ATMEM10.ZIP Identify VGA BIOS and report in environment CVD30.ZIP Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required FONTEDIT.ZIP Edit VGA text fonts interactively with mouse FONTPACK.ZIP A collection of VGA text-mode screen fonts PCUBE1.ZIP Puts pictures on a rotating cube, 386/VGA req. PINMAP.ZIP Info: VGA video adapter cable pin connections QUIXX.ZIP VGA screen blanker. Warped grid bounces around TRUEVIEW.ZIP 336x260x256K colors viewer of PCX/GIF/TIFF/BMP TWEAK10.ZIP Interactive tweaking of VGA w/src & examples UVESA32.ZIP Universal VESA driver for most SuperVGA cards VBALLS11.ZIP VGA Palette animation (BGI) w/src,exe v1.1 VFNTED10.ZIP Edit VGA text fonts interactively with mouse VFONT436.ZIP Alternate fonts for VGA/MCGA VGA2EPS.ZIP Capture VGA 640x350/640x480 screen to EPS file VGACAP81.ZIP Capture & Bsave VGA/MCGA/SVGA palettes/screens VGADOC2.ZIP Documentation on how to program SuperVGA disp. VGAGRAB.ZIP Resident VGA screen grabber, with TP6.0 source VGAKIT52.ZIP VGAKIT 5.2b, programmer's toolkit for SVGA/VGA VGAMAX.ZIP Font/Palette utilities, get most from VGA card VGAMETER.ZIP VGA color palette viewer (mouse optional) VGAPRN.ZIP Print 320x200x256 VGA picture in 7 gray shades VGAUTILS.ZIP VGA display adapter/monitor setup/test utils VSAVE200.ZIP VGAsave v2.00: Freeware VGA screen saver