Sensing experiment (the pod on the fin, an infrared camera viewing the orbiter topside during reentry) on Columbia. With good results now in for the orbiter wing, the next run will look at the upper fuselage. UCAR and NASA tentatively agree to consider thinking about possible future joint ventures involving external tanks. :-) Well, actually, they signed an agreement for NASA to provide five tanks to UCAR, but only after details are sorted out and feasibility and safety issues are settled. Dismantling of LDEF underway at KSC. This will take several weeks, and it will be summer before even preliminary results are in. NASA decides to appoint a manager of space station utilization, basically to give future users a voice in decision-making. Lenoir says the intent is "to set up a somewhat adversarial role so that, every time space station design has a little bit of a problem, utilization doesn't get squeezed". [This sounds like a good idea, except that it should have been done five years ago, about the time when the design *should* have been solidifying.] Lenoir tells House subcommittee that NASA is considering revising shuttle schedules so that, once the station is capable of man-tended operation, what would have been Spacelab missions become station visits instead. This would affect perhaps three missions a year. The station would have more room, more power, and better equipment than Spacelab. [If it's ready on schedule, that is.] ESA slips formal go-ahead decision for Hermes six months, to July 1991, although first flight is still set for 1998. This is partly to settle some technical issues, partly to assess design changes resulting from the latest space-station upheavals, and partly so it doesn't become a political football in West Germany's elections late this year. The final approval must be a "double two-thirds majority", with consent by two-thirds of the nations involved, both as equals and weighted by financial contribution. France, at 43.5%, is the only nation with what amounts to a veto on the project. Major design decisions made so far have included use of ejection seats (rather than an ejection capsule), direct insertion into orbit by Ariane 5 (rather than a final kick by a Hermes propulsion system), structure of aluminum rather than something fancy, and inclusion of an expendable "resource module" on the tail to hold support equipment (although some of that equipment has moved back aboard Hermes). Picture of major assemblies of Endeavour under construction at Rockwell. Orbital Sciences files for approval to sell stock publicly, the first commercial-space startup to go public. Frederic d'Allest (Arianespace head) and Jean-Claude Biget (Arianespace marketing director) to leave Arianespace for Matra. The double departure is pure coincidence. [Update: d'Allest, at least, will probably defer his move until Ariane's latest problems are cleared up.] [Speaking of which...] After 17 straight successes, Ariane #36 explodes about two minutes after launch. Initial indications suggest a problem with one of the first-stage engines. Viktorenko and Serebrov return to Earth after 22 weeks aboard Mir [not a long stay by Soviet standards, although it's nearly twice the US record]. Also on board their Soyuz was Payload Systems Inc's commercial protein- crystallization experiment. West Germany's Rosat X-ray satellite arrives at the Cape for launch by Delta in late May. -- Never recompute what you | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology can precompute. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: 18 Mar 90 19:59:15 GMT From:!blackbird! (TS Kelso) Subject: NASA Prediction Bulletins The most current orbital elements from the NASA Prediction Bulletins are carried on the Celestial RCP/M, (513) 427-0674, and are updated several times weekly. Documentation and tracking software are also available on this system. As a service to the satellite user community, the most current of these elements are uploaded weekly to This week's elements are provided below. The Celestial RCP/M may be accessed 24 hours/day at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. - Current NASA Prediction Bulletins #665 - Alouette 1 1 00424U 62B-A 1 90 73.87470828 .00000270 00000-0 31436-3 0 2647 2 00424 80.4604 19.0423 0023388 152.0723 208.1680 13.67308546369801 ATS 3 1 03029U 67111 A 90 64.89885483 -.00000074 00000-0 99999-4 0 3009 2 03029 13.0757 22.1104 0012712 199.1670 160.3195 1.00271851 81767 Cosmos 398 1 04966U 71 16 A 90 68.18445684 .00065491 16810-4 39072-3 0 6449 2 04966 51.5392 126.6538 2355073 321.1865 24.0893 10.87965544580721 Starlette 1 07646U 75010 A 90 64.82178846 -.00000032 00000-0 21979-4 0 145 2 07646 49.8256 206.3355 0206287 209.7069 149.1977 13.82132287761482 LAGEOS 1 08820U 76039 A 90 66.32425032 .00000003 00000-0 00000 0 0 235 2 08820 109.8640 320.2353 0044521 260.1302 99.4634 6.38664367 67430 GPS-0001 1 10684U 78020 A 90 67.21728405 .00000008 00000-0 99999-4 0 3437 2 10684 63.6734 92.6704 0115742 199.3661 160.3838 2.00557794 73821 GPS-0002 1 10893U 78 47 A 90 67.18712144 -.00000026 00000-0 00000 0 0 1010 2 10893 64.4293 333.5396 0162150 25.6464 335.1729 2.00548716 86642 SeaSat 1 1 10967U 78064 A 90 67.98131311 .00000926 00000-0 36472-3 0 2442 2 10967 108.0168 113.4159 0002020 250.2354 109.8683 14.35466640612078 GPS-0003 1 11054U 78093 A 90 62.00016521 -.00000025 00000-0 00000 0 0 1720 2 11054 63.9604 330.0294 0056442 117.7547 242.8600 2.00566312 83553 Nimbus 7 1 11080U 78098 A 90 65.25166867 .00000087 00000-0 10787-3 0 6351 2 11080 99.1975 332.4807 0008969 3.6499 356.4714 13.83402919573805 GPS-0004 1 11141U 78112 A 90 67.58104268 .00000008 00000-0 00000 0 0 2825 2 11141 63.6727 92.5856 0059399 316.7372 42.8719 2.00561776 82364 GPS-0005 1 11690U 80 11 A 90 65.22770174 .00000009 00000-0 00000 0 0 9164 2 11690 64.1581 94.6710 0112140 203.9351 155.6043 2.00556588 88170 GPS-0006 1 11783U 80 32 A 90 67.53409866 -.00000025 00000-0 00000 0 0 567 2 11783 63.7651 329.4355 0148156 62.6631 298.8876 2.00573338 72301 GOES 5 1 12472U 81049 A 90 65.94865317 -.00000239 00000-0 99999-4 0 8297 2 12472 3.2180 77.1059 0002091 312.8500 47.4900 1.00252019 31224 DE 1 1 12624U 81 70 A 90 66.62614517 -.00000052 00000-0 -35883-3 0 3391 2 12624 89.0791 148.8357 6221663 316.0034 8.6777 3.51025771258551 SME 1 12887U 81100 A 90 67.10447644 .00031549 00000-0 71309-3 0 5102 2 12887 97.6535 108.9256 0003028 45.4518 314.6890 15.43116668465641 Salyut 7 1 13138U 82 33 A 90 67.93426969 .00032192 00000-0 46036-3 0 914 2 13138 51.6058 88.8635 0001148 72.3081 287.8294 15.55923033449201 Cosmos 1383 1 13301U 82 66 A 90 65.32761367 .00000164 00000-0 18019-3 0 5398 2 13301 82.9317 16.1527 0029158 83.1090 277.3379 13.67804892383615 LandSat 4 1 13367U 82 72 A 90 67.04870421 .00000166 00000-0 41735-4 0 2515 2 13367 98.1784 131.5081 0004200 82.2369 277.9309 14.57130626406578 IRAS 1 13777U 83 4 A 90 65.56088371 .00000496 00000-0 36906-3 0 7228 2 13777 99.0311 263.9114 0011706 312.4395 47.5776 13.98752674 32595 Cosmos 1447 1 13916U 83 21 A 90 65.08284417 .00000145 00000-0 14336-3 0 6771 2 13916 82.9443 88.2916 0040004 67.4775 293.0610 13.74013778348513 TDRS 1 1 13969U 83 26 B 90 61.95914084 -.00000206 00000-0 00000 0 0 9339 2 13969 4.2136 66.7158 0009218 271.1980 88.9221 1.00264241 92019 GOES 6 1 14050U 83 41 A 90 67.13751504 .00000117 00000-0 00000 0 0 926 2 14050 1.9800 79.4165 0004278 235.8146 125.1443 1.00252822 9250 OSCAR 10 1 14129U 83 58 B 90 67.77193390 -.00000019 00000-0 00000 0 0 4571 2 14129 25.9797 215.0637 5993697 124.8676 307.1795 2.05888417 22665 GPS-0008 1 14189U 83 72 A 90 66.63205714 .00000007 00000-0 99999-4 0 7121 2 14189 63.3087 91.0808 0142801 217.2621 141.8028 2.00559703 48721 LandSat 5 1 14780U 84 21 A 90 67.00665864 -.00000211 00000-0 -41974-4 0 673 2 14780 98.1324 128.6582 0003250 116.4163 243.7383 14.57147557319989 UoSat 2 1 14781U 84 21 B 90 67.70099511 .00002591 00000-0 49184-3 0 6241 2 14781 97.9635 123.5065 0012374 200.1464 159.9233 14.64991357321252 GPS-0009 1 15039U 84 59 A 90 72.67489918 .00000007 00000-0 00000 0 0 8393 2 15039 63.0429 89.9870 0017771 227.8378 132.0334 2.00558447 42125 Cosmos 1574 1 15055U 84 62 A 90 72.61850925 .00000145 00000-0 14424-3 0 8302 2 15055 82.9600 132.7675 0025876 228.3441 131.5500 13.73332685286952 GPS-0010 1 15271U 84 97 A 90 70.57505390 -.00000025 00000-0 00000 0 0 7618 2 15271 63.2618 328.9690 0105296 325.2840 34.0918 2.00573175 39195 Cosmos 1602 1 15331U 84105 A 90 72.54458584 .00002403 00000-0 33296-3 0 1843 2 15331 82.5341 89.5195 0021238 287.5040 72.3843 14.77471425293965 NOAA 9 1 15427U 84123 A 90 72.21501669 .00000101 00000-0 65307-4 0 4908 2 15427 99.1649 69.8321 0014184 278.6761 81.2764 14.12468932270437 Cosmos 1686 1 16095U 85 86 A 90 72.94362067 .00026301 00000-0 37367-3 0 5181 2 16095 51.5956 63.8008 0001009 53.4819 306.6557 15.56207927251081 GPS-0011 1 16129U 85 93 A 90 70.73898186 .00000008 00000-0 00000 0 0 4240 2 16129 63.8464 91.0812 0120343 150.4914 210.2515 2.00560304 32405 Mir 1 16609U 86 17 A 90 72.92229058 .00041826 00000-0 50968-3 0 4637 2 16609 51.6167 90.4177 0015497 270.3600 89.6051 15.59930128233226 SPOT 1 1 16613U 86 19 A 90 72.24631007 .00000494 00000-0 24962-3 0 7948 2 16613 98.7084 148.0630 0001776 105.5008 254.6348 14.20054268 50310 Cosmos 1766 1 16881U 90 72.44050329 .00002510 00000-0 35156-3 0 8843 2 16881 82.5273 148.7772 0021484 306.3306 53.5881 14.77067009195016 EGP 1 16908U 86 61 A 90 53.55039819 -.00000025 00000-0 95708-4 0 1704 2 16908 50.0105 248.4193 0010798 262.7166 97.2451 12.44384952160583 NOAA 10 1 16969U 86 73 A 90 66.29076646 .00000433 00000-0 20698-3 0 3482 2 16969 98.6093 96.4779 0013387 202.5149 157.5442 14.23484507180112 MOS-1 1 17527U 87 18 A 90 73.02843321 -.00000021 00000-0 -28587-5 0 4320 2 17527 99.1166 146.7740 0000757 80.1041 280.0217 13.94869280155997 GOES 7 1 17561U 87 22 A 90 71.82628115 -.00000043 00000-0 99999-4 0 4340 2 17561 0.0519 155.7106 0005742 219.1509 345.1291 1.00271641 4457 Kvant-1 1 17845U 87 30 A 90 72.92225782 .00055033 00000-0 66808-3 0 211 2 17845 51.6141 90.4182 0015225 272.0543 87.6893 15.59912871169271 DMSP B5D2-3 1 18123U 87 53 A 90 71.32338122 .00000600 00000-0 33591-3 0 5018 2 18123 98.8206 263.2145 0014045 301.1363 58.8431 14.13903911140718 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87 54 A 90 73.00288190 .00000148 00000-0 15199-3 0 657 2 18129 82.9262 38.8410 0012708 29.5957 330.5894 13.72066857136390 Meteor 2-17 1 18820U 88 5 A 90 72.93418187 .00000128 00000-0 10573-3 0 2060 2 18820 82.5401 66.1794 0015120 231.6462 128.3338 13.84299522107008 DMSP B5D2-4 1 18822U 88 6 A 90 71.34077944 .00000635 00000-0 30834-3 0 4167 2 18822 98.6618 312.3126 0006256 184.8194 175.2924 14.21306164109067 AO-13 1 19216U 88 51 B 90 65.26873556 -.00000096 00000-0 99999-4 0 797 2 19216 57.0490 165.7955 6906185 222.4549 56.2548 2.09701434 13247 OKEAN 1 1 19274U 88 56 A 90 73.00145741 .00001253 00000-0 17594-3 0 6741 2 19274 82.5127 246.8633 0023605 74.3435 286.0429 14.76474269 90879 NOAA 11 1 19531U 88 89 A 90 66.73355969 .00000406 00000-0 24457-3 0 2066 2 19531 98.9711 14.9948 0011086 206.2891 153.7723 14.11476742 74652 TDRS 2 1 19548U 88 91 B 90 64.02357395 .00000131 00000-0 99999-4 0 788 2 19548 0.0442 320.5204 0002112 9.9341 29.5234 1.00275488 4405 Cosmos 2001 1 19796U 89 11 A 90 71.99040466 -.00001087 00000-0 99999-4 0 3873 2 19796 63.0599 105.2000 7133950 319.8292 5.0644 2.00549726 7872 GPS BII-01 1 19802U 89 13 A 90 66.75585580 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 723 2 19802 55.0710 201.4099 0059530 158.9588 201.2474 2.00561853 7716 Akebono 1 19822U 89 16 A 90 72.07856659 .00014790 00000-0 10022-2 0 4735 2 19822 75.1234 285.5270 4203606 282.7773 34.6296 7.06245682 26628 Meteor 2-18 1 19851U 89 18 A 90 72.66398642 .00000189 00000-0 16080-3 0 1574 2 19851 82.5266 304.5837 0012855 275.4726 84.4976 13.83946757 52355 TDRS 3 1 19883U 89 21 B 90 69.64675765 -.00000235 00000-0 99999-4 0 563 2 19883 0.0232 314.5889 0004005 351.6205 53.7193 1.00270360 2905 GPS BII-02 1 20061U 89 44 A 90 66.44052675 -.00000032 00000-0 00000 0 0 523 2 20061 54.7257 19.9569 0081882 172.9986 187.1067 2.00562492 5453 Nadezhda 1 20103U 89 50 A 90 72.23750835 .00000184 00000-0 18534-3 0 841 2 20103 82.9612 355.7260 0037272 308.3288 51.4517 13.73570119 34543 GPS BII-03 1 20185U 89 64 A 90 65.41293992 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 472 2 20185 54.9439 202.3381 0027092 141.2282 218.9103 2.00563453 4007 Activnyi 1 20261U 89 80 A 90 72.85653503 .00001893 00000-0 59666-3 0 3359 2 20261 82.5941 289.0747 1259514 193.8007 162.5444 12.43324817 20748 Activnyi RB 1 20262U 89 80 C 90 72.06279998 .00000761 00000-0 23760-3 0 1442 2 20262 82.5918 289.5898 1260701 195.6460 160.1990 12.43006258 20643 Magion 2 1 20281U 89 80 B 90 72.92290942 .00001224 00000-0 38165-3 0 3509 2 20281 82.5931 288.9928 1259607 193.5916 162.8116 12.43492859 20759 GPS BII-04 1 20302U 89 85 A 90 72.12397375 -.00000029 00000-0 99999-4 0 422 2 20302 54.7090 320.9835 0038329 315.9194 43.8289 2.00570896 2824 Meteor 3-3 1 20305U 89 86 A 90 72.64079261 -.00000014 00000-0 -49377-4 0 626 2 20305 82.5523 285.3968 0014947 206.0703 153.9675 13.15851517 18384 INTELSAT-6A 1 20315U 89 87 A 90 62.65793662 -.00000226 00000-0 99999-4 0 311 2 20315 0.0414 3.5726 0013733 254.5985 101.6503 1.00262829 1232 COBE 1 20322U 89 89 A 90 70.56445100 .00004464 00000-0 29770-2 0 574 2 20322 99.0214 81.8370 0006712 280.8682 79.1728 14.01462626 15814 Kvant-2 1 20335U 89 93 A 90 72.92228376 .00031103 00000-0 38153-3 0 1385 2 20335 51.6122 90.4248 0014588 273.8927 86.0042 15.59918899 16879 GPS BII-05 1 20361U 89 97 A 90 67.43005802 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 187 2 20361 54.9514 144.3204 0064909 42.9382 317.6285 2.00576858 1707 Cosmos 2056 1 20432U 90 48.61316750 0.00000331 13772-3 0 216 2 20432 74.0360 264.2249 0024233 282.9758 76.8658 14.29717088 4288 1990 004B 1 20433U 90 51.16735862 0.00000442 17528-3 0 238 2 20433 74.0347 259.4384 0036366 290.2242 69.5000 14.31252170 4661 SPOT 2 1 20436U 90 5 A 90 69.88585449 .00000337 00000-0 17635-3 0 601 2 20436 98.7126 145.7333 0001307 118.6065 241.2811 14.20015779 6791 UO-14 1 20437U 90 5 B 90 70.19096833 .00000672 00000-0 28411-3 0 293 2 20437 98.7025 146.5666 0012179 79.9241 280.3339 14.28511338 6870 UO-15 1 20438U 90 5 C 90 71.24920963 .00000262 00000-0 12095-3 0 275 2 20438 98.7054 147.6188 0011238 76.7229 283.5213 14.28288785 7021 PACSAT 1 20439U 90 5 D 90 73.05948210 .00000561 00000-0 23924-3 0 288 2 20439 98.7141 149.4667 0012487 71.1801 289.0691 14.28612576 7281 DO-17 1 20440U 90 5 E 90 72.07779861 .00000648 00000-0 27371-3 0 191 2 20440 98.7151 148.4905 0012797 74.6309 285.6275 14.28647713 7149 WO-18 1 20441U 90 5 F 90 71.23347448 .00000610 00000-0 25817-3 0 171 2 20441 98.7112 147.6514 0013204 77.6317 282.6332 14.28757045 7028 LO-19 1 20442U 90 5 G 90 72.70171735 .00000324 00000-0 14436-3 0 266 2 20442 98.7076 149.1226 0013514 74.3482 285.9076 14.28824127 7236 Ariane RB 1 20443U 90 47.11760523 0.00000341 14765-3 0 239 2 20443 98.6136 123.3651 0012081 122.4540 237.7812 14.30158961 3572 1990 006A 1 20444U 90 53.94247100 0.00000268 25109-3 0 354 2 20444 62.8140 110.5001 7374630 288.1794 9.4138 2.00664213 632 1990 006C 1 20446U 90 47.39633712 0.00000368 74758-3 0 283 2 20446 62.8305 111.3944 7323218 288.1118 9.7051 2.06386089 509 1990 005C 1 20450U 90 49.67030172 0.00181920 -19189-5 16565-2 0 439 2 20450 37.6783 240.9912 6005396 220.7886 73.8632 4.14286423 1022 GPS BII-06 1 20452U 90 8 A 90 62.65854411 -.00000001 00000-0 99999-4 0 229 2 20452 54.6380 260.3053 0035259 57.4095 302.9406 2.00567623 728 1990 008B 1 20453U 90 50.59057152 0.00005710 69074-3 0 264 2 20453 35.6431 123.9630 0591705 329.0175 27.6846 14.04532218 3619 Cosmos 2057 1 20457U 90 60.41396968 0.00615956 39350-4 26857-3 0 942 2 20457 62.8210 195.0039 0138628 118.4735 243.0622 16.03448844 5582 Cosmos 2058 1 20465U 90 52.05250576 0.00002655 40114-3 0 264 2 20465 82.5082 306.3255 0022850 201.4816 158.5500 14.73794878 3181 1990 010B 1 20466U 90 57.13960967 0.00001501 22415-3 0 174 2 20466 82.5064 301.6148 0022858 187.2711 172.8185 14.74059308 3927 PRC-26 1 20473U 90 11 A 90 71.25642786 -.00000262 00000-0 99999-4 0 366 2 20473 0.0912 295.7660 0000216 40.4684 23.7389 1.00268398 368 1990 011B 1 20474U 90 11 B 90 70.45931368 .00008564 00000-0 28596-2 0 191 2 20474 30.5413 293.8454 7260425 199.4213 103.2645 2.30231055 760 1990 012A 1 20476U 90 12 A 90 71.70450279 .00268139 16276-4 75305-3 0 1026 2 20476 65.8265 286.7895 1285784 133.0880 238.5288 13.26692660 4478 1990 012B 1 20477U 90 12 B 90 71.81006393 .00478087 17407-4 86754-3 0 1182 2 20477 65.8383 285.2297 1215139 132.0593 239.0520 13.46529432 4526 MOS-1B 1 20478U 90 13 A 90 72.90995807 .00000437 00000-0 35089-3 0 790 2 20478 99.1971 143.4985 0000645 74.0965 286.0284 13.94850762 4851 1990 013B 1 20479U 90 13 B 90 66.25543317 -.00000045 00000-0 -73232-4 0 191 2 20479 99.0518 131.9584 0540229 279.3893 74.6534 12.83148607 3675 FO-20 1 20480U 90 13 C 90 66.17820252 .00000052 00000-0 16645-3 0 178 2 20480 99.0526 131.8923 0540615 279.6136 74.4312 12.83116845 3664 1990 013D 1 20491U 90 13 D 90 69.21220998 -.00000290 00000-0 -52182-3 0 160 2 20491 99.0584 135.2415 0470129 263.1331 91.6103 13.02720413 3518 Soyuz TM-9 1 20494U 90 14 A 90 72.92228623 .00029875 00000-0 36682-3 0 445 2 20494 51.6161 90.4260 0014337 273.8648 86.0481 15.59920495 4794 1990 015A 1 20496U 90 15 A 90 71.62123170 .00006452 00000-0 41277-3 0 335 2 20496 43.1145 132.7081 0011743 125.3559 234.8389 15.09112125 3927 1990 015B 1 20497U 90 15 B 90 70.88678115 .00011786 00000-0 36440-3 0 339 2 20497 43.1059 132.1649 0010531 67.2343 292.9618 15.33442415 3885 1990 015C 1 20498U 90 15 C 90 72.08764637 .00033495 00000-0 79706-3 0 365 2 20498 41.6374 121.4698 0040933 320.1533 39.6311 15.40079056 4089 Raduga 25 1 20499U 90 16 A 90 71.09395518 -.00000001 00000-0 99999-4 0 326 2 20499 1.4276 273.5220 0004805 106.6943 252.3363 1.00262693 253 1990 016D 1 20502U 90 16 D 90 65.10279796 .00000045 00000-0 99999-4 0 85 2 20502 1.4651 273.4213 0037357 63.1907 295.9207 1.00010387 218 1990 017A 1 20508U 90 17 A 90 66.22022375 -.00000008 00000-0 -15133-4 0 73 2 20508 82.9559 135.0949 0043053 269.7431 89.8811 13.73186398 1019 1990 017B 1 20509U 90 17 B 90 71.74498560 -.00013411 00000-0 -14193-1 0 131 2 20509 82.9565 131.0035 0037532 234.9671 124.7968 13.74427638 1775 1990 018A 1 20510U 90 73.29622142 0.00001938 29984-3 0 205 2 20510 82.5305 185.0672 0019266 218.3896 141.5957 14.72697103 2108 1990 018B 1 20511U 90 18 B 90 70.37228371 .00001350 00000-0 20657-3 0 102 2 20511 82.5288 187.7497 0018722 231.0643 128.8895 14.72974377 1672 Progress M3 1 20513U 90 20 A 90 71.89724065 .00054911 00000-0 66808-3 0 228 2 20513 51.6218 95.5812 0014786 264.4933 95.3885 15.59864480 1877 1990 020B 1 20514U 90 20 B 90 61.18142825 .25407542 60571-4 45544-3 0 88 2 20514 51.6137 149.3249 0007235 101.0427 259.2289 16.47208829 207 -- Dr TS Kelso Assistant Professor of Space Operations Air Force Institute of Technology ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V11 #164 *******************