The following text talks about how to create a simple patch dump/restore set of sequences for the Casio CZ line of Synths. It assumes you have access to the Casio MIDI guide or to some other publication that specifies how the CZ line of Synths "talk". It also presumes that you know something about System Exclusive data in general and SysEx for Casio in particular. Sequence "RECV PATCH $30" sends a patch dump request to the Casio CZ-3000. See page 19 of Casio MIDI guide. Event 7 ("d1d2" in the guide) is what specifies what patch we want to receive. If I wanted patch $33 I would have set the value field of event 7 to the decimal equivalent of $33. The rest is given (in the Casio documentation) and assumes we're on channel 1. What you see in this sequence is the left hand column of the chart on page 19 of the Casio guide. Also note that the repeat count for this sequence is 1 !!!!! I.e. request the patch dump only 1 time!!! Now go into play/record and start sequence RECV PATCH $30. You will see 200+ bytes recorded in the record buffer as the Casio responds with SysEx data. The Casio will respond with the data per the right hand column of page 19 of the Casio Guide... which GFmusic records and which you process into a sequence. The name of sequence is "ORIG RCVD $30" and contains the SysEx data as received from the Casio. I.e. everything in the right hand column on pg 19 of the Casio MIDI Guide. Then take ORIG RCVD $30 and copy it to $30 PATCH 2 SND. Then edit $30 PATCH 2 SND and : Delete events 1-6. Then set the TIME field of new the first event (was event 7 before the delete) to zero. Then manually create sequence "SEND PATCH $30" per pages 19-20 of the Casio guide. Event 7 specifies that we are loading patch $30 on the Casio. The rest is given and assumes channel 1. See top of page 20 in Casio guide. Take special note of event 8. It is a sequence start event with a wait. Also note that you MUST go into the edit profile screen and set the repeat count to 1 for this sequence...why??? So you upload the patch only 1 time. I.e. once the sequence is created, go into play/record and start SEND PATCH $30. To start it you must have a PLAY KEY. You will learn about this. You assign the play key when you create the sequence via the Edit Profile screen (where you also specify the repeat count). This is a classic example of where you create a sequence manually from scratch. After you learn the basics of GFmusic, all of this will become clear. There are other ways to accomplish all of this but this example is the simplest and easiest to understand at this point.