Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Sat, 17 Jun 89 00:23:42 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Sat, 17 Jun 89 00:23:31 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V9 #491 SPACE Digest Volume 9 : Issue 491 Today's Topics: NASA Mixed Fleet Manifest (Part 5 of 6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 15 Jun 89 14:08:24 GMT From:! (Peter E. Yee) Subject: NASA Mixed Fleet Manifest (Part 5 of 6) Facility Module (FM). AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Technology development/geophysical environment study. Station Calibrate AMOS ground-based electro-optical sensors and study on-orbit plume phenomenology using the Shuttle as a test object. AMPTE Active Magnetosphere Satellite to study transfer of mass from the solar wind to Particle Tracer Experiment the magnetosphere. ANS Astronomical Netherlands Study the sky in ultraviolet and x-ray from above the Satellite atmosphere. APE Aurora Photography Enhance understanding of the geographic extent and Experiment dynamics of the aurora. ARABSAT Arab Satellite Communications satellite of the Arab Satellite Communications Organization. ARC Aggregation of Red Cells Studies aggregation of red cells and blood viscosity under low-g conditions. ASC American Satellite Company A satellite to provide commercial communication service to continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. ASP Attitude Sensor Package Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload. 6.2 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION ASTRO Astronomy Program designed to obtain ultraviolet (UV) data on astronomical objects using a UV telescope. ATLAS Atmospheric Laboratory Measures long term variability in the total energy for Applications and radiated by the sun and determines the variability in Science the solar spectrum. ATLAS I/II Commercial intermediate class expendable launch vehicle. AUSSAT Australian Communication Direct broadcast communication satellite which provides Satellite services to continental Australia and off-shore territories. AXAF Advanced X-Ray Astronomy A major free flying X-Ray observatory using a high Facility resolution telescope. Designed to operate in orbit for 15 years. B/U Back-up Provides calibration data for a global ozone monitoring program via observations of the Earth's ultraviolet adbedo and the solar ultraviolet spectrol irradiance. BBXRT Broad Band X-Ray Provides high resolution x-ray spectra for both point and Telescope extended sources, including stellar coronae, x-ray, binaries, active agalactic nuclei, and clusters of galaxies. BIOPLATFORM Biological Platform A recoverable free-flyer platform used to conduct life science experiments. C Commander Member of the Shuttle flight crew in command of the flight. 6.3 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION C360 Cinema 360 35mm motion picture camera for the purpose of photographing crew and mission activities. CANEX Canadian Experiment Canadian experiment conducted by Canadian Payload Specialist. CAPL Capillary Pump Loop Experiment to quantify behavior of a full-scale Experiment capillary pumped loop heat transfer system in microgravity. CASSINI Saturn Orbiter/Titan Probe complements CRAF mission by the study of physically and chemically primitive objects. Includes a rendevous with Saturn. CBDE Carbonated Beverage Pepsico, Inc. experiment to evaluate packaging and Dispenser Evaluation dispensing techniques for space flight consumption of carbonated beverages. CFES Continuous Flow Demonstrates the technology of pharmaceutical Electrophoresis System processing in space. CHAMP Comet Halley Active Observes Comet Halley on STS flights. Monitoring Program CHROMEX Chromosomes Experiment Investigation of the effects of space flight on plant tissue growth. CLOUDS Structures Photography Cloud formation, dissipation and opaqueness observations. Experiments 6.4 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION CMG Commercial Middeck-Galley An Office of Commercial Programs payload utilizing the Orbiter Middeck Accommodations Rack. CNCR Characterization of Microgravity effects on circadian rhythms of neurospora. Neurospora Circadian Rhythms in Space COBE Cosmic Background Determines the spectrum anistropy of cosmic microwave Explorer background. COLDSAT Cyrogenic On Orbit Zero-g cryogenic fluids transfer experiment. Liquid Depot-Storage and Transfer COMSTAR Communications satellite for COMSAT. CRAF Comet Rendevous Astroid Explores two primitive bodies to gather new Fly-by information on the origin and evolution of the solar system, prebiotic chemical evolution and the orgin of life, and astrophysical plasma dynamics and processes. CRRES Combined Release and Satellite involving Active Plasma Experiments and Radiation Effects the study of radiation effects of various spacecraft Satellite components. CRUX Cosmic Rays Upset Studies on-orbit cosmic ray environments and monitors Experiment upsets on microcircuit devices. CRW Crew The Shuttle flight crew for a particular mission. 6.5 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION CSI (Mast) Controls Structure Experiments which are part of the OAST Control of Interaction (Mast) Flexible Structures program. Project to deploy structures in a microgravity environment from the Shuttle. CTM Collapsible Tube Mast Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload. CVTE Chemical Vapor Transport Commercial experiment utilizing the Orbiter middeck. Experiment CXE Commercial Cross-bay An Office of Commercial Programs payload using an EOS Carrier (EOS type) type cross-bay carrier. CXH Commercial Cross-bay An Office of Commercial Programs payload using a Carrier Hitchhiker-M type cross-bay carrier. DAD Dual Air Density Measures global density of upper atmosphere and lower exosphere. DCE Droplet Combustion Conduct droplet combustion experiments in microgravity Experiment to obtain fundamental measurements of burning rates and diameters. DEE Dexterous End Effector Demonstrates a sensor for the Shuttle RMS which will allow for more precise crew control. DFI PLT Development Flight A pallet used to accommodate the DFI used on the first Instrumentation Pallet four Shuttle flights. DFVLR Federal German aerospace research establishment. 6.6 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION DMOS Diffusive Mixing of Grow crystals of organic compounds for research programs Organic Solutions for the 3M Corporation's Science Research Laboratory. DOD Department of Defense DS Docking System Docking system for use in assembly and servicing of the ISF. DUR Duration Mission duration of each Shuttle flight. DXS Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer Makes spectral observations of the diffuse galactic soft X-ray background to determine the ionic and elemental abundances and the plasma temperature of the hot phase of the interstellar medium. EASE/ACCESS Experimental Assembly of Obtains human factors data during assembly of structures Structures in EVA/Assembly in space during Extra Vehicular Activity. Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structures ECT Emulsion Chamber Technology Evaluation and validation of high speed particle chamber technology and associated shielding techniques. EDO Extended Duration Orbiter Kit added to Orbiter to extend energy resources to support mission duration up to sixteen days per kit. EEVT Electrophoresis Equipment Technology demonstration of apparatus to evaluate the Verification Test effects of electrophoresis on biological cells in 0-g. 6.7 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION ELRAD Earth-Limb Radiance Obtain measurements of earth-limb radiance for various Equipment positions of the sun from near limb up to 9 degrees below earth horizon. ELV Expendable Launch Vehicle EO Escape Orbit EOIM Evaluation of Oxygen Determines effects of atomic oxygen degradation on 1100 Interaction with Materials candidate materials. EOS Electrophoresis Operations A carrier developed for the planned follow-on to the in Space Continuous Flow Electrophoresis System. ERBS Earth Radiation Budget Collects global earth radiation budget data. Satellite ESA European Space Agency ESMC Eastern Space and Missile USAF organization headquartered at Patrick AFB, Florida. Center EURECA European Retrievable Platform placed in orbit for six months offering Carrier conventional services to experimenters. EUVE Extreme Ultraviolet Produces definitive sky map and catalog of extreme Explorer ultraviolet portion of electromagnetic spectrum (100-1000 angstroms). EXOSAT ESA X-Ray Satellite Provides continuous observations of x-ray sources. 6.8 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION EXPLORER A Free flying scientific spacecraft that may be solar, celestial or earth pointing. FASE Fast Auroral Snapshot An investigation of the processes operating within Explorer the auroral region. FDE Fluid Dynamics Experiment A package of six experiments flown on the middeck that involve simulating the behavior of liquid propellants in low gravity. FEA Fluids Experiment Apparatus A middeck payload sponsored by OCP and Rockwell International as part of a Joint Endeavor Agreement to perform floating zone crystal growth processing investigations on selected semi-conductor materials. FEE French Echocardiograph Obtains on-orbit cardiovascular system data. Equipment FLT Flight The flight sequence number for Shuttle missions. FLT OPPTY Flight Opportunity A planned Shuttle flight without assigned payloads. Use of flight opportunities by payloads which slip out of their planned time frame will avoid major restructuring of the manifest, maintaining greater schedule stability for payload programs. FLTSATCOM Fleet Communication U.S. Navy communications satellite. Satellite 6.9 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION FM Facility Module A man-tended module in support of ISF providing space for middeck locker inserts and common racks for payload accommodations. FPE French Postural Experiment Studies sensory-motor adaptations in weightlessness. FR Foreign Reimbursable Foreign reimbursable Hitchhiker-G type payload. FSC Fleet Satellite U.S. Navy communications satellite (same as FLTSATCOM). Communications FSS Flight Support System Support system used for revisit missions. FTS-DTF Flight Telerobotic Servicer Flight test of a Telerobotic concept for Space Station Demonstration Test Flight attached payload assembly and maintenance, platform and satellite servicing, space station and maintenance assembly inspection. GALAXY Hughes communications satellite. GALILEO Investigates the chemical composition and physical state of Jupiter's atmosphere and satellites. GAS BRIDGE Getaway Special Bridge Structure in the payload bay that can hold up to twelve GAS canisters. GEOSTAR Interactive radiodetermination satellite. GEOTAIL Explore Geotail of the Earth Plasma Physics. 6.10 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION GHCD Growth Hormone Microgravity effects on growth hormone distribution Concentration & of various plant life. Distribution in Plants GLOMR Global Low Orbit Message Packet data relay satellite. Relay GLOW Atmospheric luminosities investigation. GOES Geostationary Operational NOAA weather satellites. Environmental Satellite GP Gravity Probe Scientific probe to test Einstein's Theory of Relativity. GRO Gamma Ray Observatory Investigates extraterrestrial gamma-ray sources. GSO Geosynchronous Orbit GTO Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit HC-XX Hughes Communications Series of commercial communications satellites. HCMM Heat Capacity Mapping Produces thermal maps for discrimination of rock types, Mission mineral resources, plant temperatures, soil moisture, snow fields, and water runoff. HE High Eccentricity Orbit HEAO High Energy Astronomical Satellite to study energetic radiation from space. Observatory 6.11 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION HELIO Heliocentric HH-G Hitchhiker-Goddard A Shuttle cargo bay payload carrier system for side wall experiments. HH-M Hitchhiker-Marshall A Shuttle cargo bay across-bay carrier system for small experiments. HILAT Evaluate propagation effects of disturbed plasmas on radar and communications systems. HME Handheld Microgravity Provides for middeck experiments of limited scope in Experiment order to allow for low-cost, timely testing of concepts or procedures, or the early acquisition of data. HPCG Handheld Protein Crystal Develops techniques to produce in low-g protein crystals Growth of sufficient size and quality to permit molecular analysis by diffraction techniques. HPE Heat Pipe Experiment Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload. HPTE High Precision Tracking Demonstrates ability to propagate a low power laser beam Experiment through the atmosphere. HS-376 RET HS-376 Retrieval Salvage of HS-376 communication satellites launched on the tenth Shuttle mission. HST Hubble Space Telescope Observes the universe to gain information abouts its origin, evolution and disposition of stars, galaxies, etc. 6.12 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION HST-REV Hubble Space Telescope- Revisit mission to the Hubble Space Telescope to replace Revisit science instruments on other orbital replacement units (ORU's). IBSE Initial Blood Storage Evaluates changes in blood tissue during various storage Equipment conditions. IBSS Infrared Background Obtains infrared measurements on rocket plumes, shortwave Signature Survey infrared Earth-limb, Shuttle environment, and chemical release from the payload bay while detached in proximity to the Orbiter. ICBC IMAX Cargo Bay Camera IECM Induced Environment A package of ten instruments designed to fly in the Contamination Monitor Orbiter payload bay on a special pallet to check for contamination in and around the Orbiter. It also has the capability to be operated on the end of the RMS outside of the payload bay. IEF Isoelectric Focussing Gathers experimental data on the extent of electro- Experiment osmosis in space. IEH International Extreme-UV Hitchhiker experiment to study ultraviolet emissions. Far-UV Hitchhiker IFCE/ESA In-Flight Contamination A group of sensors mounted on the ESA Mast to study the Experiment/ESA contamination environment within 15 meters above the Shuttle bay. 6.13 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION IG Igloo Structure which provides a pressurized and thermally controlled environment for Spacelab pallet subsystems. IMAX IMAX Systems Corp., A large screen motion picture format used by the NASA/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada Smithsonian project documenting significant space activities. IML International Microgravity Series of microgravity missions devoted to material and Laboratory life sciences studies. INCL Inclination Orbit inclination in degrees. INMARSAT International Maritime PAM-D2 class communications satellite to be used for Satellite Organization international maritime communications services. INSAT Indian Satellite Communication and meteorological satellite for the government of India. INTELSAT International Tele- International telecommunications satellite network for communications Satellite the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization. IOCM Interim Operational Measures molecular and particulate contamination in Contamination Monitor the cargo bay from prelaunch to post-landing. IR-IE Infrared Imaging Infrared video camera used to measure temperature Equipment gradients on the Orbiter surface. IRAS Infrared Astronomical All sky survey for objects that emit infrared radiation. Satellite 6.14 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION IRCFE Infrared Communications Demonstrates the feasibility of using diffuse infrared Flight Experiment light as a carrier for STS crew communications. IRIS Italian Research Italian upper stage for use on the Shuttle. Interim Stage IRT Integrated Rendezvous A target for testing of Shuttle Orbiter rendezvous Radar Target techniques and capabilities in orbit. ISAIAH Israeli Space Agency Gravity perceptions by hornets and their reactions to Investigation About Hornets changes in gravity. ISC International Space Commercial joint endeavor activity. Corporation ISF Industrial Space Facility Commercially-owned, man-tended orbiting facility for research and manufacturing activities. ITV Instrumented Test Vehicle Target for Anti Satellite. IUS Inertial Upper Stage Upper stage system for Shuttle and Titan. IUTE Industry University Series of Space Technology experiments. Technology Experiment L3 Latitude/Longitude Locator Tests the capability of a space sextant/camera system to locate earth surface targets within 10 nautical miles. LADD Lens Antenna Deployment To demonstrate repeated deployment of a membrane antenna Demonstration including reliability, flatness, etc. 6.15 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Spherical satellite covered with retroflectors which Satellite are illuminated by ground-based lasers to determine precise measurements of the Earth's crustal movements. Satellite is totally passive. LDEF Long Duration Exposure Free-flying satellite providing accommodations for Facility experiments requiring long-duration exposure to the space environment. LEO Low Earth Orbit LFC Large Format Camera Acquire synoptic, high-resolution images of the Earth's surface. LIFESAT Life Sciences Satellite Life science flights with micro-gravity as the primary objective. LITE Lidar In-Space Project to demonstrate the Laser Detection and Ranging Technology Experiment (Lidar) solid state system from space. LM Long Module Spacelab Crew Module. LO Lunar Observer Geological, elemental, gravity, and magnetic field mapping of moon. M88-1 M88-1 Evaluates the capability of man in space to enhance air, naval, and ground force operations and assesses the feasibility of observations of space debris while in orbit. 6.16 **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM NAME DESCRIPTION MACSAT Multi-Access Communications DOD communications satellite. Satellite MAGELLAN Spacecraft designed to globally map the surface of Venus. MAGSAT Magnetic Field Satellite Map the magnetic field of the earth. MBB Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm A German industrial aerospace company. MD Middeck MLE Mesoscale Lightning Record and observe the visual chracteristics of large Experiment scale lightning as seen from space using onboard TV ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V9 #491 *******************