Essential info and utilities for beginners
Index of /starter/
Essential info and utilities for beginners
- 00_files.doc
- 9484 24-06-95 All about file types in the SimTel archives
- 6798 07-12-92 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
- arce41a.doc
- 12164 07-12-92 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs
- bin2as.mac
- 2428 13-08-83 Convert binary files to ASCII for modem xfer
- convert.bas
- 9657 03-03-83 Ascii - binary (and reverse) file conversion
- crc.doc
- 3683 05-07-86 Documentation for CRC67.EXE
- crc67.exe
- 3328 05-07-86 Produce list of file names and CRC for each
- delbr11.exe
- 11776 10-09-86 Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64)
- delbr11a.c
- 7291 10-09-86 Source for DELBR11A.EXE (see DELBR11A.BUG)
- license.gnu
- 12737 20-11-90 The GNU general license, version 1.0
- ludef5.doc
- 16599 09-11-86 Official LU (LBR) file definitions
- 2988 28-04-86 Extract files from .LBR
- lue220.doc
- 4812 25-06-87 Documentation for LUE220.COM
- 2176 01-02-86 File unsqueezer, used with SQPC
- nusq110.doc
- 19627 01-09-86 Documentation for NUSQ110.COM
- pk361.exe
- 119598 01-08-88 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61
- quickref.lst
- 9810 28-08-95 Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs
- sharewre.txt
- 1654 23-05-89 Explains how ShareWare works (must read!)
- sqdate.doc
- 10351 15-02-86 Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc.
- sqpc129.doc
- 4074 01-09-86 Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility
- 2944 01-02-86 File SQueeze utility (compresses files)
- squeeze.txt
- 12292 24-08-85 Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program
- tarread.exe
- 14928 20-08-87 Read Unix TAR files on a PC
- transgid.txt
- 27694 23-04-90 Short guide to networking & file transmission
- unz512x.exe
- 148162 10-09-94 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: Free zipfile extractor
- uudecode.bas
- 5660 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast UUdecode program
- uudecode.c
- 5575 18-04-91 C source for uudecoder
- 1158 12-03-91 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
- uudecode.dbg
- 4222 12-03-91 DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM
- uudecode.doc
- 2018 06-08-92 Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM
- uudecode.pas
- 5940 13-12-86 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
- uudecode.tp5
- 5602 09-05-90 Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
- uuencode.bas
- 4978 05-10-94 Creates small and very fast UUencode program
- uuencode.c
- 4376 06-03-91 C source for uuencoder
- 997 05-10-94 Convert binary files to ASCII
- uuencode.pas
- 5158 13-12-86 Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal)
- uuencode.tp5
- 5521 09-05-90 Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
- xxdecode.bas
- 4437 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast XXdecode program
- 851 12-06-93 Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary
- xxdecode.doc
- 2018 22-10-92 Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS
- xxdecode.txt
- 18166 28-11-89 Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode
- xxencode.bas
- 4846 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast XXencode program
- xxinstal.bat
- 88916 16-03-90 BAT file to bootstrap XXENCODE/XXDECODE,w/Csrc