Text editors
Index of /disc2/editor/
Text editors
- 161quick.zip
- 4319 17-04-91 Quick-reference guide to VDE v1.61 text editor
- aaem95ma.zip
- 481583 06-03-95 AAEMACS: EMACS-type text editor w/mouse suppt.
- aaema954.zip
- 473539 06-04-95 EMACS-type text editor (for DOS or Windows)
- adami94.zip
- 180190 30-07-93 Tamil word processer / VGA video titler
- adamien1.zip
- 117572 01-08-93 Environment for ADAMI Tamil word processor
- adedt301.zip
- 41924 04-03-88 AD-EDIT: Small text editor, DESQview-aware
- ae24b.zip
- 28516 25-06-95 Assembly language programmer's editor
- ae_14.zip
- 86777 27-04-91 Multifile text editor w/cut & paste, w/TP src
- aled153.zip
- 50085 27-04-91 Small programmer's text editor
- aned21.zip
- 25435 03-12-93 Simple ASCII editor, designed for ease of use
- ansipc10.zip
- 75135 05-03-91 ANSI graphics editor w/extensive mouse support
- asc2ws.zip
- 5011 03-08-89 ASCII to WordStar conversion explained
- ascii20.zip
- 5518 15-01-93 TSR for viewing/entering ANY ASCII characters
- auror21a.zip
- 523787 09-09-95 Powerful, full-featured text editor
- bbstvi30.zip
- 56510 17-08-92 BBS vers. of STevie editor, w/security, FOSSIL
- be400b.zip
- 346311 13-11-94 Power text editor with undo, virtual mem, more
- blkbd746.zip
- 141237 31-05-89 BlackBeard programmer's editor v7.46
- bm111.zip
- 132679 22-08-90 Text editor for creation/mntc of batch files
- boxer700.zip
- 357062 27-03-95 BOXER Editor v7.0 - powerful, full-featured
- breeze50.zip
- 319100 19-03-93 BREEZE v5.0 word processor/text editor
- cadet30a.zip
- 139856 20-04-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 1/2
- cadet30b.zip
- 215804 10-03-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 2/2
- calvin22.zip
- 39771 01-06-93 Calvin v2.2: Text editor; partial vi clone
- cont.zip
- 8015 29-05-92 TSR adds macros to most text editors
- cse310.zip
- 15528 30-11-90 Small public domain text editor. Many features
- cyril104.zip
- 52465 14-02-90 Russian word processor shows Cyrillic onscreen
- dddos13.zip
- 279566 19-01-95 DingDang Chinese word processor for DOS
- dos5ed.zip
- 23167 25-06-91 Patch DOS 5 editor default to *.*, not *.TXT
- dp107e.zip
- 264632 23-02-95 DiskPaper v1.07e: Graphic and text editor
- dte5_1.zip
- 118730 06-02-91 PD text editor for MSDOS & mainframes. C src
- e14_edit.zip
- 40770 16-12-91 Small, fast, powerful editor with ASM source
- e2_v321.zip
- 167116 29-03-91 Unix 'Rand' text editor ported to MS-DOS
- e34.zip
- 149396 14-01-89 Multifile text editor v3.4
- e4dv204.zip
- 106904 11-12-94 Multi-file Outline editor w/user-defined menus
- e4v204.zip
- 87636 11-12-94 Powerful, efficient programmer's & GP editor
- easy452.zip
- 322699 13-08-91 Multi-file text editor/spellchk/word processor
- ed3.zip
- 32593 07-09-88 Configurable text editor
- edit251.zip
- 31567 07-06-91 Very small Wordstar-compatible text editor
- editor10.zip
- 320411 03-03-95 Powerful text/binary editor for DOS & Windows
- edrhr15b.zip
- 189829 05-04-94 EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution
- edrhr15s.zip
- 371093 05-04-94 EDT like editor, source code distribution
- edwin15c.zip
- 82944 17-07-87 Text editor with windows, macros, and more
- ed_el.zip
- 32077 16-02-89 Line-oriented editor, like UNIX V7 ed
- ee1091.zip
- 24960 11-10-91 Free ASCII editor for MS-DOS/Unix with source
- elv18exe.zip
- 223946 29-01-94 ELVIS v1.8, Unix vi-compatible text editor
- elv18src.zip
- 315991 29-01-94 Sources for ELVIS v1.8 vi-compat. text editor
- em15.zip
- 64653 25-05-88 Generic editer - may be used remotely
- eswp05.doc
- 27932 10-04-88 Evaluation of Shareware Word Processors
- evolv104.zip
- 97142 26-04-93 Source code structure editor in outline form
- ew93.zip
- 754340 02-09-95 Easy Word v9.3: Word Processor
- ezdex_1b.zip
- 18656 06-07-93 EZ-Dex: Get addresses from list, paste to WP
- ezedit.zip
- 8306 20-04-89 Small ascii editor similar to TED
- ezquote4.zip
- 44579 17-06-94 EZ-Quote v4.0: Text editor for offline readers
- ezxw30td.zip
- 216716 17-09-90 EZX-WRITE, WordStar-compatible word processor
- fae_100.zip
- 95297 03-06-95 First ADE Edit v1.00: Multilingual text editor
- fe11.zip
- 80153 31-05-91 Menu-driven memory-based multi-file txt editor
- fed_pc.zip
- 73856 28-10-94 FED v1.0: Folding text editor
- folded_u.zip
- 111298 06-03-91 Folding/outlining ASCII editor for programmers
- fred.zip
- 66682 18-12-91 Kid's wordprocessor, large type
- gal210a1.zip
- 162439 13-06-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,1of4
- gal210a2.zip
- 194885 10-02-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,2of4
- gal210a3.zip
- 131610 13-04-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,3of4
- gal210a4.zip
- 122746 28-02-90 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,4of4
- galaxy30.zip
- 343548 01-06-90 Easy to learn word processor with spell check
- ge16mdm0.zip
- 262630 17-02-94 VESA/SVGA color graphics editor; demo, 1/3
- ge16mdm1.zip
- 280563 15-02-94 Color graphics editor demo, (opt.,recomm.) 2/3
- ge16mdm2.zip
- 399770 23-12-93 Color graphics editor demo, (optional), 3/3
- gg_m15.zip
- 283219 01-09-95 M v1.15: Emacs-style text editor for DOS/Win95
- hebed15.zip
- 694056 01-09-95 Hebrew text editor supporting vowels
- ichi.zip
- 69119 18-01-89 Wordstar-like text editor
- intext12.zip
- 266171 17-07-90 Intext v1.2A multi-lingual word processor
- j414doc.zip
- 83799 17-10-89 Doc for JOVE (Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs)
- j414exe.zip
- 97450 02-11-89 JOVE, alternative version of Emacs text editor
- j414src.zip
- 242216 02-11-89 Source code in C for MSDOS JOVE text editor
- jed080.zip
- 222992 20-01-93 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code
- jed096_1.zip
- 797131 30-04-94 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code
- joe2x2.zip
- 136355 22-06-95 Pwrful editor for programmers, Usenet/mail, GP
- jwpedict.zip
- 1157962 02-02-93 JWP: Jim Breen's English-Japanese dictionary
- jwpfonts.zip
- 479078 22-10-92 JWP: 16x16, 24x24 fonts for display+printing
- jwpk4848.zip
- 818276 01-11-92 JWP: 48x48 font for display+printing
- jwpkinfo.zip
- 219581 28-02-93 JWP: Kanji information files
- jwpprog.zip
- 337802 02-05-93 JWP 1.10 Japanese word processor for Windows
- jwpsrc.zip
- 202246 31-03-93 JWP 1.10 source code
- jwpwnn.zip
- 251210 06-07-92 JWP: Wnn kanji dictionaries
- kamas25.zip
- 123352 23-02-91 Outline/idea/thought processor & organizer
- kantks11.zip
- 104248 12-01-93 Kannada Script editor/Transliterator, req. EGA
- looksee2.zip
- 65719 08-08-95 Looksee v2.0: Text file viewer and printer
- mated90.zip
- 38188 30-01-92 MAT Editor: Full-screen editor. Easy to learn
- mathtext.zip
- 120512 17-07-87 Science/Math word processor
- me141.zip
- 41105 03-11-93 Small but powrful Hex/ASCII full screen editor
- medemo70.zip
- 659651 30-04-94 Demo of Multi-Edit 7 - programmers text editor
- melite.zip
- 224033 30-03-94 Multi-Edit Lite: Programmer's text editor
- me_cd25.zip
- 357743 27-11-92 ME2 v2.5: Extendable emacs-like text editor
- mg2a_exe.zip
- 51409 11-03-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, EXE
- mg2a_src.zip
- 394746 11-03-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, C src
- mr250.zip
- 174655 05-02-92 MindReader intelligent text editor w/spell chk
- ncu_edit.zip
- 22220 07-12-92 Small screen editor (13Kbytes) with ASM src
- nedit17x.zip
- 278048 08-09-94 Powerful Programmers' text editor
- njj30dic.zip
- 356985 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (3/4)
- njj30exe.zip
- 314623 14-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (1/4)
- njj30fon.zip
- 352005 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (4/4)
- njj30jed.zip
- 356019 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (2/4)
- njs30ced.zip
- 357092 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (2/4)
- njs30dic.zip
- 351200 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (3/4)
- njs30exe.zip
- 319712 14-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (1/4)
- njs30fon.zip
- 360750 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (4/4)
- nyword23.zip
- 205195 09-12-88 Marc Adler's New York Word Processor v2.3
- outplus2.zip
- 111248 08-02-94 Outline processor with integrated text editor
- paint.zip
- 23382 19-11-87 Screen-based editor for creating 'printer art'
- pcedit32.zip
- 109972 08-06-93 ASCII editor, 'E' clone, very customizeable
- pctamil1.zip
- 109367 31-01-94 Transliterates Roman text to Tamil script
- pctco260.zip
- 55540 14-09-93 PCTECO v2.60: TECO-11 editor clone
- pcvile.zip
- 111289 26-07-91 Text editor w/vi cmds and many Emacs features
- pcw415_1.zip
- 309634 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 1/5
- pcw415_2.zip
- 355848 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 2/5
- pcw415_3.zip
- 338029 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 3/5
- pcw415_4.zip
- 355353 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 4/5
- pcw415_5.zip
- 340441 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 5/5
- pcwpsfix.zip
- 19415 17-09-92 Improved PostScript support for PC Write
- pcw_font.zip
- 71915 09-08-88 PC-Write LaserJet soft font selector
- ped15.zip
- 29528 19-08-88 Full screen editor
- pro_ed.zip
- 10523 11-02-89 Pro-Ed full-featured programmer's text editor
- pt20man.zip
- 198243 05-02-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (TeX/PostScript)
- pt20pc.zip
- 292064 24-02-91 Point Editor v2.0 (PD). C src and executables
- pt20txt.zip
- 95171 16-05-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (text files)
- qed100.zip
- 9808 21-09-93 QED: Small text editor
- quiknote.zip
- 22729 09-06-89 Simple easy to use editor, uses WordStar cmds
- re109.zip
- 145926 25-11-90 Ravitz text editor, w/outlining & overviewing
- res_shp2.zip
- 82833 31-12-89 Resume Shop v2, creates customized resumes
- russ.zip
- 45739 30-10-88 Russian language word processor
- scrthi.zip
- 219901 11-03-94 Screenwriting demo version of ScriptThing
- sedit110.zip
- 343296 19-07-94 Easy to use text editor with spelling check
- sedt40pc.zip
- 192112 28-08-89 Text editor styled after VMS EDT
- shhed240.zip
- 22990 12-08-92 SHH ED: Small, WordStar-inspired text editor
- shsuedt3.zip
- 35300 10-08-93 Small DOS text editor
- sled11.zip
- 34111 17-03-92 17K text editor for 640K files (also binary)
- slkpro20.zip
- 20485 14-09-89 Professional text editor by Slickware, v2.0
- smed20.zip
- 142581 02-09-95 Text editor with accelerated smooth scrolling
- smedit01.zip
- 174266 01-11-94 Small editor w/many features & life simulator
- stevi69s.zip
- 156384 03-05-90 Source for STEVIE vi clone v3.69X (for TC2.0)
- stevi69x.zip
- 76738 24-04-90 STEVIE v3.69b, Unix vi compatible text editor
- sv32g.zip
- 47242 19-05-95 Powerful programming editor, new w/ undo/redo
- syedit11.zip
- 93410 21-02-94 EdIt! v1.1 text editor replaces EDIT.COM
- tde40.zip
- 430249 05-06-94 PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm
- te261.zip
- 72022 04-09-91 Technical editor handles text file of any size
- ted2.zip
- 34896 10-10-89 Fast editor for small text files, w/MASM src
- ted3.zip
- 17606 03-03-91 12K text editor for 64K files
- tedit2.zip
- 57903 09-12-89 Fast multi-window file editor for programmers
- tedplus.zip
- 18542 12-11-88 PC Mag 'Tiny Editor' with find function
- terse12.zip
- 20879 12-03-92 Full-screen ed. Brief-like commands. Only 4K
- thedjg21.zip
- 313638 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. 386-mode exe
- thedos21.zip
- 189281 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. real-mode exe
- thesrc21.zip
- 384141 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. C source code
- tmed160a.zip
- 9809 31-03-93 Small TSR memory editor and key macro
- trived09.zip
- 25368 23-04-95 FOSSIL/console vi-subset, secure for BBS w/src
- tsetd2.zip
- 404009 20-12-94 The SemWare Editor (TSE) v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive
- tsetdd.zip
- 441038 07-01-95 SemWare Editor v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive (German)
- tstse15.zip
- 43452 30-07-95 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor
- tvx_edit.zip
- 134241 17-07-87 TVX editor 'C' source and executables for PC
- ued19c.zip
- 50265 08-09-91 Text editor - small, fast, easy, up to 9 files
- unity331.zip
- 287348 27-09-91 Text editor w/unified programming environment
- vconvert.zip
- 16022 15-06-93 Convert between VIET 1.x and VISCII formats
- vde164cs.zip
- 17571 03-10-92 Screen writers macros for VDE text editor
- vde165c.zip
- 141193 01-06-93 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor
- vde173.zip
- 146995 17-08-94 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor
- vde17sp.zip
- 47399 12-07-94 Screen writer's macros for VDE text editor
- vdedb.zip
- 40284 23-10-91 Turns VDE editor into Rolodex-like database
- vdemacro.zip
- 2979 14-06-92 Collection of macros for VDE word processor
- vde_bc.zip
- 7705 25-11-90 Big characters for VDE text editor
- vde_ed2.zip
- 11289 18-04-91 Shell adds enhancement features to VDE editor
- vde_mc.zip
- 18393 09-12-90 Macros for VDE text editor
- vde_mc11.zip
- 18596 03-04-91 VMC v1.10: Macro compiler for VDE text editor
- vde_wp.zip
- 10298 14-12-90 WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor
- versedit.zip
- 126144 31-03-90 Multi-window programmer's text editor
- viet1p6.zip
- 223974 03-10-91 Vietnamese word processor, VIET ver. 1.6
- vim30bin.zip
- 271008 15-08-94 Vi IMproved v3.0: vi-like text editor EXE+docs
- vim30src.zip
- 387330 15-08-94 Vi IMproved v3.0: vi-like text editor source
- vised35.zip
- 408830 07-04-93 Text Editor, multiple windows, mouse support
- wed411.zip
- 117372 11-05-91 Text editor, small fast, multiple windows
- wpgrab16.zip
- 21468 29-02-88 Start word processor w/soundex filename search
- writeme.zip
- 91586 21-11-91 Create full color text files. Editor/viewer
- writshv.zip
- 13874 29-04-90 Writer's Heaven: Incr PC-Write editing speed
- ws4mouse.zip
- 1996 23-08-87 MS mouse menu for Wordstar 4
- ws5bugs.zip
- 9866 13-09-88 WordStar 5.0 report and known bugs
- ws5files.zip
- 1808 21-09-88 WordStar 5.0 files, what does what
- ws5_info.zip
- 6719 09-02-89 Info about WordStar 5.0 repairs/patches
- wsen.zip
- 12559 23-09-89 WordStar enhancer for v4.0, 5.0, and 5.5
- ws_train.zip
- 50973 07-09-88 Notes, test from WordStar training class
- xted100.zip
- 28949 26-01-93 Norton Cmdr-style editor (Wordstar-compatible)
- xvidoc.zip
- 73801 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - Documentation, 1 of 3
- xviexe.zip
- 66978 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - MS-DOS executable, 2 of 3
- xvisrc.zip
- 261365 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - Source code, 3 of 3
- yikes.zip
- 41546 24-11-88 ! simple text editor like Turbo Pascal editor