00_INDEX.TXT 10055
| Listing of Files in this Directory (Including Size and Date)
| 64COLORS.ZIP 11792
| How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc
| ABMAKE14.ZIP 46736
| An improved 'make' utility w/source
| ACTLIB14.ZIP 67331
| General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers
| APM.ZIP 59045
| Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix
| ASYNLIB2.ZIP 17591
| ASYNC communications library callable from 'C'
| BLTC17.ZIP 146285
| Bullet btree/DBF database mgr, DOS C compilers
| BOSS01.ZIP 132763
| Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 1of4
| BOSS02A.ZIP 204690
| Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 2of4
| BOSS02B.ZIP 225574
| Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 3of4
| BOSS03.ZIP 77847
| Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 4of4
| BPLUS11.ZIP 14573
| B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1
| C60PROBS.ZIP 6182
| List of problems found with MS C v6.0
| CBASE102.ZIP 273964
| C routines for database applications, w/docs
| CCC1053A.ZIP 27387
| Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3
| CCC1053B.ZIP 222907
| Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3
| CCC1053C.ZIP 300229
| Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3
| Small 'C' compiler
| CDECL.ZIP 11713
| Decomposes 'C' language declarations
| CENVID2.ZIP 167591
| CEnvi v1.003: C-interpreter/batch-enhancer
| CEPHES22.ZIP 290760
| Mathematical function library in C language
| CGAZV5N3.ZIP 45149
| Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue
| CLP_V11.ZIP 19588
| General purpose 'C' command line processor
| CL_7_BUG.ZIP 18305
| Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00
| CM100EXE.ZIP 52675
| MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4
| CM100HLP.ZIP 112047
| MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4
| CM100TXT.ZIP 50663
| MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4
| CMAKE100.ZIP 1568
| MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4
| CNEWS013.ZIP 38678
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13
| CNEWS014.ZIP 63799
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14
| CNEWS015.ZIP 25071
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15
| CNEWS016.ZIP 57592
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16
| CNEWS017.ZIP 16509
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17
| CNEWS018.ZIP 40007
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18
| CNEWS019.ZIP 28774
| 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19
| CONIO.ZIP 8361
| Direct console I/O ASM routines for MicrosoftC
| CP14.ZIP 26158
| C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0)
| CRNCHR22.ZIP 68854
| C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc
| Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots
| CSR30_1.ZIP 84062
| CSpotRun 'C' func lib., hdrs & examples 1of3
| CSR30_2.ZIP 103099
| CSpotRun 'C' func lib., precompiled libs 2of3
| CSR30_3.ZIP 56654
| CSpotRun 'C' func lib,. documentation 3of3
| CTASK22.ZIP 309773
| Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source
| CTELL.ZIP 12444
| Translates C declarations into English
| CTOOLS10.ZIP 57730
| Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs)
| CTRL_C.C 13820
| Intercept Ctrl C's
| Cursor positioning for C
| CXL52_1.ZIP 147247
| Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2
| CXL52_2.ZIP 166288
| Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2
| C source for critical error handler with CXL
| CXT212.ZIP 283901
| C/C++ source code analysis
| C_FLOW.ZIP 43934
| Display flow of 'C' programs
| Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source
| Listing of Files in this Directory
| DFLAT15.ZIP 140056
| Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source
| DIRLIB.C 13157
| Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C
| DMAKE38E.ZIP 140461
| 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc
| DMAKE38S.ZIP 568569
| C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD
| EMSIF24A.ZIP 68041
| EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
| ENCOM100.ZIP 120094
| EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550
| ENCOM_TD.ZIP 50250
| Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib
| FE1.ZIP 64914
| Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib
| FFT142.ZIP 92141
| Fast Fourier transforms, with C source
| FILES.BBS 7589
| Listing of Files in this Directory
| Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2)
| GENCTXT.ZIP 108479
| Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
| Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags
| GRAPH.ZIP 10703
| ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0)
| HANDLES2.ZIP 20814
| Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src
| HSORT.C 5196
| General purpose heapsort for C
| Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
| IBMCUR.C 3331
| C & ASM fast screen write, save, and restore
| IMC9101.ZIP 4450
| Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991
| IMC9102.ZIP 4146
| Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991
| IMC9103.ZIP 5734
| Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991
| IMC9104.ZIP 6039
| Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991
| IMC9106.ZIP 8994
| Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991
| Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code
| Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs
| INT24_C2.ZIP 2957
| C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt
| JULCAL10.ZIP 19288
| C language sources for Julian date programs
| JULIN105.ZIP 33895
| Source in C for calendar date calculations
| KAFSRT20.ZIP 112119
| Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers
| KBDHANDL.ZIP 9026 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |