Directory UNIX_C/DATABASE Tools for working with databases; both commercial packages and otherwise. CARDFILE.TAR A simple screen-oriented database manager, with rudimentary file formatting and printing capabilities. Useful for things like library catalogs, etc. The metaphor is a stack of index cards. Requires System V terminfo. Contributor: Dave Lampe INDEX.TAR A program to maintain multiple databases of textual information, such as book lists, address lists, album lists, etc. Provides interactive editing of information, regular expression search functions, and output filtering capability. Uses Berkeley curses, but should be trivial to port to System V. Contributor: Dave Curry UNIFYACL.TAR Allows you to access UNIFY Text (and Binary) fields within the Accell environment. Includes a hacked micro-GNU EMACS which presents a very Accell-like interface. Contributor: Mark Hargrove UNIFYSCN.TAR Screen interface to UNIFY using System V curses; small tweaks will be needed to make it run on BSD systems. Contributor: Brandon S. Allbery UNIFY-SELECTIONPP.TAR A preprocessor for C programs to make coding UNIFY accesses simpler than the interface provided by "upp". Contributor: Brandon S. Allbery