Title: ASAP set files for Lotus 1-2-3 version 3 Author: Larry Skutchan Files: 123DOS.SET, 123DOS.001, 123DOS.002, and 123DOS.003 Notes: Has been tested only with color monitor This document describes ASAP set files for Lotus 1-2-3, version 3. These files are simple and Lotus requires very little twiddling, but these set files make the program work quite nicely with speech. As with all applications, ASAP tries to load a file with the application's name and the extension ".SET" from the ASAP directory when you start an application. Thus, when you start Lotus, ASAP loads up 123DOS.SET. It is important to tell Lotus to use CGA monitors even if you're using VGA. This allows it to function with speech. 123DOS.SET sets up a window that contains the top line of the screen. It then uses software cursor in that window. If you don't like to hear the cell location or the "Ready," "Value," or "Label" prompts, resize the window to exclude that information. This set file also sets up window 2 to contain the actual spreadsheet. The real cursor is used in window 2. If you want to switch your view from looking at the formulas and cell numbers, zoom in on window 2 to hear the actual contents of the cells. (You zoom in on a window with the window number followed with the letter "Z.") Switch back to full screen mode when you want to go back to viewing the cell's references and formulas. 123DOS.SET also sets up 3 action windows at the top right edge of the screen. The first action window watches for the word "HELP." If "HELP" appears, ASAP loads up 123DOS.001. 123DOS.001 sets up window 1 for the entire screen and monitors that area. It also sets up a software cursor for the highlighted item. Finally, 123DOS.001 watches for "Ready" at the top of the right edge of the screen with action window 9. This, of course, loads back up 123DOS.SET when you exit help mode. The second action window watches for "Menu". When "MENU" appears, ASAP turns off the use of the software cursor and sets up window 4 at locations c1 to c80. This window is monitored so the extra information that appears with each menu selection is announced. Finally, 123DOS.SET watches for "EDIT". If "EDIT" appears, the software cursor is again turned off. That's all there is too it.