Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Sat, 9 Dec 89 01:36:50 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Sat, 9 Dec 89 01:36:28 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V10 #326 SPACE Digest Volume 10 : Issue 326 Today's Topics: Explanation: Foreign nationals applying to NASA summer positions Multiple responses Re: Mars Mission Agenda Motives ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Dec 89 19:29:21 GMT From: (Eugene Miya) Subject: Explanation: Foreign nationals applying to NASA summer positions I have gotten a good deal of mail from foreign national students seeking summer positions with NASA. Permit me to explain an elaborate. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an Agency of the United States Government Executive Branch. As such its employees are civil servants. It is empowered to only hire US Citizens, and in fact there are citizenship requires placed on Naturalized Citizens (some number of years). A few positions also requires security clearance, not so for summer jobs (or temporary work). The situation with NASA summer employment is done on a Center by Center basis on a year to year basis. Some Centers hire people like the Forest Service hires seasonal rangers and make them civil servants. Some Centers in the past (Marshall Space Flight Center) have had no summer programs (might be different this year). As an example Ames Research Center uses nearby San Jose State University as a summer contractor. THEY can and do hire foreign nationals for some summer positions to find the best qualified. YOU MUST CONTACT EACH CENTER AS THESE POLICIES CHANGE. The only distinction is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory where every one there is a contractor [employees of the California Institute of Technology, a private contractor not affiliated with the State of California]. Contact them separately. They can take some foreign nationals. Lastly, there are other contractors to the Government. You must contact these companies separately, they are the usual companies: Lockheed, Rockwell, Computer Sciences Corporation (who does take high school students). You can contact the Centers for a list of these companies. Their requirements might be more or less strict than the Governments, you must contact to find out. Another gross generalization from --eugene miya, NASA Ames Research Center, resident cynic at the Rock of Ages Home for Retired Hackers: "You trust the `reply' command with all those different mailers out there?" "If my mail does not reach you, please accept my apology." {ncar,decwrl,hplabs,uunet}!ames!eugene Support the Free Software Foundation (FSF) ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 16:00:36 GMT From:!!wuarchive!! Subject: Multiple responses (This article combines several responses in one message, both to cut down on bandwidth and get around a problem I've been having with posting replies) Jim Bowery writes: >Henry Spencer writes: >>In article <> jim@pnet01.cts.COM (Jim Bowery >>) writes: >>>>>... If you want to develop a propulsion system you do propulsion R&D. >>>>Except that if you don't have a specific mission to use that R&D on, the >>>>funds for it tend to get cut off. >>> >>>Uh.... Henry... if you don't have a use for the propulsion R&D other than >>>the mission it is supposed to "spin off" from... where is it supposed to >>>"spin off" to? >> >>The missions that can be flown *once the propulsion system is known to be >>available*. >Of course, this ignores alternative uses for that money -- for example, >flying the hundreds of vital missions that can use existing space >transportation systems which could come down in cost by a factor of 10 >with some reasonable economies of scale. That way, the Please, Jim. If the Wright brothers had your attitude, we'd probably still be stuck on the ground instead of flying. With almost every new transport- ation system I know of, there were alternative transports that could do the job for less money, AT THAT TIME. Look at the car vs. the horse and buggy, jet aircraft vs. propellor-driven, etc. In addition, applications for new technology are rarely apparant when the technology is being planned. Hypothetical conversation with an advocate of jet airliners: "Well, what can it do that prop planes can't?" "Let's see... it can go farther and faster than prop planes." "What good will that do? The only ones who travel by plane are rich people who don't care..." Would those people have imagined next-day air delivery, cheap, convenient business travel, or any of the other benefits of air travel? I doubt it. It's just another variant of the "pure research" question, that is, "Why should we (as a country) fund pure research if we don't know that anything pratical will come from it?" My answer to your point is the same as my answer to that question: You CAN'T forsee what will come from new tech, because it makes things possible that people couldn't imagine before. * * * On the whole question of underwater vs. space colonization: You're comparing apples with oranges here. The two are similar because both are hostile environments where man will need special habitats and lots of protection to survive. But the resemblence ends there. Undersea colonies have the benefit of readily available water and food. It shouldn't be that hard to distill sea water to get drinkable water, and food in one form or another is right outside the door (though I imagine people would get tired of fish and kelp eventually). The sea life would provide exploitable biological resources (as I remember, you can get iodine from kelp, and I imagine other useful biochemicals would be available there as well). The problems of undersea colonies are pressure, temperature, sea life, and power. Unavoidably high pressure causes great risk of the bends if residents rise too close to the surface too quickly. The helium/oxygen mixture used by Cousteau in Conshelf III for high-pressure living made the habitants very difficult to understand. Water is a good thermal conductor, requiring a lot of thermal protection (again, see Cousteau's articles on Conshelf III). Power would be difficult to generate; you can't practically burn fuels, and solar power isn't available. Cousteau had to send power down through a cable to Conshelf III, a cable often threatened by the weather (hence his remark that someone else quoted, about surface support being more vulnerable than the undersea habitat). Sea life can be hostile as well as beneficial; Conshelf II had serious problems with some kind of stinging, biting undersea pest, if my memory serves me. Space colonies have cheap, virtually unlimited solar energy available (though it has to be harnassed). Vacuum, and microgravity (if on a non- planetary habitat) are useful manufacturing tools, and minerals would probably be more available in space than undersea (undersea mining seems quite difficult, as any digging would stir up sediment and make it hard to see). There is no real concern with space pollution, though there is a significant concern with ocean pollution. Vacuum is a good insulator, and there are no external forces (such as sea currents) to worry about structurally (except for meteorites, and they aren't a big problem statistically, as I remember). The environment is more stable. On the other hand, space colonies have to be self-sustaining ecologies, requiring much more work to maintain. Water and food are not nearly so convenient as in undersea colonies. The threat of blowout and break- down in environmental machinery is always possible, and the easy escape that undersea residents would have (rising to the surface, possibly in pressurized capsules to avoid the bends) is not there. I could go on, but the point is fairly clear. Undersea habitiation and space habitation are two very different questions, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and should be judged each on its own merits. I think undersea colonies will aim at biological work and resources, while space colonies will concentrate on industry and manufacturing. But they are independent questions, and should be treated seperately, not substituted one for the other as some have been trying to do. * * * Finally, here's one reader's response to my question on artificial intelligence and space probes: *** Message starts Date: Thu, 7 Dec 89 12:19 EST From: Subject: AI for Unmanned probes? To: Feel free to post these comments if you wish. Just don't expect me to defend them... (1) I am doing a thesis on planning, which is somewhat relevant to this question. I don't know anything about vision or robotics. (2) Vision and visual interpretation are probably the most difficult problems with using AI for probes. Once you have an accurate map of the area I think you can figure out where to go. Current systems have problems because visual features are mis interpreted. For example, a tree trunk may look like a long black strip, i.e. a road. Deciding where to drive based upon this interpretation is certainly problematic. (Wear your seat belts!) (3) Nevertheless I think that autonomous probes are possible given a reasonable level of support. (Hint: The hubble space telescope cost over a billion dollars as I recall. Large funding levels *are* possible.) The basic reason for my optimism is twofold. First, many of the "failures" of AI are due to overambitious goals. A research project may attempt to build a system that is 100% autonomous, and uses only visal information. In other words, trying to build an artificial human. These kinds of constraints provide shape to a research project, but are irrelavant to an engineering project. The second related point is that people seem to have unreasonable expectations and goals for an autonomous probe. Start with the basic problem. When mars is on the other side of the sun from earth, it is about 15 light minutes away. Hence two way communication requires over 30 minutes, when it is possible at all. Hence remote operation would be exceedingly slow, and it would have to stop entirely during solar flares and eclipses. The solution is to make the probe respond to very high level commands at infrequent intervals. I.e. go five miles west and take a sample. Or "Go 50 miles west taking a sample every 5 miles". This might take over a day to complete, assuming the probe moves 5 miles an hour and spends half of its time just sitting and trying to figure out where it is safe to move. Since this is engineering, not science, it is reasonable to give the probe some ways to cheat. For example laser or radar range finders and all around 5 MPH bumpers. Finally the probe should be designed to recognise truly difficult situations and just wait for guidance from earth. Such a probe should be able to function autonomously *for long periods* with a high degreee of safety. I think it could be built, and would provide a very efficient way to explore another planet. Chris Eliot Umass/Amherst *** Message ends Travis Butler University of Kansas, Lawrence ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 89 23:17:15 GMT From:!samsung!shadooby!sharkey!cfctech!teemc!mibte!gamma!towernet!pyuxp!pyuxe!nvuxr! (David Lewis) Subject: Re: Mars Mission Agenda In article <>, (Eric C. Garrison) writes: >All this talk about which is better, manned or unmanned, is getting worn. >Let's try a new game > ... > The object is to design a Mars landing/sample return mission, with minimum > cost > and maximum results. There is a soft limit on the Budget at $200 billion, > and a hard limit at $400 billion. Define results. (Seriously. "Results" could, to an aerospace firm, mean "getting a piece of that $200B." Sounds like pretty awesome results to me. You want geological (marsological?) data? Weather data? Information on how humans survive in the Martian environment? It's not a trivial question.) -- David G Lewis ...!bellcore!nvuxr!deej (@ Bellcore Navesink Research & Engineering Center) "If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower." ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 02:50:18 GMT From: ibmpa! (Nick Szabo) Subject: Motives In article <8911281928.AA16375@aristotle.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> pjs@ARISTOTLE-GW.JPL.NASA.GOV (Peter Scott) writes: >groucho! (Steve Emmerson) writes: > >>Our exploration of space is currently being funded, almost exclusively, >>by the national government at the taxpayers expense. In my opinion, it >>doesn't appear to have a clear profit motive (except for the aerospace >>industries ;-) and seems to have a rather weak scientific motive as >>well. > >Why should it have a profit motive? Granted this governs most of our >activities, but might there not be a little more to human nature than the >desire to turn a buck? Not a lot of profit motive in climbing Everest >(I doubt they did it for the TV rights), but it happened anyway. There are _many_ motivations, thus the need for the "profit motive." Climbing Everest (the first time) cost less than $1 million. Unmanned space operations tend to be counted in the hundreds of millions, and manned operations in the tens of billions (talk of spending $400 billion to go to Mars is economic fantasy). Such large sums of money are spent only by (a) corporations that expect large returns on a traditional safe investment, or _very_ large returns on a somewhat risky one, and (b) large governments on traditional items (social programs, defense, science, infrastructure, and occasionally national prestige. The U.S. national prestige problem at the moment involves Mitsubishi and Matsushita, not missiles). Projects in the $1 million range can be funded by small groups of people that share an interest (mountain climbing, saving the whales, launching an AMSAT, etc.) that may have nothing to do with profits. But there are _many_ different motivations. Larger sums of money require groups of people too large to share a motivation to pay for any one project. The only way to get large groups of people to pay up is (a) return the money invested, plus interest or profit, or (b) force (taxation). For any multi-billion dollar fund-raising, one or more of the following must occur: a) millions of people (or a lesser number of rich people) must share a common interest in the project, strongly enough to donate billions of dollars (this has never happened in world history). b) a large government, or several governments working in concert, must give it a priority higher than social spending, defense, tax cuts, etc. which it might otherwise pursue. c) it must return a profit, with no more risk than, say, the Alaska pipeline project (which delivered a product with a proven large market). Currently (b) is the primary operator. The original motivation of national prestige from the 60's missile race has mostly faded into transitory contractor lobbying by defense firms with excess capacity and workforce. Most of the high-price workers have already retrained themselves and gone into different industries. What is left produces the Incredibly Shrinking Space Station. So is this bad news for space fans? Not if we can change our point of view, and learn to live in the 1990's instead of the 1960's. The days of ten-billion dollar space projects are over. The most productive economy on our planet, Japan, engages in no such projects, and has no intention to start. "Freedom", in a less productive capitalist economy, and Mir, in a crumbling socialist empire, are the last gasp of socialist gigaprojects. If we can change our mindsets, these trends are very good indeed. The biggest space project of all, Apollo, had no intention of establishing either industry or settlements in space. Nor was it motivated by science. Not surprisingly, Apollo ended up contributing little to either industry or science, and produced no space settlements. Future space projects will be motivated directly by industry and science (and eventually, when the infrastructure is ripe, space settlements). They will do their job with orders of magnitude more efficiency. They will be small, risky, and diverse. They can fail, and the failures will help us learn, instead of breaking the bank. Old, conservative methods--chemical rockets, large engineering teams, and piles of paperwork--will be replaced by new and riskier forms of organization and technology. Workers, companies, and governments that can't adapt will be left behind. Technology will intertwine. A company producing artificial organs will decide to dabble in space, and blow away traditional satellite makers. A gold-mining company and a small-satellite maker will join forces to survey and mine an asteroid, leaving Lockheed out in the cold. Drugs will be made in space, then a cheaper technique will be found to make them on Earth. (oops, that one's already happened :-) And vice versa. Freedom and Mir will be sold for scrap. The 60's will look like the Mesozoic. It's a jungle out there, and dinosaurs need not apply! "If you want oil, drill lots of wells." J. Paul Getty ********* These are my opinions, not necessarily Big Blue's *********** -- -------------------------------------------- Nick Szabo uunet!ibmsupt!szabonj ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V10 #326 *******************