Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Mon, 19 Sep 88 22:06:52 -0400 (EDT) Received: from via qmail ID ; Mon, 19 Sep 88 22:06:28 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (5.54/3.15) id for +dist+/afs/; Mon, 19 Sep 88 22:04:50 EDT Received: by id AA04238; Mon, 19 Sep 88 19:06:57 PDT id AA04238; Mon, 19 Sep 88 19:06:57 PDT Date: Mon, 19 Sep 88 19:06:57 PDT From: Ted Anderson Message-Id: <> To: Reply-To: Subject: SPACE Digest V8 #368 SPACE Digest Volume 8 : Issue 368 Today's Topics: Re: space exploration/exploitation Re: Berserker hypothesis Re: Are we ready for terraforming??? space exploration/exploitation Re: eyewitnesses to history Re: The sun as a trashcan (was : Plutonium) Re: Seti Re: Why no aliens Re: Orbital Mech Algorithm Re: Naming the new Shuttle Survey results, and 'Why aren't they here?" Re: Inverse SETI (Was: ET phone ho Re: Why no aliens ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 Sep 88 18:28:56 GMT From: (Joe Keane) Subject: Re: space exploration/exploitation In article <48@calmasd.GE.COM> jnp@calmasd.GE.COM (John Pantone) writes: >What will NASA and the U.S. Govt. say/do when a >prominent space scientist LEAVES THE US AND GOES TO THE SOVIET UNION >BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE ACTION IS? Maybe this belongs on talk.rumors, but i heard John Denver will pay the USSR $10M to go up into space. Can anyone confirm or deny this? --Joe -- ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 88 18:07:26 GMT From: att!ihlpl! (Knudsen) Subject: Re: Berserker hypothesis In article <>, (Lucius Chiaraviglio) writes: > As a corollary to this, if humans acquired a religion and/or political > ideology directing them to spread as much as possible and exterminate all life > not required for their own support (and also exterminate all humans not > conforming to this religion/ideology), they would count as berserkers, even > though they are not machines. IF what? The ancient Hebrews, European CHristians, their New World descendants (Esp. Brazil), farmers, whalers -- all sorts of human races fit this definition perfectly. The US probably has a copyright on it. No smileys. Maybe we should be glad that the benign Russians have taken over space exploration (OK, a smiley on this one). Unfortunately, benign races don't bother going across the ocean, let alone into space, Vulcans notwithstanding. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 88 18:14:51 GMT From: att!ihlpl! (Knudsen) Subject: Re: Are we ready for terraforming??? In article <10183@reed.UUCP>, douglas@reed.UUCP (P Douglas Reeder) writes: > The greenhouse effect warms the earth up. Particulate matter, from burning > coal, etc. cuts down on sunlight. It has been suggested that we may > need to balance these effects against one another. This reminded me to post my own theory on Nuclear Winter. After a year or so of freezing weather caused by all the particulates, the particles would settle out of the atmosphere. Then the excess of CO2 from all the burning cities, exacerbated by the lack of growing plants during the cold and cloudy "winter," would take over, and we'd go from the deep freeze into the oven. This overheating would continue until Earth recovered her pre-war balance, if ever. BTW, about volcanic contributions -- after Krakatoa blew up around 1880 (several 100 megatons' worth I believe), the dust in the air caused cooler temperatures than normal worldwide for two years. Sunsets were blood-red from the dust in the atmosphere. I don't recall hearing of any similar effects after World War II, during which all major cities of Germany and Japan were converted into soot and CO2. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 88 14:14:00 GMT From: apollo! (Peter Nelson) Subject: space exploration/exploitation Kevin Van Horn posts >> The bottom line remains that this notion of free-enterprise >> in space is just a pipe-dream with a lot of conveeenient >> excuses by it's proponents. > >Tell that to American Rocket Company, the Hercules-Orbital Sciences >Corporation partnership, and Pacific American Launch Systems. All three are >pushing on to provide new launchers in spite of governmental obstacles. AMROC > [ ... ] We weren't talking about those kinds of ventures. I expect them to succeed. You've drifted from the original subject. Originally, several Libertarians or other idealists posted or emailed messages to the effect that they 'had plans' to move to commercially self-sustaining politically independent space colonies and we'd all better get out their way and let them through. I intimated that this was all pie-in-the-sky and that if they really expected to see it happen in their lifetimes they had better be working Real Hard on it now and what we they doing, etc. I got back messages saying, to the effect, 'Oh, well, we *would* be working on it 'cept for the government might try to stop us, etc. So as I expected, it's just a lot of talk and daydreams. I fully expect the aerospace companies, in cooperation with companies that can benefit from being in space (comm. satellites, pharmecutical companies, etc?) to be up there in some form in the next 10 - 15 years or so, though perhaps not with actual people on board. And, of course, the companies may be Japanese rather than American... --Peter Nelson ------------------------------ Date: 1 Sep 88 15:32:52 GMT From: uplherc!esunix! (Bob Pendleton) Subject: Re: eyewitnesses to history From article <>, by (Mike Smithwick): > [] > > I thought I'd start something not so serious here. . . > > How many of you guys out there in have ever attended a > launch? I have had the priviledge of going back to Florida > for the Apollo 11, 15 and 17 launches. My wife was given VIP passes to a February '84 launch of Challenger. The one carrying the Brighton High student experiments. So of course we went, even though she was 8 months pregnant at the time. During the tour of KSC I was struck by how small all the boosters seemed, compared to the image I'd had in my mind. Even a Saturn V is small compared to an ocean going ship. Tiny, compared to the old airships. We watched the launch from the VIP viewing stand, about as close as you can get. The LAUNCH! WOW! You feel the SSMEs in your ears and your guts, but the SRBs shake the world! The Challenger didn't lift off, folks she DANCED into the sky. Looked like she was going home, and damned glad to be on the way. It's silly, but writing this has brought tears to my eyes. Bob P. "We Pray for one last landing, On the globe that gave us birth. Let us rest our eyes on the fleecy skys And the cool green hils of earth." R. A. Heinlein, from "The Green Hills of Earth" Quoted from memory, so it might not be quite right. -- Bob Pendleton @ Evans & Sutherland UUCP Address: {decvax,ucbvax,allegra}!decwrl!esunix!bpendlet Alternate: utah-cs!esunix!bpendlet I am solely responsible for what I say. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 88 16:54:59 GMT From: tektronix!tekig5! (Robin Adams) Subject: Re: The sun as a trashcan (was : Plutonium) > The easiest way to get rid of nuclear waste would be to hard land it on > the moon. Would it be possible to build a railgun/mass driver/etc. .... A much better way to get rid of nuclear waste (from 1988) would be to encapsulate it (however big and expensive the container) - and keep it right here on earth. I'm quite sure that this stuff will one day be worth much more than it's weight in gold. --Consider even the possibility that future minds might be able to design small vessels which release the heat but zero radiation, and that an ordinary house with a central heating system incorporating this container could go at least one entire winter without paying for gas, oil, etc. Hopefully a design which, having used it's energy as heat radiation, would become harmless. Perhaps the vessel remaining useful (building block?) without emptying it's contents. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 88 14:31:32 GMT From: aplcen!aplcomm!!jw se se y, y, y wa. 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