Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Thu, 11 Jan 90 01:33:03 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Thu, 11 Jan 90 01:32:54 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V10 #409 SPACE Digest Volume 10 : Issue 409 Today's Topics: Optical Fiber Spencer bio/documentation. NASA Headline News for 01/10/90 (Forwarded) Japanese moon base ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10 Jan 90 22:16:21 GMT From:! Subject: Optical Fiber Hello there, Does anyone know where I could get ahold of some large diameter optical fiber? By large, I mean at least 1/8 inch diameter, preferabley larger. I understand that a Japanese firm has made something like this. If anyone has seen any such item, or has any suggestions at all on where to look or what newsgroups I should post to, I would be most appreciative. I need to find this type of item in order to do some experiments with routing highly concentrated sunlight. Any thoughts on this would be welcomed. Steve Chafe ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 17:43:29 -0900 Sender: Reply-To: From: "Ken Burnside" Subject: Spencer bio/documentation. Reading this digest at 3 in the morning, the piece on Henry caught my attention. I came up with a brilliant solution to the beauracratic woes of the US space program: Make tape backups of Henry and install them on any system that is compatible that is owned by NASA. Also, try and get Neff and Dietz hired by NASA to make sure that Henry doesn't go amuck. Now, if I can think of this, Henry my knowledge (which, about Henry and his capabilities is rather scarce), this hasn't been done. Therefore, there must be some problem that I'm overlooking. (could it be...nah. Henry couldn't be an NI...could he?) Possible difficulties...Henry may not run on all OS's...although that one is doubtful...he could just re-compile himself. Perhaps citizenship? Would the Department of Immigration object to an AI? Or would it be the FCC? Anyway...for those who need them: :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) All done in humour, and at far too weird an hour off the morning to be seriously conscious. ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 90 18:30:26 GMT From:! (Peter E. Yee) Subject: NASA Headline News for 01/10/90 (Forwarded) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, January 10, 1990 Audio: 202/755-1788 ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is NASA Headline News for Wednesday, January 10.... The STS-32 crew successfully deployed the 17-thousand pound SYNCOM satellite early today and began the orbital chase of the Long Duration Exposure Facility. About a dozen course corrections with the orbital maneuvering system and reaction control system thrusters will be required to place Columbia into an orbit that matches that of the LDEF. In addition to the communications satellite deployment...the five member crew began crystal growth experiments. Yesterday, the remote manipulator arm was checked out by the crew. It will be used Friday to grapple the LDEF and take it into the Columbia's payload bay. The 11-ton LDEF spacecraft, holding 57 experiments, has been in orbit since 1984. The LDEF has orbited the earth over 32 thousand times...traveling over 800 million miles. Vice President Dan Quayle will speak today at the opening session of the American Astronomical Society meeting in Crystal City, Virginia. Associated Press reports the Vice President will make a "major speech on space policy". Quayle, head of the National Space Council will discuss, according to AP..."where we've been and where we're going in space"...along with an assessment of..."where the problems are in the nation's space program". Aerospace Daily reports that NASA and Japan's Institute of Space Astronautical Science have completed negotiations for the launch of a scientific satellite in 1992. The GEOTAIL research satellite will examine the earth's geomagnetic tail. The institute will provide the spacecraft and some experiments while NASA will provide spacecraft instruments and conduct tracking operations for the mission with the Deep Space Network. A tape recorder problem has been discovered aboard the Spot 2 earth imaging satellite poised for launch by an Ariane 40 booster at Kourou, French Guiana. It now apears the launch will be delayed at least two weeks. * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the broadcast schedule for public affairs events on NASA Select TV. All times are Eastern. STS-32 mission highlights through Saturday. Thursday, January 11..... 6:25 A.M. Videotape replay of day 2 activities 9:30 A.M. Playback of flight deck operations 9:25 P.M. Videotape replay of day 3 activities Friday, January 12..... 4:24 A.M. Videotape replay of day 3 activities 8:50 A.M. Live video downlink of ldef grapple ops 10:50 A.M. Live video downlink of ldef photo survey 10:25 P.M. Videotape replay of day 4 activities Saturday, January 13.... 4:45 A.M. Videotape replay of LDEF retrieval ops 6:20 P.M. Live downlink of crew news conference All events and times are subject to change without notice. ---------------------------------------------------------------- These reports are filed daily, Monday through Friday, at 12 noon, Eastern time. --------------------------------------------------------------- A service of the Internal Communications Branch (LPC), NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 09:19:03 PST From: pjs@aristotle.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Peter Scott) Subject: Japanese moon base There's an interesting article in the current AvWeek on Japanese designs for moon operations. One artist's concept for Shimizu (sp?) Corp. shows a base circled by a U-shaped track that appears to be sporting a railcar at one point. The article doesn't say what the track is for; it looks as though it could be an EM-launcher (and lander?) of sorts. Does anyone know? Peter Scott ( ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V10 #409 *******************