Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Tue, 30 Aug 88 04:18:09 -0400 (EDT) Received: from via qmail ID ; Tue, 30 Aug 88 04:16:31 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (5.54/3.15) id for +dist+/afs/; Tue, 30 Aug 88 04:15:35 EDT Received: by id AA04450; Tue, 30 Aug 88 01:05:31 PDT id AA04450; Tue, 30 Aug 88 01:05:31 PDT Date: Tue, 30 Aug 88 01:05:31 PDT From: Ted Anderson Message-Id: <> To: Reply-To: Subject: SPACE Digest V8 #342 SPACE Digest Volume 8 : Issue 342 Today's Topics: American Rocket Company Re: Brian Eno's _Apollo_ soundtrack Re: SETI (was Re: Time dilation affecting SETI) Re: SETI: Why don't we hear anything? Re: Kettering Boys School Re: Seti Re: Space Station power supply ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted-Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 16:14:00 PST From: "Craig E. Ward" Subject: American Rocket Company Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 16:14:00 PST Sender: [Below is the article I wrote for the OASIS Odyssey summarizing a lecture meeting last November. Soon after this talk, AMROC lost its financial backers and had to lay off almost all of its workers. Earlier this year, AMROC found new backers and they are back in business, though they have yet to launch anything. (OASIS may get invited!) The July 88 issue of Discover mentions AMROC in the article "The Launch Gap." Has a picture of AMROC founder and NSS board member George Koopman. - CEW] A Slingshot Heard Round the World By Craig E. Ward The force of Friday the 13th was felt by OASIS when the scheduled speaker for the November general meeting, James Bennett, was unable to attend due to out-of-town business commitments; however, his place was more than adequately filled my James R. French. Mr. French is Vice President of Engineering and Chief Engineer for American Rocket Company, AMROC. His background includes a BSME from MIT (1958); nineteen years with JPL working on the Mariner, Viking and Voyager programs; four years with TRW working on the Lunar Module Descent engine and advanced propulsion experiments; and five years with Rocketdyne working on H-1, F-1 and J-2 engines for the Saturn Launch Vehicles. He is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and a Fellow of the BIS. He is also a Civil Air Patrol Search Pilot. AMROC is one of several small, startup companies trying to fill the current gap in the nation's launch capabilities with privately financed launch services. The company was founded in 1985 by George Koopman, James Bennett and Bevin McKinney. Originally, the company was located in Menlo Park but was moved to Camarillo, California to be closer to the launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base and to take advantage of a more varied technical workforce. This has been a year of major growth for the company, at the beginning of 1987 it had only 15 employees, now that number is 84. One of the young company's biggest problems has been molding this group of people into a team. They feel they have succeeded. The key word in AMROC's approach to launches is "service". Unlike the way todays launches are run, AMROC will not be selling the actual rocket but the service of putting a certain payload at a certain location at a certain time. Payment for the service will be after it has been successful, not before. (The concept of payment after-the-fact has proven to be very popular with potential launch customers.) The shift from selling rockets to selling services is AMROC's method of reducing the amount of paperwork associated with most rocket manufacture. Current government procurement policies require that each component conform to a particular agency's standards and that there be miles of papertrails to prove it. Instead of going this route, AMROC goes out to the various suppliers with a set of requirements and then buys the best priced component that meets or exceeds those requirements. AMROC is basing its first series of vehicle on clusters of a hybrid rocket engine. A hybrid engine uses a mixture of a solid fuel and liquid oxygen. The fuel is a rubber-like substance that is so stable it can easily be handled in standard light-industry facilities. (The Camarillo Fire Marshal considers AMROC's factory to be less of a fire hazard than a neighboring packaging plant.) Under a 1984 National Security Decision Directive by the Reagan administration, AMROC has been able to use certain government facilities. The directive allows government agencies to lease unused facilities to private companies. AMROC has refurbished an engine testing facility at the Rocket Propulsion Laboratory on Edwards Air Force Base and an old Thor launch pad at Vandenberg. In December of 1986, a successful half-thrust test of the engine design was conducted. (The video tape shown by Mr. French showed the test sequence being controlled with an Apple Macintosh.) Plans are currently in the works for a full power test in mid-November. This test is behind schedule because of production problems and the planed February 1988 launch of AMROC's first rocket has been postponed at least three months. The first planned orbital vehicle is dubbed "The Slingshot". The configuration consists of three engines clustered as a first stage, a single hybrid engine as the second and a Star 48 rocket motor as the third stage. (The Star 48 is the motor seen at the bottom of satellites spin-launched from the shuttle.) Depending on where the customer wants it, this configuration can orbit between 400 and 700 pounds. While AMROC has secured the use of a launch site, the site has several problems. The only clear track goes west. The tracks for polar orbits would take any rocket over important sections of Vandenberg (like the runways). One promising new site does exist at the southern end of the base; however, AMROC has encountered the standard problem that any new building on the base encounters. Vandenberg is located on the ancient home of the Chumash Indians and any and all construction on the base must be okayed and supervised by the Chumash Shaman. AMROC hopes to overcome this obstacle and build a new launch complex there. Some more serious obstacles have been encountered with mid- level bureaucrats within the Air Force, NASA and other government agencies. Most of this is due to inertia; AMROC is doing something differently and this pushes these people out of their normal day-to-day routines. Sofar, nothing catastrophic has happened. This may be because the top-level people at NASA and the Air Force think AMROC's approach has great merit. Another source of support from within the government comes from the people with small, scientific payloads to launch. Even before the grounding of the shuttle fleet, these spacecraft were receiving such a low priority that they could not get launch space. It is worse now. All things considered, the future of AMROC and private enterprise in space looks very good. None of the problems sofar seem insurmountable. (Although no one, including this writer, thought to ask about the liability insurance problem.) In the future, we may find the nation's space activities better balanced between private industry and government. Copyright 1988 Organization for the Advancement of Space Industrialization and Settlement (OASIS) Used by permission. ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 88 23:18:15 GMT From: (Manavendra K. Thakur) Subject: Re: Brian Eno's _Apollo_ soundtrack In article <2291@pixar.UUCP> brighton@pixar.uucp (Bill Carson) writes: > Having just read the liner notes of Brian Eno's 1983 album, _Apollo_, it > mentions that most of this music was composed for a movie/documentary of > the Apollo space missions. Directed by Al Reinert, it is supposed to have > been compiled from the some 6 million feet of film shot by NASA during this > fantastic and mystical period of space exploration. This is a fascinating album, and I love listening to it. My favorite piece is the track called "Deep Blue Day" (track nine on the CD). It's a brilliant piece of music that eptiomizes what film music is all about. The higher frequencies have beautiful and ethereal synthesizer sounds on it that are "spacey" without being sappy or evoking the negative connotations of "new age" music. That's a welcome acomplishment. But what's absolutely amazing is that the lower frequencies are dominated by a twangy guitar and a slow, walking bass that impart a country/western music feel to the piece -- which is the last thing one would expect to hear in a film about the Apollo moon missions. But it works, and it works splendidly. The point of the piece -- which can be discerned entirely from the music itself and the title of the film -- is that humankind is now as suited to outer space as it is used to sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch and watching the world go by. The purpose of the film is to convey the awe, mystery, beauty, and most of all the new familiarity of human presence in space. And this piece of music is central to that goal. It succeeds wonderfully. > My question is, does this film exist as a released production? > And if so, who could I contact to obtain more information about it? > I truely hope that the project was not scrapped! Unfortunately, though, Eno's artistry was for naught. Al Reinert never finished the film. I looked into finding a copy of the film when I gave a talk on film music last January at MIT. A person at EG & G Records said Reinert either ran out of money or interest (or perhaps both), and the film was never completed. Eno had already written enough music for an album, so the record label decided to release the soundtrack anyway. It's a shame that the project was scrapped. But the music exists, and stands on it own merits as well as a poor -- but welcome -- substitute for the film. There is at least one other film where a track from "Apollo" was indeed used. It is a 1985 film called STATIC, directed by Mark Romanek and starring Keith Gordon. The music in that film was generally well suited to the film, and in particular, the Eno piece used near the end of the film is perfect. It's the "Weightless" track (track 10 on the CD). If you're at all curious as to how this track was used in a offbeat film about an eccentric young inventor who claims to have made a TV set that can tune into heaven, see this film. (I posted a brief review of STATIC to rec.arts.movies last December, and I have more info about the film and its distributor at home. Write me if you want to know more.) Getting back to Eno, he is one of the few popular musicians who can truly claim to be an artist. His ambient series continues to advance the techniques and theories of musique concrete, and his 1975 album "Discrete Music" is particularly interesting in that regard. And of course, in the rock genre, he's produced some interesting stuff too. He has also put out two albums called "Music for Films" (Vol. 1 and 2), which are precisely that: prerecorded bits of music suitable for insertion in a film. I don't know of any other music composed by Eno for a film, per se. There can be no doubt, though, that the tracks on "Apollo" are worthy of being called great film music and great music. Manavendra K. Thakur {rutgers,decvax!genrad,uunet}!mit-eddie!thakur ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 88 08:29:33 GMT From: tektronix!percival!bucket! (Leonard Erickson) Subject: Re: SETI (was Re: Time dilation affecting SETI) In article <> (Peter da Silva) writes: , (Jim Meritt) writes: <> Want to kill 2 birds with 1 stone? Dump all the weapons-grade plutonium <> into the sun! < <> 1. Weapons-grade plutonium is not that great thing to have on earth. < It an t an tAug 8gra, they (y (y locmiwith with wAnd BIF- Pr Pr was mAMROC's asevtainulaulaue thdildildtraenginei Vom:and.s ams ams> S> S> fou fou Ma, F,ki Iuttl mor/anderta.i.i. whiRe: Sjhjhjed thf alf alfEW anyndrew.verawalhu,? 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