WW2WAF10.ZIP Allows use of Waffle as a door on a WWIV BBS WWA1_422.ZIP WWIV BBS DOCS & External String Manager WWA2_422.ZIP WWIV BBS EDIT 2.5 w/dictionary WWCP122.ZIP Waffle <-> WWIVnet gateway software for Waffle WWCPINF2.ZIP WWIV WWCP INFO upload/contact info WWGT109A.ZIP WWIVGate: Allows WWIV BBS to work with FIDOnet WWGTINF2.ZIP WWIV GATE INFO upload/contact info WWIV422.ZIP WWIV BBS package (w/o instructions) WWIVINF2.ZIP WWIV BBS INFO upload/contact info WWMAIL45.ZIP WWIV BBS MAIL package - QWK mail door WWMAINF2.ZIP WWIV BBS MAIL INFO upload/contact info WWNET33.ZIP WWIV BBS NET package