Directory MSDOS/PCPURSUT/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== ADIAL20.ARC B 199735 890715 PcPursuit dialer/usage/tracker GRABPC11.ARC B 30436 890124 Grabs information for use with PC Pursuit HSTVSPCP.ARC B 2694 890326 PC-Pursuit alternative: USR HST 9600 vs PCP ICECAT.ARC B 17490 881023 Combine two ICEX directories into one ICEX206A.ARC B 160229 890524 'In Command of PC Pursuit' comm/dialer program INPCP100.ZIP B 284998 920206 InComm:PcPDial v1.0.0 PcPursuit dialing system INPCP101.ZIP B 290856 920405 Incomm: PCPdial, high speed PC Pursuit dialer MNEMONIC.ZIP B 2199 920411 List of mnemonics for calling PCPursuit cities PCP_EXCH.ZIP B 46579 920411 List of SprintNet (PC Pursuit) outdial cities TELEPRMS.ARC B 18330 880726 List of Telenet (PC Pursuit) login parameters