ALUSQ.COM All purpose file un-Squeezer COMP430D.ZIP Unix-compatible 16bit compress/uncompress/zcat COMP430S.ZIP C src: Unix-compat. 16-bit compress/uncompress DDJCOMPR.ZIP Top 6 programs of DDJ data compression contest DECOMP2.ZIP Unix-compatible 16 bit uncompress, w/C source HUFF_SC.ZIP Huffman compress encoder/decoder, C src & EXEs LZ13.ARC Limpel-Ziv file compress/decompress w/ASM src LZWPC.ARC Lemple-Zev Compression Routines in C NUSQ110.COM File unsqueezer, used with SQPC NUSQ110.DQC Documentation for NUSQ110.COM PCUSQNEW.BAS Unsqueeze files, GWBASIC/BASICA RLE16_SC.ZIP RLE compression (16-bit header), C src & EXEs RLE8_SC.ZIP RLE compression (8-bit header), C src & EXEs SPLINT.ARC Data compression for 'C' from Japan SQDATE.DOC Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc. SQPC131.ARC Vernon Buerg's fast file squeezer, like NSQ U16_V12.ARC Decompress pgm for 16-bit LZW from 'COMPRESS' UNCR_DOS.ARC Uncrunch CP/M '?Z?' crunched files UNCR233.ARC Uncrunch CP/M 'Z' files on MSDOS, w/wild cards