MAZEBALL Copyright 1991 by Eric G. Henson All rights under copyright reserved. This program and all accompanying files as listed below are shareware. They may be freely distributed provided they are unchanged and remain together in the archive file or distribution disk. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: EGA OR VGA graphics. (USE MAZEEGA.BAT TO RUN IN EGA MODE) A compatible MOUSE and driver. TURBO XT or faster recommended. Minimum of 256k of memory RUNNING THE PROGRAM To run the program type MAZEBALL at the prompt. When the program loads the main title screen will appear. To read instructions for the program, click on the box labeled INSTRUCTIONS. This will present the file MAZEHELP.TXT on the screen for you to read. You can page down through the instructions by clicking on the PAGE DOWN box. When you reach the end of the instructions, clicking on the PAGE DOWN box will return you to the main menu. If you wish to exit before the end of the instructions then click the the EXIT box. After exiting the instruction screen, reselecting the INSTRUCTION box will start the instruction over again from the beginning. THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE NECESSARY TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. ALL OF THESE FILES MUST BE LOCATED ON A DISK OR SUBDIRECTORY TOGETHER. MAZEBALL.EXE > The program IMAGE.BIN \ PALETTE.BIN > Image files EGAPALET.BIN / TRIP.CHR > Font MAZEHELP.TXT > Help file. Can be viewed from within the program. REGISTER.TXT > Registration form README.TXT > This file DEFAULT.BRD \ EASY.BRD | SIMPLE.BRD | FIRST.BRD \ PRACTICE.BRD > Various game boards ZIGZAG.BRD / HAZARD.BRD | SPIRO.BRD | TRAP.BRD | TUFF.BRD / MAZEEGA.BAT > Runs mazeball.exe in EGA mode. Would you like to creat your own game boards to play? The registered user version of this game includes a board editor. See the REGISTER menu selection in the game for more info.