Directory UNIX_C/INFO Miscellaneous text files that provide information about all sorts of things. ACRONYMS.TXT A list of acronyms and their meanings. Several hundred acronyms from all walks of life are indicated here. Contributor: Scott Barthelmy ATTTOOLC.TXT The announcement of the AT&T Toolchest, how to access it, how to purchase things from it, etc. Contributor: C. A. Brooks AWKSPLMN.TXT "A Supplemental Document for AWK -or- Things Al, Pete, and Brian Didn't Mention Much". Lots of neat undocumented features of awk, some ways around some bugs, and other stuff. Contributor: John W. Pierce COMP-SOURCES-INTRO.TXT, COMP-SOURCES-LIST.TXT An introduction to the comp.sources.unix newsgroup, a description of where the archives are and how to access them, etc. The second file contains a list of the current contents of the archives. Some of the material in UNIX-SW is obtained from comp.sources.unix, but much of it is not duplicated here. Contributor: Rich Salz GNU-PUBLIC-LICENSE.TXT Version 1 of the "subroutinized" GNU General Public License. Contributor: Free Software Foundation INTERPRS.TXT An announcement of the availability of the Interpress Toolkit from Xerox, and how to obtain it. Contributor: D. Murray NETLIB.TXT A description of how to access the NETLIB server at Argonne National Laboratory. Many math packages such as EISPACK and LINPACK are available through this service. Contributor: Gene Rackow RNQRFCRD.TXT A quick reference card for the "rn" news reading program. Contributor: Laura Lemay SECRTYDC.TAR The SRI International white paper, "Improving the Security of Your UNIX System", from April 1990. Contributor: Dave Curry TERMCAP.TXT The 4.3BSD distributed version of the termcap database. Contributor: Berkeley TNNOTICE.TXT A notice about how to obtain the TN3270 distribution from Berkeley. TN3270 is an IBM 3278 emulator for connecting ASCII terminals to VM/CMS systems through TCP/IP. A copy of the current version can be found in UNIX_C/NETWORKS/TN3270.TAR. Contributor: Campus Software Office UNIXTRKS.TXT A collection of handy aliases, shell scripts, etc. for getting things done on UNIX. Collected from many different people. Contributor: Nancy Blachman VI_QREF.TAR A "vi" quick reference card. Contributor: VI_REF.TXT A quick reference of commands for the "vi" editor. Contributor: unknown