311C2IBM.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11c EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA 311C_DIF.ZIP Diffs; update from MicroEMACS v3.11 to v3.11c DIF311A.ZIP Diffs; update from MicroEMACS v3.11 to v3.11a MAKE.EXE Public domain MAKE MAKE.INI Init file for use with MAKE SPELLDOC.ARC MicroSPELL Spelling checker - documentation SPELLEXE.ARC MicroSPELL Spelling checker - EXE files SPELLSRC.ARC MicroSPELL Spelling checker - source code UE310110.ARC MicroEMACS 3.10 EXE - HP 110 MSDOS portable UE310150.ARC MicroEMACS 3.10 EXE - HP 150 MSDOS UE310TI.ARC MicroEMACS 3.10 EXE - Texas Inst. Professional UE310Z3.ARC MicroEMACS 3.10 EXE - Zenith 100 PC series UE311ANS.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 EXE - MSDOS w/ANSI graphics UE311C.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 C source code UE311CMD.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 Command and startup files UE311DOC.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 Docs in MSS format UE311H.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 Header and assembly files UE311IBM.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA UE311MAK.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 Makefiles and linkfiles UE311PS.ZIP MicroEMACS 3.11 Docs in PostScript format